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Everything posted by maurmaur

  1. Did they talk to you guys about placements? That is the thing I think I want to know more about. I want to know if it is possible to do placements in like Portland at hospitals and such.
  2. Pacific? How do you think it went? Also would possibly mind telling me a tiny bit about how you felt about the tour? I missed out on the in-person thing due to money!
  3. I didn't apply to any schools that interview and ask content questions (things I need to reference my coursework for). So I generally prepare a little each day and then 3-4 days before the interview I discuss possible questions with family and friends and what my answer might be and if it's good. I also talk to someone about questions I might want to ask the people interviewing me to make sure they aren't questions that are too out there. I usually research the school more to get a better feel and feel more comfortable. There are of course people who can just do interviews without preparation but I have anxiety so full research mode gets turned on.
  4. I check in on how I'm feeling a few times a day (have anxiety - can help, I don't know) but a lot of times I'm like why does it feel like I had too much coffee and no food like extra shaky in the background anxiety. It's the waiting game
  5. Yes they share facilities but they aren't the same program. Different schools, different programs.
  6. Yeah, mine is March 2nd, and it said Group B on the initial email so maybe there's groups? I interviewed there last year and was in Group D so unless they just add that to make us confused (which I doubt), I assume there going to do it in waves.
  7. I kind of doubt it really could make a difference simply because those who can afford to go or live nearby are then given an advantage of some sort. I got one from Northeastern a little while ago but haven't got a response about being accepted or not yet.
  8. How I feel to a tee just wrote my response at work so I couldn't be as eloquent
  9. Honestly? I am not comparing myself to any of these people. No offense to any of you, you're all great. And we're all in this together and that's why it's helpful. I'm not in college anymore. I mean I am but no one I talk to on a regular basis is waiting for decisions like this. No one fully understands the anxiety I feel than everyone else here. And that makes this place awesome. im filling most of my anxiety with research about the cities the colleges are in. It's fun
  10. Yeah I was waitlisted last year and got a letter but I was thinking maybe they didn't do that this year for some reason.
  11. Use the gradcafe survey page! People will post if/when they're accepted or rejected or waitlisted. You can also look back pages and see kind of when they let people know last year. I just search speech by date and then I can see every school at once
  12. Yeah overall if you don't want to do social work, that's cool too! But there are thousands of SLPs, I'm sure there are many that came from social work. Honestly, they probably come from everywhere at one point if that makes sense
  13. Honestly, this site helps with the anxiety. I don't know why. I think it's because I know tough it is to get in so seeing other people freak out/get in is helpful. Also it helps to know I'm not alone. I know I really won't know until a month from now, but I just want to get there now! I'm trying to get ahead on assignments and watch a lot of movies and read more to pass the time but that doesn't always work
  14. I feel like I check these forums and the survey page constantly. I've been trying to figure out ways to avoid this anxiety. Let me know if you think of any!
  15. Thanks! My problem is knowing which are medical based without it being obvious or them telling you. Like UW has a MedSLP program for instance but like does ASU have a lot of medical settings you can end up in? i think this thread is the same (either way it's helpful), but I'm not sure
  16. Hello! I know it might be easier to email every school, but I was wondering for programs that don't really tell you which way they lean or have placements written out anywhere, which schools are you aware of that either have more medical based clinical placements or rehabs or are near hospitals you know are possible clinical placements? And I guess how willing are programs willing to work with you in general in terms of placements?
  17. Oh and going off of this idea, it helps you grow as a clinician and person to recognize and be able to serve more needs than just speech. Of course, if just an SLP you cannot do what a social worker does, but you are able to empathize better understanding another aspect of that client's life. For instance, as an ABA therapist who works with kids who cannot really tell me what they like to play with or do when they aren't there, I use other team members and their parents as a resource. It shows you're good with teamwork and collaboration.
  18. Got it, makes sense. I feel comfortable saying that they're broad questions of overall stuff. Not specifically clinical or academic.
  19. Also find out when the like intro to linguistics class is offered and if it's big enough, go sit in on it.
  20. I once had a PhD candidate said if you were anything other than speech, a science-y major looks good. She said it's because speech people sometimes shy away from science. I haven't found that to be the case at all. Honestly, only GPA seems to matter. I was a, wait for it, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science major with an emphasis in language and communication sciences. My point is: if social work is what you would love to learn about more, do that. Also I wouldn't say social work is entirely unrelated to SLP. I work at a pediatric clinic for kids with autism and there are several kids who are also going through family stuff. There's another organization in my city who also works with people with autism and sometimes houses those who are given up by their parents. Take advantage of doing a 4 year degree and learn about what you want to learn about.
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