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Posts posted by funfetti

  1. I am confused by the timing for waitlist movement as it has been communicated by universities. Some schools have said that they make many offers to waitlisted folks after April 15 and even as late as early June. How would this work?

    Do people accept an offer on April 15 and then back out after the deadline if they get an waitlist admit? Or does admission off of the waitlist after April 15 end up only "helping" people who (a) didn't get in elsewhere or (b) gambled and didn't accept an offer?

  2. 4 hours ago, Professoreire said:

    Hi all. Does anyone have any insight on the turnaround time with waitlists? What I mean is, if someone rescinds an offer would a DGS typically make an offer to a waitlisted student almost immediately or could it take several weeks (as seems to be the case for the above poster)? or is there simply too much variation between schools to infer a pattern? Any info would be greatly appreciated!

    I believe there is too much variation to infer a pattern about timing. I don't have any insight about how departments time decisions/notifications, but I think there are some things to consider about waitlists that have helped me manage expectations...

    In many cases, someone declining an offer does not lead to someone being accepted off the waitlist. It is important to remember that most schools already have "built-in" alternates before they even consider the waitlist. Since schools generally have an idea that 1 in 2 or 1 in 4, etc. will accept the offer, they admit students accordingly. So, if we think about a school that admits 30 applicants for an expected cohort of 10, we know that even if 20 students decline, there may not be any movement on the waitlist. 

    This cycle, I can think of few schools that admitted only a handful more students than they plan to have attend in the fall. In these cases, there may be more movement/more rapid movement as the schools plan to use an "active" waitlist to ensure they get only as many students as they can afford and no more. 

    Another thing happening behind the scenes is that departments may or may not be managing subfield waitlists... doesn't affect whether they notify people a day later or weeks later but it's helpful--for me at least--to keep in mind.  


  3. Now that it seems that the CHYMPS offers are all or mostly out, I'm wondering how many people got offers at multiple tip-top schools. Some posters have clearly claimed acceptances at top schools amidst many other rejections, so now I'm wondering if anyone here has "swept." 

    Also, if you don't want to out yourself, feel free to dm me because I'd love to know about your experience and what drove your success :)

  4. 29 minutes ago, poliscihopeful2021 said:

    I'm astounded than an Ivy league university department can only offer a spot to 2 CP students, even if it's a pandemic year. Same question for Columbia and UPenn, both of whom didn't admit students to be able to support current students better. Maybe there's something about university funding that I don't get but where do those Ivy league endowments go???

    I second @afjackie. Also, it may be in part because these programs are so well resourced and highly respected that they can afford to "take a year off" or scale back to be sure that funding and other resources (time) are best allocated. They can prioritize current students and make sure the program is in order without taking a lasting hit to their reputation or future interest in their program - people will always be interested in a Cornell, Columbia, UPenn, UNC, etc. degree, so they likely won't be dinged long-term for being cautious for a year or two.

  5. 8 minutes ago, raabs said:

    Sorry, I maybe should have been clearer. I meant when I eventually choose which offer to accept, should I attempt to negotiate a better funding package? 

    I'm wondering this too... and I've received highly mixed advice. On one hand, we don't want to leave anything on the table (and we especially don't want to do that if imposter syndrome is telling us to just be thankful for getting in at all). On the other hand, it's my understanding that schools have very rigid packages and will not offer different students different funding as a matter of policy.

  6. 16 minutes ago, loiewo said:

    I think the opposite. I have high GRE scores (over 95th percentile on V/Q) and I've been rejected by 5/7 schools. 2 pending

    I agree that it’s too early to say one way or the other - but I’m also speculating that high GRE scores are less “rewarded.” I had high scores and have had success at schools that required them and rejections at schools that did not, with the exceptions of a few that were great fits.

  7. Admitted student (virtual) visits are right around the corner! What is your advice for making the most out of the admit visits? In particular, what questions have you asked or will you ask to get helpful insights into the program?

    I know it's so important to ascertain the vibe of the department, the happiness of current grad students, the mentorship style of POIs, the availability of additional resources and funding for research, etc. Yet, I'm not sure how to best probe about those topics in a way that will encourage both grad students and faculty to share honest and useful information. 

    All tips are very much appreciated! 

  8. 11 minutes ago, spotted said:

    Another week down yall! Place your bets for what schools will come out next week lol

    I am hoping for Duke and Berkeley next week.

    WUSTL also said that their goal--contingent on number of applicants--was to notify applicants by the first week of February. With a presumed uptick due to covid, I'm hoping that the second week of February will be the week we hear.

    I don't think it'd be crazy to hear from Chicago either.

  9. Agreed - seems that last week's Berkeley and Princeton results were fake. I'd venture to say Duke's 2 admits over the weekend were also fake. 

    I'm really intrigued by today's Berkeley admits. I'll be super interested to see if those turn out to be authentic and to speculate about why/how there may be that many gradcafe users who post results but don't engage on the forum... would be an interesting puzzle to figure out what drives different ways of using gradcafe.

  10. Just now, baby__yoda said:

    “I think stats worked in my favor: high gpa and nearly perfect gre. Decent letters and decent sop. Published in 3 journals and some teaching experience”


    LOL I read that too and was like "????????"

    It's plausible that they're real, but I certainly hope that this particular comment is a joke. 

  11. 23 minutes ago, baby__yoda said:

    Did anyone claim a Duke interview on here? Just curious if anyone has info on whether they’re just interviewing finalists or a larger pool. 

    I had a Duke interview last week with a POI. I got the impression that I was being seriously considered, but it wasn't clear to me whether they were interviewing all finalists or just the people that they were uncertain about.

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