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Psychoplasmics last won the day on January 11 2021

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About Psychoplasmics

  • Birthday July 25

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    Neuropsychology and Health Disparities
  • Application Season
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  • Program
    Ph.D. Counseling Psychology

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  1. It's that time of year! Please use the following format-Official Site Name:Speciality Track or Site (e.g., for consortiums):Date Invitation Received:Method of Invitation (Phone call, personal/mass email):Interview Dates Offered:
  2. Just a quick reminder: There are programs that are just beginning the process of reviewing applications. I imagine some have not begun yet. Practice self-care during this stressful time. Do things you enjoy (to the best of your ability). Flesh out your Plan B. Many of us needed multiple cycles of applications to finally get into programs. I needed 3. Your timeline is your own. Despite how it feels, you are not in competition. Be well and good luck!
  3. I don't envy you guys going through the application process during a global pandemic. I would like to ease your anxiety, if I can. Many programs, if not most programs, are taking longer to respond this year. There are COVID-related complications to contend with that impact any number of the processes attached to doctoral admissions. Please be gentle with yourselves! Your situation is unique and cannot be compared to past cohorts.
  4. It is still very early in the season. Many programs are taking longer to make decisions due to a multitude of factors.
  5. Good luck this application cycle, everyone!
  6. More than likely the programs will not know you've applied to both unless they are housed in the same college. Clinical psych is typically housed in colleges of psychology while counseling psych is typically housed in colleges of education. There are exceptions to this rule, however.
  7. Specialization in neuropsychology typically begins during pre- and post-doc internships (i.e., after doctoral [coursework] training). However, there are certain courses and clinical experiences you will need to accrue in order to qualify for internships. After completing your internships and becoming a licensed psychologist, you would need to be certified by one of the two neuropsych boards to be competitive in the market. If you google Neuropsychology Houston guidelines, you will see exactly what's required. https://legacy.abpp.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=3402
  8. If you lack prerequisites, I would suggest taking them at a JC or community college or even a local college. You do not need another degree. Your best course of action is probably picking up the prerequisite courses you need and gaining as much research experience as possible. Focus your interest and be prepared to answer questions about your unusual path to doctoral studies. It's actually not that unusual. Many people come to psychology after beginning careers in unrelated fields.
  9. You raise such a good point. It's very easy to overlook the importance of a positive relationship, but it comes to bear immediately and lasts beyond the time you complete your program. My mentor is still actively involved with her mentees from years past.
  10. I bought some materials the second time and paid for an expensive online class the third time.
  11. 3 cycles for a funded Ph.D. program. Took the GRE 3 times (didn't change at all, really), took the Psych GRE twice (score went up a lot).
  12. Hang in there, everyone. I was in your shoes last year and I know that it can be nerve racking and exciting and confusing and aggravating, but I can tell you it's worth it in the end. It took me 3 tries. In retrospect, I wouldn't have it any other way. Good luck to everyone!
  13. For clinical psychology, 14 applications is perfectly reasonable. The competition is fierce in this area! Counseling Psychology programs are more likely to take applicants with masters degrees than Clinical. There are exceptions. You would need to look at admissions stats for each program which can be found on their websites.I wound up doing a research focused masters degree and a clinical one to make my profile more attractive. I got into my number one program last fall.What I really focused on this last time around was being strategic about the POIs and programs to which I applied, contacting POIs sometimes a year before applying (I was able to exchange emails, have phone calls, Skype calls, and in-person meetings with many), obtaining bullet-proof recommendations from professors that know me well and can speak to my strengths at length, and crafting the best SOP/PS that accurately reflected my interests and career aspirations. Basically, I have devoted myself to being the best candidate I can be and recognizing that the rest is totally up to chance. Last thing is I opened myself up to Counseling Psychology programs as well. The degree leads to the same licensure.
  14. Dr. Ashley Randall at Arizona State University's counseling psychology program researches this area.
  15. I absolutely love how supportive this community can be.
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