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2018 Acceptances

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I got an e-mail from a professor at University of Arizona’s RCTE program asking for a good time to call/Skype and saying that he has great news regarding my application! What does this mean? Could this be a surprise interview or just a regular status notification? It doesn’t say anything about interview, but what if it is? And even if it’s not, what should I expect to hear and say? Oh god I wish they’d just send me a straight e-mail. I’m so awkward at phone calls.  

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1 hour ago, Mandasplaining said:

In at Kentucky! Got the phone call this afternoon! I’ve applied to 16 schools and gotten a couple of waitlists and a couple of rejections, but still have a lotttttt to hear from! 

Congratulations!! All the best for the other schools!

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32 minutes ago, bigfluffybearcat said:

I got an e-mail from a professor at University of Arizona’s RCTE program asking for a good time to call/Skype and saying that he has great news regarding my application! What does this mean? Could this be a surprise interview or just a regular status notification? It doesn’t say anything about interview, but what if it is? And even if it’s not, what should I expect to hear and say? Oh god I wish they’d just send me a straight e-mail. I’m so awkward at phone calls.  

I know two ppl got calls from Arizona today with acceptances so I would take it as a good sign!

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32 minutes ago, bigfluffybearcat said:

I got an e-mail from a professor at University of Arizona’s RCTE program asking for a good time to call/Skype and saying that he has great news regarding my application! What does this mean? Could this be a surprise interview or just a regular status notification? It doesn’t say anything about interview, but what if it is? And even if it’s not, what should I expect to hear and say? Oh god I wish they’d just send me a straight e-mail. I’m so awkward at phone calls.  

I think they normally reject via e-mail and try to accept via phone when possible. Maybe you've won a special fellowship?

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3 hours ago, Bennenador said:

I ran it past my professor, and she said it was acceptable to ask. (I too wanted to make sure I wasn't being obnoxious!) I wrote something like this in my email: "Recently, I received an acceptance with funding from Carnegie Mellon University. However, I am still very interested in Purdue University's program. If possible, may I please know the status of my application?"

So if you want to make yourself feel better, you could always preface your inquiry with "I received an acceptance from XYZ University..."

Yes, Purdue has an unofficial waitlist. In the  TAship letter, they said they'd "appreciate it" if we could notify them of our decisions by March 1st, so expect more offers to be made after then 

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2 hours ago, chellyfish_ said:

I wasn't the one yesterday, but I got an acceptance from UC Riverside yesterday too!  Related to this, I'm such an applicant noob that I have nooooo idea what to say to them when I call in person to talk about the financial package.  Email just said that she'd love to talk in person to explain the financial support and answer questions about the department as a whole -- first part is self-explanatory but are there things I should be asking in the second? Currently my brain is just making a dumb buzzing noise :lol:

I’m so excited for you! Riverside is so cool. The faculty there are doing some really interesting research. CONGRATS! Also, I think we applied to a bunch of the same schools ?

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1 hour ago, evanmarie said:

Just to clarify, no admissions news has been sent out by Penn! I am taking a few courses in the department now (live in Philly) and a professor mentioned that they are waiting to send out. 

Sweet! Thank you for sharing. That's excellent insider knowledge.

Also, being a Masshole myself, I'm curious: Which UMass were you accepted to?

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54 minutes ago, renea said:

I know two ppl got calls from Arizona today with acceptances so I would take it as a good sign!


53 minutes ago, Warelin said:

I think they normally reject via e-mail and try to accept via phone when possible. Maybe you've won a special fellowship?

Wooott, thanks for this, good to know! I hope it’s indeed an acceptance, but I can at least relax knowing it’s probably not an interview. It won’t be another 12 hours before I can make the call, though. Timezone sucks. 

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2 hours ago, Mandasplaining said:

In at Kentucky! Got the phone call this afternoon! I’ve applied to 16 schools and gotten a couple of waitlists and a couple of rejections, but still have a lotttttt to hear from! 

Congrats! If you don't mind me asking, did you apply for the PhD or MA program? Kentucky is my top choice so I'm going to be a nervous wreck for the next couple days! 

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1 hour ago, JustPoesieAlong said:

I'm in at UNC-Chapel Hill!!! This was my number one!!! Omg!!!


12 minutes ago, Isocrates2.o said:

I'm in at Miami! They sent me an email stating I'd have a decision posted to their online portal in 48 hours. Exactly 48 hours later, an acceptance! Happy to possibly join this program. Best of luck to everyone else. 

Yesssss congratulations!!!

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1 hour ago, Isocrates2.o said:

I'm in at Miami! They sent me an email stating I'd have a decision posted to their online portal in 48 hours. Exactly 48 hours later, an acceptance! Happy to possibly join this program. Best of luck to everyone else. 


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Thank y'all so much! I honestly keep looking back at the email to be sure they sent it to the right person. My undergrad is a small, unranked university; I didn't go to a top 100 program for my MA, and my GRE/GPA aren't really a lot to write home about. Anything is seriously possible! 

Also, this was me opening that email:

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5 hours ago, JustPoesieAlong said:

OMG! I am so happy for you! Did you get an email? Some of us hopefuls have been trying to determine if they sent out all acceptances at once or if we still have a chance. Huge congrats though!!!

First: congrats on UNC! 

5 hours ago, eliserichelle said:

Congrats!!!  That's amazing.  Who was the email from?  Did it look like they're sending them all out at once, or are they personalized?  Thanks!!

Second, for y’all: the email was pretty generic and unpersonalized

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