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Everything posted by cokohlik

  1. Well, Maryland is a no. What will my dream school think when I tell them that I have no other offers? If they admit me I'd go... I got my letter on my ASF via email. I'm absolutely shocked.
  2. I emailed them on Tuesday and got a response back yesterday. They said decisions are going out by the end of this week (which is today) Yay
  3. UMD's are snail mail as far as I know.
  4. thank you!! Now I'm so curious to get home and check my mail! Hehe!
  5. You're so sweet! It's not me Wish I could say it was...
  6. Ahaha! My kindred spirits are on this thread I used up all my up voting, and that's totally fine.
  7. PhD acceptance hinges on two programs. Which will it be? :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. cokohlik


      I love your optimism! :D That would be amazing.

    3. crazygirl2012


      do you like them both equally?

    4. cokohlik


      Yeah. Well one has my dream POI but otherwise yes. Neither of them have gotten back to me about my apps yet :/ agh

  8. I'm definitely learning the merit of a terminal MA program It is very exciting!
  9. Thanks! The waitlist program says that it is highly unlikely they'll be using it this year and told me that I can expect a rejection letter in April, so... bittersweet. The MA program is wonderful, I know that, but there a lot of pros and cons with this program between my husband and I. We're really hoping for a PhD acceptance for a lot of reasons. Not quite ready to give anyone a definite answer yet.
  10. I emailed the DGS letting him know I have a funding offer deadline and he replied the next day.
  11. Rejected from UMICH yesterday and UNC today. *sigh* Bryn Mawr will be a no. UT is a maybe. Praying for UMD & UDel... please please please... :( :( I've never been more worried. My hope for a PhD acceptance hinges on two - maybe three - programs.
  12. Rejection today, rejection yesterday....

    1. Canadianlinguist


      awe I am so sorry!! :( acceptance tomorrow....bad balances out with good ..or at least thats what I tell myself

    2. cokohlik


      Haha! How AWESOME would that be!

    3. Canadianlinguist
  13. Still believing this week will be a good one with happy news from PhD programs! You can do it, week! You have two (maybe three) days left to impress me.
  14. I know!! Put me in tears. My POI at UMD, Anthony Colantuono, was in it so naturally I had to email him and tell him now awfully disturbed I was. UMD is such a great program in art history... And decisions aren't even out yet. But I don't have high hopes. Aghhhhhh. I don't like it. I wish graduate programs had all the money in the world to attract students and mentor them and so on. Edit because I can't spell... hah.
  15. Full article: http://chronicle.com/article/Graduate-Programs-in/131123/?key=TmwnKFE9YCdNNCo3M2lBYzhcayBsZEMnZnlMaXgibl9SGQ%3D%3D
  16. For anyone applying to UMD, this article just came in the CAA newsletter: http://chronicle.com/article/Graduate-Programs-in/131123/ It says last year UMD only admitted 2 PhD students. That makes me really sad. Now that I don't have any hope for UVA, UMD is my second choice. Maybe they'll admit more this year. The grad secretary told me notifications will go out by the end of the week. I replied asking if she knew if they were by post or email, but I haven't heard back.
  17. I have this! I was going to recommend it too It's awesome. A lady in my church gave it to me for free one day... happy day.
  18. That's just terrible. I'm sorry!! I hope she knows it was an honest mistake. I really hope you got it worked out!
  19. Same here. The light at the end of the tunnel is slowly fading as the number of schools I have yet to hear back from grows smaller.
  20. Has anyone read Peter Robb's "M" and liked it? I read it and even used small bits in my thesis but I admit it is deeply flawed. It was just so *interesting* what with Robb's writing style and over-dramatic descriptions. Still. Liked it. Just hoping that doesn't put me out the door in the art history community
  21. Yay!!! I'm on here! My Internet life is complete Also: 548 posts?!?! I tip my hat to you.
  22. Last night I emailed my POI/DGS at my dream school, from my iPhone since we don't have internet at home right now. Everything was fine. I wake up this morning to a response - yay - and reply. Well, this is where things get awkward... I somehow managed to send a draft of the email to him, and then 20 minutes later, the final version. The draft doesn't show up in my sent box in my gmail account (I use gmail to manage my .edu account) but it does in my iPhone's sent mail. I swear I don't remember sending the draft email, but I wasn't caffeinated so anything's possible. It wasn't like, a draft, draft, I just added a few words in the "final" email that weren't there in the "draft" email. It's just awkward because if I did happen to send it twice, he'll get it twice, but two different versions of it, and that's really weird. I haven't received a reply yet. I suppose I'm just finding some minor thing to freak out about. I need to wake up and calm down. (Oh also, the graduate secretary was CC'ed in all this. +1 awkwardness.) SDLKJFSLKJDF. Moral of the story: I shouldn't email anyone, no matter how urgent it is that I reply, until I've had my three shots of espresso... I promise I'm not a total dolt. The end.
  23. Couldn't hurt They did say they already made their first offers of admission. It seemed like that's all they'll need.
  24. Well, I emailed them since my MA offer needs an answer soon and I got a reply super fast. I'm on the wait list but they don't think they'll need it this year, so rejections will be sent out April 15. Wasn't sure if them not thinking they'll need it meant I am far down on the list or if they simply already have lots of accepted offers. Either way, it's a wait list and not an outright rejection so that's good, eh
  25. Emailed my remaining programs. Hoping for good news soon!!

    1. psychdork


      I did the same thing today. Good luck!

    2. cokohlik


      Thank you! One of three (okay, so I didn't email them all yet ;)) told me I'm on the wait list but they aren't sure they'll be using it this year, and one told me they're still deciding. The last one hasn't gotten back to me. I'm going to email the last couple today. Good luck to you too!

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