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Everything posted by roxyshoe

  1. Hi all, I'm considering going to University of Michigan for a Masters of Social Work. I am technically a resident of Florida, but I have lived in Michigan for about four years now, and worked here for two. Does this make me a candidate for in-state residency? Any experience with this? It would save me about 15k in tuition!
  2. I hope I do!!! Yes, the email said the following: "Thank you for applying to the Global Activities Scholars Program. This year we received a large number of excellent applicants. After carefully reviewing your application the Review Committee regrets to inform you that we are unable to offer you a scholarship in this program. Please know that although you were not selected for the Global Activities Scholars Program, you can still take advantage of other offerings by the Office of Global Activities including the option to complete a globalspecial studies project. Please visit www.ssw.umich.edu/oga for more information on this and other options for fulfilling your interest in global social work." Good luck, you might still have a shot of getting it!!
  3. Ahh, well I just got an e-mail informing me that I was not accepted to the Global Activities Program =[ Oh well...now just wait and see how much I get otherwise....
  4. Ahh, that's too bad. Did you also apply for a special program, though? Because if so, that could end up bringing you some money!
  5. Congrats, keithjn! I submitted my Maryland app in early January and still have not heard back...am getting a little nervous that they never received all of my materials. Was there a way you could tell that your application was complete?
  6. Not sure about some of the others, but my s/o used powerscore and got a 173 Granted, he studied a whole lot and took a powerscore class as well, but I definitely recommend it!
  7. I say UChicago, unless you really dislike the city of Chicago for some reason. I prefer it way more than NY, personally. AND even if finances aren't a big thing now, it is smart to save since MSW's don't tend to make ~tons~ of the money
  8. OH! Now I get it, St Paul is the other city of the twin cities. *facepalm*. So I am guessing that is the area where the SSW is... I have actually never been to Minnesota but the twin cities area looks really awesome...despite the cold...
  9. Thanks!! I submitted it on December 1st.
  10. Rjrose and Katiemk - I had a very similar situation with my transcripts and University of Michigan. I was really paranoid, but it turns out I was still accepted and all was well! Don't worry too much
  11. Yes! Definitely have ETS send the scores directly so it is official and such
  12. I applied to University of Maryland and Minn. Still waiting!
  13. I applied. I am a little confused by the different campuses though. I think I applied to the Twin Cities one, yeah? I mean...there is a Twin Cities one? Haha. Yeah, the end of March thing is kinda crazy! At this point I don't think I will go there anyhow, maybe if they give me lots of funding. It is also the one law school my s/o has been accepted to thus far sooooo.... It's strange, it seems no one else on this forum has heard back from Minnesota. I guess that's a good sign!
  14. Yep, found out there under application status, with a link to "View Decision". I hope you hear soon!!
  15. Thanks Angela! I am sure you will hear really soon, keep checking Wolverine Access today
  16. Thanks so much, Ellie! It did say a few days, 'tis quite strange. Maybe because delivering it will be super easy since I currently live two blocks away from the school? Haha. Ooh yes, that worked! Thanks! Still haven't received an e-mail but the website says March 5th. Could be worse, but ahhh, I doubt I will hear if I am accepted to the special program scholarship by then =/ I might ask to extend it, since getting the scholarship can really make or break it.
  17. YAY!!!! Just got my acceptance to Michigan!!! I am a little confused because it doesn't say exactly when I need to respond by, but does say I will get my financial aid packet in a few days.
  18. I am reading "The New York Trilogy" by Paul Auster. Currently on the first book, "The Glass City". I CANNOT handle how genius and interesting and fascinating and incredible it is. Seriously. I am enjoying it immensely.
  19. Not sure, but I am guessing that as long as it doesn't significantly drop from your original GPA, you should be ok!
  20. Hi everyone, So I applied to Masters of Social Work programs which have nothing to do with creative writing, really. But I still noted on my application (my resume, mainly) that I have currently been completing a Senior Honors Thesis for my Creative Writing major. Today I technically "dropped" it...however in such a way that none of the classes I take on my transcript change, just that I will not be receiving honors. (It's complicated). I am also going to continue working on it with my professor, but again just not as an Honors project. How important is it to let adcoms know about this? Should I do it for both schools I am waiting to hear back from and schools I have been admitted to that I am considering? If so, how exactly do I go about letting them know? Should I tell them basically what I wrote here in an e-mail to the director of admissions, or someone else? And do you think this will reflect really poorly? lots of questions...Thanks in advance!
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