Twas Brillig Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Hi twasbrilling, would you mind answering some questions? 1) Do you have a master's? 1a) If not, What undergraduate university did you attend? 2) Area of Interest No worries if you don't want to answer, I'm just curious. No problem: I would be happy to answer. I am a fourth year undergraduate at an American liberal arts college. My main interests are in mind, language, and epistemology, but I have side interests in the history of philosophy (My writing sample was on Leo Strauss's reading of Maimonides). Twas Brillig and flybottle 2
riverstyx Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 (edited) That was me, to confirm. Email was sent at 1:32 PM EST, so I'm not sure what to make of the fact that other notifications aren't posted as of yet. Given that I didn't receive it until much later, I would have thought others would have beaten me to it. Thanks for posting the details and congratulations to you. Maybe you were the only one on here among those waiting for CUNY notices who actually got accepted. Maybe everyone else is waitlisted or denied. If you received a notice at 1:32pm EST that means a long time has elapsed for other acceptances to go out. But as Ian Faircloud pointed out, far fewer people are using the gradcafe forums this year than last, so maybe that's a factor here. Who knows. But I see that some people who post acceptances occasionally do so several days after actually receiving them. So it's possible that other posters have received acceptances but are just late about posting them to the forum. Who knows. One of my professors said he "knows someone" at Miami, where I'm waitlisted, and he will "put in a good word for me." As if that is likely to matter.... Edited February 28, 2015 by riverstyx
jailbreak Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Thanks for posting the details and congratulations to you. Maybe you were the only one on here among those waiting for CUNY notices who actually got accepted. Maybe everyone else is waitlisted or denied. If you received a notice at 1:32pm EST that means a long time has elapsed for other acceptances to go out. But as Ian Faircloud pointed out, far fewer people are using the gradcafe forums this year than last, so maybe that's a factor here. Who knows. But I see that some people who post acceptances occasionally do so several days after actually receiving them. So it's possible that other posters have received acceptances but are just late about posting them to the forum. Who knows. One of my professors said he "knows someone" at Miami, where I'm waitlisted, and he will "put in a good word for me." As if that is likely to matter.... Well, I read the rest of the thread and Ian points out that CUNY has a history of taking several days to send out all the acceptances and waitlists (and rejections). I'm not sure why that would be the case if they're just being emailed out, but it seems consistent with no one posting -- with many of the other acceptances, I've witnessed a flurry of posts within a few minutes or hours of each other. So there's still hope as of yet.
riverstyx Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Well, I read the rest of the thread and Ian points out that CUNY has a history of taking several days to send out all the acceptances and waitlists (and rejections). I'm not sure why that would be the case if they're just being emailed out, but it seems consistent with no one posting -- with many of the other acceptances, I've witnessed a flurry of posts within a few minutes or hours of each other. So there's still hope as of yet. Maybe you're right. But the silence from CUNY about my application is consistent with the string of rejections I personally received so far. I think what you say may have validity for the other posters on here. But I imagine in my particular case, I am rejected, or waitlisted if I'm really really lucky. I haven't heard from Wisconsin either, but I can't imagine I'll have a chance there. They sent out acceptances, waitlists, and *a few* rejections. But like you said, some schools like CUNY just spread their notices out. I imagine I will hear from both Wisconsin and CUNY over the next 2-3 weeks. But I appreciate the optimistic and hopeful tone of your post. I received a master's degree from CUNY in philospohy myself a couple of years ago, but apparently my good performance there doesn't count for much in the final analysis. jailbreak 1
Eigen Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Nice to see that people are maturely taking my warning about appropriate forum behavior to heart. Down-voting a moderator warning people about abusing downvotes. Chai tea, MattDest, Twas Brillig and 5 others 1 7
Atropos Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 That post deserved more downvotes than it got, and now you keep chastising people in the forum...what sort of moderating would you call this? Do you want people to use this site? MattDest, jailbreak, ineedwine and 8 others 11
Eigen Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Just to be clear, I really don't care if you down-vote my post, I just thought the irony was quite funny. Apparently, it was not sufficient moderating, and instead of reminding people to be mature I should have moved straight to removing offensive posts, and warnings & suspensions. I seem to have overestimated the responsiveness of the posters here. PAFT, Hcarp, nietzxsche and 7 others 10
Chai tea Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Just to be clear, I really don't care if you down-vote my post, I just thought the irony was quite funny. Apparently, it was not sufficient moderating, and instead of reminding people to be mature I should have moved straight to removing offensive posts, and warnings & suspensions. I seem to have overestimated the responsiveness of the posters here. Perhaps that's a better idea moving forward. Because frankly, the way you're choosing to handle the situation seems (to me at least) rather immature, and even churlish. And, it's detracting from the purpose of this forum. Edit_Undo, PAFT, Twas Brillig and 4 others 7
Hcarp Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Just to say that I agree with Atropos and Chai Tea. Eigen almost sounded like he was trying to teach people how to use forums in a civilized manner. I found that to be slightly patronizing. jjb919, isostheneia and Page228 3
Twas Brillig Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Just to be clear, I really don't care if you down-vote my post, I just thought the irony was quite funny. Apparently, it was not sufficient moderating, and instead of reminding people to be mature I should have moved straight to removing offensive posts, and warnings & suspensions. I seem to have overestimated the responsiveness of the posters here. Eigen, your first two posts on this page received the downvotes they did because you evidently missed the reason people were reacting negatively to Nikolay's posts. I suggest that you take the time to read through his posts on this thread, starting from page 19. Nikolay claims to have gotten into UNC's top-ranked program, despite not having heard anything from their department; claims to have refuted intelligent design in his six-paragraph blog post; makes fun of other people's news of acceptances; and encourages another applicant to personally write to a professor at UChicago to inquire about the status of their UC Davis application. All of these things point to a pretty clear intent of provoking reactions and derailing the conversation: this is why most people on this forum are downvoting, rather than directly responding to, his posts. No one here is downvoting him because he is from a "non-US cultural background." Your last two posts received the downvotes they did because, frankly, they are infantile. I agree that there's some irony in the fact that your post about down-voting received plenty of downvotes itself, but this is nowhere as hilariously ironic as the fact that you are lecturing us on "being mature" all the while engaging in what's probably most passive-aggressive display of shit-throwing I have ever seen on this forum. Page228, jailbreak, jjb919 and 16 others 19
kosmo Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Does anyone know anything about what's going on at Stanford?
TheNaturalist Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Hey everyone, I see that there have been a number of acceptances to Illinois, Urbana-Champaign posted. I'm currently a grad student there, but will be transferring out. Let me know if you have any questions.
merivo Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Hey, If I haven't heard anything from JHU should I assume rejection? Or there is still a chance? What do you think? Ritwik 1
Hcarp Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Two CUNY acceptances posted. Congrats to those who got them! But I guess that's gloomy news for those of us waiting....
Nastasya_Filippovna Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Hey, If I haven't heard anything from JHU should I assume rejection? Or there is still a chance? What do you think? I AM WONDERING THE SAME THING
sidevans Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Hey, If I haven't heard anything from JHU should I assume rejection? Or there is still a chance? What do you think? Two CUNY acceptances posted. Congrats to those who got them! But I guess that's gloomy news for those of us waiting.... No word on Notre Dame either... Regarding JHU, if you haven't heard from them, it's not a good sign, since they've released acceptances and waitlists, all on the same day. I think they're probably through, but it's only been a day, so there's an outside chance that they'll contact a few more people. Regarding CUNY, I think there's a bit more hope, since they have a history of taking a few days to contact accepted applicants and because they don't appear to have released waitlists yet. Regarding Notre Dame, I take it to be a good sign if you haven't heard from them. If you didn't receive a generic rejection letter, and if there's still no decision on the application page, then it's quite possible you're on an internal waitlist, especially since there haven't been any waitlists posted on the results page. merivo 1
duckrabbit11 Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 No word on Notre Dame either... Yea, I'm in the same boat and assumed that I'm on something like a wait list. My only question would be how long it would be safe to guess this could last (hearing no word but possibly on a wait list)? Would it be out of the question to not hear anything until mid or late march? duckrabbit11 1
sidevans Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Yea, I'm in the same boat and assumed that I'm on something like a wait list. My only question would be how long it would be safe to guess this could last (hearing no word but possibly on a wait list)? Would it be out of the question to not hear anything until mid or late march? That wouldn't be out of the question. They sometimes don't tell people on internal waitlists of their status until fairly late (if ever). It would be reasonable to inquire about your status if you haven't heard as of mid-March.
MissingBlue Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 (edited) Does anyone know anything about what's going on at Stanford? No idea. It's getting very late in the season and their deadline was one of the earliest. Frustrating to say the least. Is it too early to start thinking of the possibility that none of the Stanford acceptees is active on Grad Cafe? Edited February 28, 2015 by missing_shade_of_blue
psm1580b Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Maybe I should take the initative and reject JHU before they reject me. Cecinestpasunphilosophe, Nastasya_Filippovna, Duns Eith and 2 others 5
merivo Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Maybe I should take the initative and reject JHU before they reject me. Let's reject them a priori!!! Hcarp, a_for_aporia and Nastasya_Filippovna 3
Hurrah (Philosophy)! Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 No news here either- what I really want to know is whether the rejections so far also have it updated on their MY UW page- that would be really helpful! I'm in the same position regarding UW Madison. I wouldn't be surprised if they resume sending out rejections after the weekend, though.
riverstyx Posted March 1, 2015 Posted March 1, 2015 Two CUNY acceptances posted. Congrats to those who got them! But I guess that's gloomy news for those of us waiting.... I just got finished looking through the posts from last year, and what people are saying about CUNY acceptances and waitlists is exactly right: CUNY tends to spread its acceptances and especially its waitlists out over a significant period of time. Its rejections, however, only came on 10 March of last year. They were not spread out like the acceptances and waitlists. Though I didn't look for years before 2014, I think that provides at least a little reason for hope. sidebysondheim and Hcarp 2
IWokeUpLikeThis Posted March 1, 2015 Posted March 1, 2015 I just declined an offer from JHU, hopefully this helps someone! Anyone planning on declining Cornell? :-D . merivo 1
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