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Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) / Projected Rejections

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Logged in to the UCR portal after seeing another acceptance posted and checked my application. For those who’re familiar with the interface for that school, my “Application submitted and under review” box is unchecked... but so is the “a decision has been made” box! Come on UCR don’t leave me hanging like this :huh:

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2 hours ago, automatic said:

Ugh, re CUNY. I'm wondering if everyone gets contacted personally (sounds like at least 1 of those people had communicated with a professor; perhaps if you didn't have that experience, they wouldn't send out a personalized unofficial email). I'm hoping not. I'm feeling like I'm about to be shut out this time and just overall am despondent and miserable, like, just in the mode of waiting for more rejections to materialize formally. For some reason the worst part--probably because it's the most immediate, short term experience I have to look forward to--seems not even like, applying all over and waiting at least another year, but having to tell everyone I know I didn't get in anywhere. I know people on this forum get it isn't a mark of shame, but it feels like that and it also seems the rest of the non-PhD applicant world views getting unilaterally rejected across the board would see it as such :/

Hey! I don't have any info on CUNY, but just wanted to say I empathise SO much with fear of the immediate embarrassment part! But then I think that had it been a friend/family member in my place, I know I wouldn't think any less of their intelligence or abilities. So maybe others wouldn't either Maybe we just need to be a little less harsh on ourselves. Especially since the PhD would often be a lonely and exhausting experience. Gotta keep the self-love alive! 

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40 minutes ago, automatic said:

I think I'm going to take one for the team and do it. 

I just called and they said that all of the acceptances had been sent out but they're "not done with the process."  It was extremely vague... but I think it's safe to say that if we didn't hear from them we've either been rejected or waitlisted.

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Has anyone else noticed how Pitt rejected through formal mail and accepted through email? Why would they do that?!!! And I have been waiting for that response for weeks now and am currently not home so I haven't had access to my mail.  Just great. 

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25 minutes ago, eliserichelle said:

I just called and they said that all of the acceptances had been sent out but they're "not done with the process."  It was extremely vague... but I think it's safe to say that if we didn't hear from them we've either been rejected or waitlisted.

Thank you for calling and for sharing this information! Fingers crossed for waitlist news soon! They seem to send the waitlists out about a day after the acceptances. 

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2 hours ago, bpilgrim89 said:

I hope I can shed some light on CUNY. After calming down and actually reading the email I received today (Reading? Who knew!), it does say that the official email will come later. I can also say that mine was from a POI and was heavily personalized. So, it does sound like things aren't settled there yet.

Similar conclusions/experience to my friend (the other survey poster), but they didn't contact/skype with the POI. 

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Just got the rejection from Michigan. It went to my "promotions" folder in gmail. Saw someone else had their waitlist notification go to their junk folder. 


I'm obviously bummed, but also a little relieved--this makes my decision much easier. My southern ass probably would have died in a Michigan winter anyway. ;)

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6 minutes ago, automatic said:

Does anyone know if Penn goes out all at once, or if it takes a couple of days? Or is this an implied rejection to not hear today :/ ? 

Praying to everything that's holy that they don't all go out at once.  Serial rejection sucks so much more than I expected.

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18 minutes ago, unicornsarereal said:

Seems like it may all go out at once/within a day or two, based on past results. 

Ah so it could be anything! This is really the absolute worst moment. I mean, I feel like if it's a 'check your portal' email they could just send them to applications simultaneously, though what do I know :/

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37 minutes ago, a_sort_of_fractious_angel said:

for sale, Michigan vest, never worn

Jk - I'm wearing it right now as it is very comfortable. It was an honor and privilege, U Mich. SO MANY CONGRATULATIONS to the admits. I'll catch y'all at MLA. :P

If the convention is in January, why did they have in CHICAGO?! Politics, politics... What about the weather!!!

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Got the official Michigan rejection. Oh well. Grateful that they got it over with quickly (relative to acceptances being sent). Also, why do programs think it's reassuring to know that there were a lot of candidates? Like, in my mind, it's "oh, there were 250 applicants? so you're saying I'm not good enough to crack a spot? kthanxbye".


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1 hour ago, automatic said:

I wish we could have the timestamp of these emails to know if they all went out together! 


Unrelatedly, does anyone know how UVA usually does things, and where they might be with notifications? 

It looks like last year they started notifying around the 16th.... so...... queue palpitations.

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