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Everything posted by Boolakanaka

  1. This will give you an inkling where you need to score on the MCAT to have a legitimate chance at admission —in short, your chances greatly improve with an MCAT over 510 or in the 85th percentile of higher, see:https://www.aamc.org/download/321508/data/factstablea23.pdf
  2. Three doctors in the family (wife and two girls), I will say the single biggest item will be killing the MCAT.
  3. For academia outside of law, the J.D. is not considered a terminal degree. Now, there are a few programs in law that do offer a PhD, however they are quite rarified and extremely competitive, see: https://law.yale.edu/studying-law-yale/degree-programs/graduate-programs/phd-program I would venture to say that these degrees would be considered on the same level in non-law topics....
  4. I would say it really depends on the type of legal job you seek to pursue after graduation: boutique, large law firm, federal government, think tank...etc. I have worked all of the former positions, (I have practiced for over 20 years) so, I would say it’s important even during graduate school to somehow still be connected to the legal community, so that you have the dexterity to move in that direction upon graduation.
  5. Mildly. Probably the more impactful feature is where you went to law school, thus a T14 school will yield the most initial responses, and if you went to a really tippy top school, you could have literally dozens of job offers. I should preface by saying that I am making the assumption that you would be interested in pursuing jobs on the legal side....
  6. @DistantMirror Two biggest criteria for law are GPA and LSAT, and this is especially true for T14 schools. I have served on admission committees at two law schools (both more or less top 40 schools). For the tippy top schools, YLS, HLS, Stanford, 170 plus is the norm on the LSAT.....and many bring significant prior careers to the table (I know of both Pulitzer Prize winners and Generals), but many do as well.
  7. I think the most recent event occurring at Yale, concerning two graduate students are fairly emblematic of the type of micro-aggressions that have become far too frequent and common in higher education. The concerned person appears to have a history of calling law enforcement on people of color and utilizes the threat and institution of a police force as an instrument for her obvious bias against certain groups of people. In some ways, it highlights and provides a real-time example and snapshot of the environment and circumstances in which people of color have to endure, even at a place as storied, progressive and erudite as Yale—all together sad. See—https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2018/05/10/yale-responds-after-black-student-reported-for-napping-in-common-room/
  8. To this end, and in similar promotion of its pedigree, the world’s most selective and prestigious (arguably) law school, YLS, has its own undergraduate university as being most represented in its student body.
  9. Hmmmn, I’m at once skeptical and dubious about non-students of color commenting on the legitimacy and/or the frequency of such events for students of color. One of my main reservations about attending Duke, was the feedback I received from more than a few students of color—in short, it was not flattering or encouraging, and was told by more than one student to consider attendance elsewhere.
  10. @ChristoWitch87 While I don’t have a great deal of background in the realm of seminaries/DS, I have had a fairly successful career and would comment on two items; the longevity of a career and the quality of education. I can certainly see your trepidation in having to delay your career path by a year and a half, but would say given the duration of contemporary careers (folks frequently work well into their 60s and 70s, especially in this career path), in the long run, it’s fairly negligible and will seem like a minor blip on the screen in 8-10 years. I think the second point will be profoundly more impactful; given that you have already completed studies at YDS, the relative quality and depth of education will be noticeable and affect your time at the local institution. Much like riding in a nice car, going back to the commuter pass can be revealing and at time frustrating. Also, if you do harbor aspirations of a PhD down the road, it would mitigate those options. Finally, if you do go to Union...we can be drinking buddies-wink!
  11. From a structure and organizational level, I would be a bit more cognizant of your paragraph size, i.e., think about paring them down.
  12. Just a quick note, I attended the opening program for the UTS “intersections” event and it was announced that everyone in attendance was being formally offered admission—so, woot woot. I guess the next coming days and weeks, will offer all of us some clarity where we will be in the fall..
  13. @la_modI meant “primary home” as sort of a homebase, where maybe more things and support systems are located. We did it through medical residences and several fellowships, and even a couple of different jobs....
  14. @la_mod It’s certainly doable. Have done it several times during my marriage—bi-costal.It does take a certain personality and we always kept a primary home...
  15. Yup. 25 years as a Native rights attorney and some youngins in college, although both near graduation. I’m very fortunate to be married to a physician who is very supportive of me going back to school—as she initially commented “hey, in terms of a midlife crisis, you could be buying some obnoxious car (several of my buddies have gone all out and bought Teslas in recent years) in some ridiculous color, so this is fairly nerdy and benign mid-life crisis.”
  16. @kaaat The last statement is so true...when I first applied to law schools, I didn’t really have admission stats in hand, and was just sort of bumbling along, but yet still got into 4 out of 6 schools. In fact, I don’t think I gave it too much thought about not getting in, at present, I almost have too much information.....tho, the board is of great service and comfort. Fingers crossed!
  17. Right across the street, nice boutique hotel called the study-see: https://www.thestudyatyale.com/?gclid=CjwKCAiAtorUBRBnEiwAfcp_Yxzn41_wuVjgZ2v0OK9EbrI0tw-hEotwvCnpzcl4bvHKxDClg4YC-BoCJbkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  18. I was reading some earlier post, I think from a year ago, that folks invited to the Union intersection event are usually offered admission—does anyone know if that was just an anecdotal observation or whether there is some truth to this....anyone? I thought it was just a chance to get to know faculty and students, and take in some classes.....
  19. @kaaat Wow, indeed, that full-ride from Vandy is awfully compelling—and that’s a nice chit to be holding in your back pocket-congrats! I’ll keep you in the loop on how it turns out for me and again, thank you for your insight and kind words.
  20. @kaaat Thanks for the input—and the very best to you on your own application journey this cycle.C’mon how come I can’t quote you on the holistic evaluation—wink?!? Although I’m certainly not Karl Barth, I am not too worried as in the worse case scenario I got back to practicing Native Law—although I am getting pretty hyped about attending D-school! Perhaps, I should have taken a bit of time to explain my grades, but as I previously mentioned, it’s been so much time between now and undergraduate, making an explanation that I was a D1 scholarship athlete and drank too many beers, seemed at best silly and at worse, patently trite. So, where else did you place applications?
  21. @ChristoWitch87 Again, mahalo nui (thank you very much)! I have to agree with you in regard to Duke, as I was sort of talked into including it in my application list. It is the one school in which I don’t have an organic tie or symmetrical tie in terms of either a subject matter area or a Professor that I would like to work with—so that’s a choppy, not very eloquent way to say—we will see. I did have a nice chat and coffee with Sarah Azanransky from Union, who I really enjoy and greatly impressed with her work. Who knows, we might very well be cohorts at Union—knock on wood!
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