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Everything posted by t_ruth

  1. I guess Stanford will send letters to rejects between 2/25 and 3/6. Hevan, is there a lot of overlap between your program and general Ed. Psych there? What prof(s) did you apply to work with (PM if you can and don't wan to share on thread)? Did you get the impression you were among the first admits, the last or somewhere in between? Thanks for sharing!
  2. who knows 100%? but it is kind of an obscure program to make up results for... Also, I'm starting to learn that when a school says they will mail results on X date, it often means they will mail *rejections* on X date as the accepted applicants were likely notified earlier by phone or email...
  3. I don't know about this. If this were true, then *everyone* who put forth maximum effort should be able to earn an A (or at least a . What about grading on a curve? How do the people w/exceptional ability differentiate themselves in this scenario?
  4. it might help, but the entire "you are special just the way you are" campaign was going on through the early 90s when there was a recession (though a smaller/less severe one).
  5. so far four (and I'm in at four). I will visit everywhere I am seriously considering.
  6. but the excerpt shown suggests work ethic isn't the issue. The students are trying as hard as they can, but they just don't have the ability in that particular subject (or they have gaps in their knowledge from previous education that is causing their current mediocrity).
  7. Thanks for answering! and congrats!
  8. come out come out wherever you are you rogue Stanford Ed acceptance on the results board! we all want to know at least what program it is... (thought this might get your attention more than a few buried posts in the big ed thread)
  9. in any case, it is an interesting hypothesis. I was 10 years old when I first joined online communities. Do those of you in your early 20s have earlier experiences? I'm just saying age isn't the only factor...
  10. I don't know about your theory, but I think of the people next year who will be viewing these surveys. Wouldn't it be better for them to have one age poll instead of two (considering they won't know the overlap in who answered twice, etc.). I'm older (for this board), but I've been on message boards of one form or another since 1989. In my experience it is usually the people who take time to write thoughtful posts and answers to (earlier) questions who resent the same question being asked over and over again.
  11. yep, there were a bunch of polls (including an age poll) a few weeks back. I'm guessing the creator of this poll is a lot younger than the creator of the other based on the categories
  12. wow that royally bites. Is there any way you can put out some feelers to your programs? I know it is usually a no-no, but given your situation I would hope they would be willing to give you at least a hint.
  13. I've had lots of different "careers," but education is the one subject I've maintained a consistent passion for. My father is a teacher and I've been teaching all my life (almost literally - I started working as his swimming demonstrator when I was three!), so can't remember a time when I didn't have definite opinions on how schooling should be conducted. I am interested in my particular field, educational psychology, for many of the same reasons the standard psych students will claim: an interest in the way people think/work/etc., but I like to study psychology in the context of the schools because k-12 schooling in the US is an almost universal experience, and is an area that can be much improved based on the application of research (and is one that has in the past been much ignored).
  14. w/the holiday tomorrow that's an extra day of weekend...hope everyone is finding ways to distract themselves!
  15. t_ruth


    I think this person was a troll.
  16. t_ruth


    exciting exciting! but we won't have news until the end of March, right?
  17. The rate this thing is growing you will have to do some serious upgrading - congrats! Also, is it your birthday? Happy birthday!
  18. Florida International? really? I don't think that one is on par w/the rest of your schools. Good luck!
  19. boy this post confused me! for a second I thought the other one was just wiped of the pages after the initial post yes, we all hate weekends too!
  20. I'm feeling it as well. Part of it is the anticlimactic nature of the acceptances (what, you mean they don't come w/a marching band outside of my door?), and part of it is facing the work for the move. I'm still excited about beginning school itself, but trying to sell my house (in this market!), liquidate my business and pack up my entire family is incredibly daunting.
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