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Sh*t people say when you are applying to grad school


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spouse: but you have a good job, how are you going to make money in grad school?

me: how about I only go if I get funded.

spouse: but will they give you enough to pay rent, utilities, and groceries for us?

me: <<shrug>> maybe enough to get by, but not much more...you know, I think there are two able-bodied adults in this house, though - since you're done with school you ***could*** try looking for a job...

spouse: yeah but...how much will you make when you get out?

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spouse: but you have a good job, how are you going to make money in grad school?

me: how about I only go if I get funded.

spouse: but will they give you enough to pay rent, utilities, and groceries for us?

me: <<shrug>> maybe enough to get by, but not much more...you know, I think there are two able-bodied adults in this house, though - since you're done with school you ***could*** try looking for a job...

spouse: yeah but...how much will you make when you get out?

Oh boy.

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I get a lot of "You already have a degree in meteorology. You don't need more school to get on tv and lie."

"-____- If I wanted to be on tv, I'd be doing it right now. I want to research."

"You can do that?"

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I'm personally getting WAY tired of the, "You have great grades! Why are you worried? You're definitely going to get in!" line.

Or along that general line of thought- that somehow I'm being dumb for being worried. I'm allowed to be worried, dangit!

Conversely, I'm less offended and more amused by people who outright question my sanity for applying to grad schools. Probably because I agree with them - this is a totally insane process!

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As both a psychology graduate and an identical twin I frequently get told I should research twin telepathy/ ESP/ mind reading etc. (rather than 'boring' bog standard cog psych). I now just run with it and humour them, it makes for some "interesting" conversations when I have the patience :P

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When telling my mother the list of schools I'm applying to, all out of state and some 1000+ miles away:

Mom: Why don't you just apply to universities in our state or at the out of state univeristy that is only 2 hours away?

Me: I had no research matches with any of them.

Mom: What do you mean research matches?

Me: I mean that our research interests are compatible.

Mom: Why do so few schools have research matches for you?

Me: Because I have a specific research interest and it isn't in vogue like depression or anxiety disorders...

Mom: Why don't you just change your research interests to one of those, then?

Me: tumblr_mdshmbg3Je1ro2d43.gif

Mom: I still think you should go to medical school.

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Haha, oh moms.

mom: so have you decided what you're going to major in in grad school?

me: uh, I told you that's not how it works....

mom: huh?? So you're just going to decide when you get there?

me: Well, I'm pretty set on neuroscience, but maybe I'll switch to comparative lit. Anything could happen in grad school.

several hours later

sister: mom says you're getting a phd in compartive lit??

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Like mewtoo, I am starting to get the "Why can't you stay closer to home?" questions as news slowly spreads to the family that I have been unofficially accepted to the big in-state school.

Me: Well... Their research interests are not as ideal as other schools...

Person B: What does that mean? Isn't it all the same?


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I haven't told many people that I am applying. I have told my spouse, and letter writers, but I haven't told more than 4 others, if that many. Honestly, I have told only people who I knew would be very supportive and understand the process. I have been tempted to share with others a few times, but the comments from this thread help me keep my mouth shut. I am sure it will come up when I see people over the holiday and then I will tell. But right now I am enjoying not having to explain the logic behind my decision.

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I haven't told many people that I am applying. I have told my spouse, and letter writers, but I haven't told more than 4 others, if that many. Honestly, I have told only people who I knew would be very supportive and understand the process. I have been tempted to share with others a few times, but the comments from this thread help me keep my mouth shut. I am sure it will come up when I see people over the holiday and then I will tell. But right now I am enjoying not having to explain the logic behind my decision.

I really wished I'd read this before I told people. I am barely holding it together as it is with all the anxiety of waiting, and having to explain this to people or listen to, "of course you'll get in everywhere you applied!" is going to push me over the edge soon. And I've unfortunately found out a couple people who I thought were great friends are not at all supportive of this, which may or may not be due to their own ability to cope with the thought of me moving across the country, but it still hurts and doesn't help the fragile emotional state I'm in.

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I haven't told many people that I am applying. I have told my spouse, and letter writers, but I haven't told more than 4 others, if that many. Honestly, I have told only people who I knew would be very supportive and understand the process. I have been tempted to share with others a few times, but the comments from this thread help me keep my mouth shut. I am sure it will come up when I see people over the holiday and then I will tell. But right now I am enjoying not having to explain the logic behind my decision.

Same here. Other than letter writters there's less than 5 people who know I'm applying.

One of the wisest decisions I ever made. (now just to figure out how to navigate the holidays without having to tell anyone else about this)

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At my weekly poker game, then at a weekly trivia night.

Friend - "Heard anything yet?" Me - "Nope." Friend - "Oh well <insert any number of comments in this thread which are awkward>." Me - "Yeah."

Twice a week, rinse and repeat, for the last two months and I would assume for at least the next two months.

However, I do try to take this as a positive; if they didn't care, they wouldn't ask, right?

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My advisor: "If this was Vegas and I had to put money down I'd say you'll get into at least 3 programs you applied to"

Me: "Which ones?"

My advisor: "Oh, that's impossible to tell"

Me: "Dude, this ain't Vegas"

My advisor: "That's true.."

Me: "I'm applying to SUNY Stony Brook"

Thesis committee member: "Now you're gonna have to get used to riding that damn train to NYC every weekend..."

Me: "..."

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Them: "You did great on the GRE! Of course you'll get in everywhere."

Me: "Well, that's not the only thing they look at. In fact, it's probably the least important part of the application."

Them: "Oh, well, what do they look at then?"

Me: "Research experience."

Them: "You have that!"

Me: "Not enough. Some people have publications already."

Them: "Oh. How do they expect you to do that?"

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Okay, I'm bored so, here goes (true convo, btw):

Person: Oh...you're applying to grad school, where?

Me: I really want to go to California.

Person: Where in Cali? I applied there.

Me: Uhmm...I'm looking at UCLA, USC and some others

Person: Hmm..and you think you're gonna get in?

Me: I don't know, I know it's competitive, but I really like Cali.

Person:You want to go to UCLA? <_< I applied there, I didn't even get an interview...so....

Me: :angry:

My future conversation with this person (in my head, this is how it'll play out):

Me: Hey, I got into UCLA

Person: :o

Me: You mentioned you applied and didn't even get an interview right?...so....

I have a feeling this scenario won't happen either A) i won't get in or B ) I'm not that vindictive.

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