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  On 1/27/2021 at 7:27 PM, spaghettios said:

CONGRATS! Me too! I was so happy :~) Hopefully we'll hear from Scripps this week. This really has felt like it's been dragging on and on... 



  On 1/27/2021 at 7:21 PM, chembioapplicant_int said:

Still waiting on Scripps here, but got into Caltech :)


Seems like the three of us have had a very similar experience, were either of you at the Friday zoom call? Maybe we met?

  On 1/27/2021 at 9:01 PM, CoordinationChem said:

Guys, can anyone please tell me when the visitation weekends for Yale, Columbia, and Berkeley will be held?


Columbia’s are Feb 26th and March 12 with optional info sessions about apartment hunting and stuff on the corresponding Thursdays and Saturdays 

  On 1/27/2021 at 9:14 PM, ashortchemist said:

Honestly, it seems like the admissions cycle is starting to come to an end. Everyone in this thread has some great options and a lot of celebrate. 


Man, I’m still waiting on three! UCSD, UCI, and Stanford. It sounds like everyone will hear back from Stanford either way by Monday from past years. The other two, I’m not sure since there isn’t really a clear pattern. I still have some good offers though :)

  On 1/27/2021 at 9:24 PM, Fechef said:

Man, I’m still waiting on three! UCSD, UCI, and Stanford. It sounds like everyone will hear back from Stanford either way by Monday from past years. The other two, I’m not sure since there isn’t really a clear pattern. I still have some good offers though :)


UCI (Irvine, right?) is also SO spread out. I have friend there who got in mid Feb.  Stanford, I’m worried all that’s left is the slaughter day, based on how many admits have been posted so far and that they tend to do it all in one or two days. 

  On 1/27/2021 at 9:36 PM, ashortchemist said:

UCI (Irvine, right?) is also SO spread out. I have friend there who got in mid Feb.  Stanford, I’m worried all that’s left is the slaughter day, based on how many admits have been posted so far and that they tend to do it all in one or two days. 


Yes! I KNOW. It’s so stressful lol. I feel like I should get in based on stats, but it’s so random. I think if we don’t get admitted by the weekend, Stanford is a no. But it was also a reach for me, so that’s okay. 

  On 1/27/2021 at 10:51 PM, Fechef said:

Yes! I KNOW. It’s so stressful lol. I feel like I should get in based on stats, but it’s so random. I think if we don’t get admitted by the weekend, Stanford is a no. But it was also a reach for me, so that’s okay. 


Yeah I applied to Irvine too. I thought based on my current results I wouldn’t have trouble getting in but I haven’t heard anything yet. 

My friend who goes there had like a 3.2 in undergrad and was in my research lab on the same project. Sigh. 

Honestly, the worst part of this process is the rejections you know are coming but haven’t gotten yet. I have a couple rn.  It’s like waiting for a meteor to hit. 

  On 1/25/2021 at 9:30 PM, chem2021 said:

Thank you!! :) 


Hi! I just got response from Duke. PI told me that admission decisions this year are delayed until some time in Feb by mandate of the University. I'm not sure what that means and the "decisions" here just sound like official decisions sent after the virtual open house, since unofficial offer with open house invitation should be sent by the department first. Maybe just a nice PI wants to give a polite response which does not tell me directly that I was rejected...

  On 1/25/2021 at 7:31 PM, ashortchemist said:

Received offers from TAMU, VT,  and UCSC (interview) this weekend. 

Will very likely be accepting UNC Chapel Hill after the visit weekend in February! 

Still have a couple schools left but I prefer unc to all of them. Feeling pretty done with this cycle! Good luck to everyone else!


congrats! Tell us how the visit goes :)


If anyone is wondering about UMich, I received a rejection letter from the Chemistry department today.

However, I'm already accepted into their Biophysics department (prospective PI texted me before I got the official acceptance) and am being interviewed for their Chemical Biology department in February.

  On 1/27/2021 at 6:29 PM, fermidirac said:

Are you in organic track? does it matter which track someone has master out? and again is applying for PhD?


I was doing analytical chemistry research and now applying for labs doing  biophysics/physical/chemical biology. I like interdisciplinary work. I do not think your track plays a big role. However, you have to convince them that you would not do the same again. There is this baggage.


Hi y'all, wondering if I could get some perspective on this lil dilemma I'm facing:

I've heard from Texas A&M, Purdue, and UC Santa Cruz for inorganic/bioinorganic chemistry and I'm still waiting to hear anything from Columbia, MIT, Caltech, UC Berkeley, & Illinois. My pipe dream is either Columbia (where a prof who was foundational to my field has his lab) or Berkeley (my old PI went there for undergrad and they do crazy inorganic chemistry), but I'm being recruited quite strongly by A&M. I'm wondering since I haven't heard from these schools if this portends bad news, and I should just pull the trigger on A&M now. I ~think~ that I have a strong application and folks from my undergrad with nearly identical apps got acceptances from these schools, so perhaps there's a chance. But I'm curious if y'all think waiting for these other schools is a lost cause. Thanks in advance!

  On 1/28/2021 at 4:03 PM, bigredtootasty said:

Hi y'all, wondering if I could get some perspective on this lil dilemma I'm facing:

I've heard from Texas A&M, Purdue, and UC Santa Cruz for inorganic/bioinorganic chemistry and I'm still waiting to hear anything from Columbia, MIT, Caltech, UC Berkeley, & Illinois. My pipe dream is either Columbia (where a prof who was foundational to my field has his lab) or Berkeley (my old PI went there for undergrad and they do crazy inorganic chemistry), but I'm being recruited quite strongly by A&M. I'm wondering since I haven't heard from these schools if this portends bad news, and I should just pull the trigger on A&M now. I ~think~ that I have a strong application and folks from my undergrad with nearly identical apps got acceptances from these schools, so perhaps there's a chance. But I'm curious if y'all think waiting for these other schools is a lost cause. Thanks in advance!


It’s getting late in the cycle for most of those schools, BUT there’s no reason you can’t wait until April 15th or at least a couple more weeks until you know for sure about the rest of those schools. 

I get the urge to just pull the trigger and just be done, though. 



  On 1/28/2021 at 4:08 PM, ashortchemist said:

It’s getting late in the cycle for most of those schools, BUT there’s no reason you can’t wait until April 15th or at least a couple more weeks until you know for sure about the rest of those schools. 

I get the urge to just pull the trigger and just be done, though. 




I agree, I think you should wait for all visitation days. Who knows, you could hear from them in March!

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