nugget Posted April 30, 2013 Posted April 30, 2013 My family is something else. I only told them about grad school after I got in so I wouldn't have to hear them discouraging me from applying for an entire year. After telling them that I had applied and was accepted, and even managed to save up half of the money I needed to go back to school (as scholarships are rare in my program).... Instead of congrats.... Why don't you work some more, save up all of the money you need and apply again? Yeah, right.... Last year the cut-off was a B+ and 2 years of work experience. This year is was A- and 3-5 yrs of experience. Maybe by the time I save up it'll be an A plus 10 yrs of experience. Sheesh!!!!
margarets Posted April 30, 2013 Posted April 30, 2013 My family is something else. I only told them about grad school after I got in so I wouldn't have to hear them discouraging me from applying for an entire year. After telling them that I had applied and was accepted, and even managed to save up half of the money I needed to go back to school (as scholarships are rare in my program).... Instead of congrats.... Why don't you work some more, save up all of the money you need and apply again? Yeah, right.... Last year the cut-off was a B+ and 2 years of work experience. This year is was A- and 3-5 yrs of experience. Maybe by the time I save up it'll be an A plus 10 yrs of experience. Sheesh!!!! I can relate. I'm the first person in my family to get a degree of any kind. Most of them really have no idea what is involved in getting a bachelor's, let alone a master's. They think it's nice that I got in, but don't really see it as an achievement. Blake091 1
SLPjmar Posted May 1, 2013 Posted May 1, 2013 My personal favorite is "If they aren't paying you to get your degree, you aren't Masters material." Well. Excuse me. I'm sorry speech-pathology isn't funded AT ALL. Doesn't mean I'm not a wonderful candidate. Goobah 1
pears Posted May 2, 2013 Posted May 2, 2013 My personal favorite is "If they aren't paying you to get your degree, you aren't Masters material." Well. Excuse me. I'm sorry speech-pathology isn't funded AT ALL. Doesn't mean I'm not a wonderful candidate. ugh, i hear that all the time, too, and it grinds my gears. archaeology barely gets enough funding in the U.S. to cover (very worthwhile) projects, let alone pay terminal M.A. students to attend. not all of us are lucky enough to be pursuing top-10 MBA programs with so much money they'll jet you around the globe for training... csibaldwin 1
midnight Posted May 5, 2013 Posted May 5, 2013 My personal favorite is "If they aren't paying you to get your degree, you aren't Masters material." Well. Excuse me. I'm sorry speech-pathology isn't funded AT ALL. Doesn't mean I'm not a wonderful candidate. Whoever's saying that to you is obviously unfamiliar with SLP master's programs. I know you already know this, but gauging from the SLP applicants here on GC, it seems like very few SLP master's programs offer sizable funding, and I only know of one person on the entire board who received full funding. Even $30K a year at Northwestern, one of the very generous reward offers that I saw, doesn't completely cover their tuition! My program has a handful of opportunities for TA/GA positions and doesn't offer any other funding at all. Guess I'm not "master's material," either.
MikKar Posted May 20, 2013 Posted May 20, 2013 ^ I'm international; no one wants to fund me!! Graduate students are funded ? oopalfrootz 1
Beckert Posted September 30, 2013 Posted September 30, 2013 "I know so many disasspointed PhDs right now" I am an academic and probably insane since I think I will enjoy doing my PhD (not all of it, but becoming an expert in my field of interest) so this really bothers me. I will find a job one way or another, I am stubborn like that., socioholic 1
gatsbysghost Posted November 3, 2013 Posted November 3, 2013 Mom: "Oh, I'm sure you'll get into every school you applied to." Me: "That is literally a statistical impossibility." Brisingamen and Mattie Roh 2
rachelcl Posted November 4, 2013 Posted November 4, 2013 Just discovered this thread and I love it. Hi, all People: What did you study in undergrad? Me: Psychology and French. People: So you want to psychoanalyze French people? I have heard that exact response at least ten times. It amazes me that that's the phrasing they go to and everything. socioholic, music and Brisingamen 3
Jungshin Posted November 7, 2013 Posted November 7, 2013 ^ I'm international; no one wants to fund me!! Hah I know how you feel. Finding a spot as an international student is difficult. It costs supervisors double the money of domestic students if you don't bring your own funding. music 1
TravelBug92 Posted November 10, 2013 Posted November 10, 2013 "I'm sure you'll get in somewhere! You applied to the same amount of schools I did for undergrad and I got into them!" "Why aren't you looking at [insert high-ranked school, but in something I'm not looking in to]?" "You really like to have your ass kicked, don't you?" "Ha. Have fun with those loans!" Tell me something I don't know.
123hardasABC Posted November 11, 2013 Posted November 11, 2013 Why I've stopped sharing my bit of good news: "So you're applying for graduate school?" "Yup! For a Masters program though." "Did you hear back from anywhere yet?" "Yeah, the graduate program at Icahn School of Medicine" "So you're gonna go to medical school?!?" Oh my.....
jamesshaffer85 Posted November 11, 2013 Posted November 11, 2013 I always knew people are so similar in so many ways I've already heard nearly everything enlisted here. My personal favorite is: "Everything will be ok even if you don't get anywhere." Thanks, it's exactly what I didn't want to think of. CrimsonEyes 1
DiVitaJ Posted November 11, 2013 Posted November 11, 2013 I keep hearing, 'of course you'll get in, you are good enough' - despite me knowing one or two areas where my application could be more competitive [such as: no independent research opportunities for undergrads at my uni. period. I've asked!]. It is gonna make me feel really bad if I don't get in anywhere!
gellert Posted November 11, 2013 Posted November 11, 2013 (edited) "I don't know why you're so nervous; of course you'll get in everywhere! You have the most amazing CV I've ever seen! Stop being such a downer." (yeah. they said that in fall 2012 cycle, too and guess how many funded Ph.D. programs I was accepted to.) Edited November 11, 2013 by gellert
StatsNerd Posted November 26, 2013 Posted November 26, 2013 An actual convo with a "friend"... "Friend": Why are you applying to 14 schools? Don't you have a 4.0 GPA? Me: yeah, but so do most of the other people applying. "Friend": You're so smart though! I don't see how you could not get in when you're applying to THAT many schools?!?" Me: Actually, I was advised to apply to even more. It's super competitive in my field. First you have to be invited to interview, then you have to "pass" the interview. So many hoops to jump through. "Friend": Oh, they do interviews?? Then I see why you're scared. You're kind of socially awkward and not great at talking to people. um.... yeah. I already knew that, but thanks. sunpenguin and Eco PlantGirl 2
gellert Posted November 26, 2013 Posted November 26, 2013 Verbatim: "to not be accepted just isn't a possibility xx" and "They would be crazy not to take you. I'm in awe of your accomplishments and I'm sure others will see it too." Heard this all before.
Mattie Roh Posted November 27, 2013 Posted November 27, 2013 "You'll get in! Why don't you think you'll get in?!" (said in a sympathetic voice as if I just have low self esteem or something) aldoushuxley 1
Monochrome Spring Posted December 3, 2013 Posted December 3, 2013 "Oh, you want to go to Michigan State University? Why not University of Michigan?" "Did you know it's cold in Michigan?" Brisingamen, nutmehg, sunpenguin and 2 others 5
Karley Young Posted December 7, 2013 Posted December 7, 2013 I think it's hilarious when my friends who are all in the same boat as me say "You're guaranteed to get in somewhere!" when they know that that is not true! Another personal favorite comes from people I interact with outside of school. "Oh you want to study biology, I actually know a lot about that!" Then proceed to tell me everything that is wrong with our education system by attempting to explain biology to me.
Cabernet Posted December 7, 2013 Posted December 7, 2013 (edited) @ snes 1. "You spent all day on your applications? You're still not finished?" Hahah that's my fav! Edited December 7, 2013 by Cabernet sunpenguin and gellert 2
gellert Posted December 8, 2013 Posted December 8, 2013 @ snes 1. "You spent all day on your applications? You're still not finished?" Hahah that's my fav! My RA is always asking me whether I've finished my apps or not, and she's constantly surprised when the answer is "no," even if it's only been 6 hours.
pohks Posted December 8, 2013 Posted December 8, 2013 My mom told me yesterday that she secretly hopes that I don't get in anywhere, as that would increase the probability that I return to my home country (I'm abroad now). Thanks mom!
JJ610 Posted December 9, 2013 Posted December 9, 2013 I can relate to almost all of these! Here are a couple of my other favorites: Them: "Isn't one of your degrees in Zoology? Why do you need a PhD to be a zoo keeper?" Me: "I don't want to be a zoo keeper. I want to do animal behavior/cognition research." Them: "Oh so you want to be like a dog trainer or something? You need a PhD for that?" Me: "Yep! You got it!........." Old women: "Oh but hunny, you're so pretty! I don't know why you bother with all of this school stuff. You could easily just marry a rich doctor." Me: "Or I could just be a doctor (of sorts) myself." Old women: "You're right, hunny. It's just so much unnecessary work." Me: blank stare..... PhDplease! and shelbyelisha 2
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