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Fear of not getting in anywhere

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I applied to 8 schools, and I'd say at least 4 were way out of my league. I figured if why not go for it and see what happens right? (I blame my parents for being too blindly supportive lol) But I have only had 2 interviews and 1 rejection so far. The fear that I won't get in anywhere is really starting to get to me. I have a decent GPA, but not spectacular, same with GRE scores. I just feel like I'm a pretty average applicant all around. I do have a few schools that I feel like I am in the ballpark of accepted applicant stats from previous years, but this process is so competitive I feel like there are no true "safety" schools, at least with my profile. 


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Don't lose hope! I definitely agree with the parent support, I had the same problem. Even if you feel that maybe your schools were out of reach, you never know! There's no perfect equation that gets you into schools. Also, you had two interviews! That says something! 

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I couldn't agree more with the posters above. Even if you just get waitlisted to one, there's people who also applied to 8 schools and have to choose one. Lots of people have to deny acceptances which allow you for you to get off the waitlist. I know some one at University of Nevada, Reno, who where taken off the waitlist in early August but they're still in grad school and at the end of the day is getting a degree. Another thing to think about it is, a paper, gre scores, and gpa don't tell the whole story about how you will be as a clinician. If you don't get in, you can be an SPLA which looks great on applications too. You can bulk up your application in that time.  So, you've got this. Stay positive and don't let grad cafe or Reddit make you go crazy. I know I have let it do that to me and it doesn't help anything. 

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1 hour ago, SLP_2019 said:

I applied to 8 schools, and I'd say at least 4 were way out of my league. I figured if why not go for it and see what happens right? (I blame my parents for being too blindly supportive lol) But I have only had 2 interviews and 1 rejection so far. The fear that I won't get in anywhere is really starting to get to me. I have a decent GPA, but not spectacular, same with GRE scores. I just feel like I'm a pretty average applicant all around. I do have a few schools that I feel like I am in the ballpark of accepted applicant stats from previous years, but this process is so competitive I feel like there are no true "safety" schools, at least with my profile. 


Congrats on those 2 interviews! I applied to 9 schools and just got my first interview today, so you're definitely not falling behind! I'm with you on the insecurity -- it's so easy to fall into. Do you mind me asking where you applied, or even which state(s)?

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29 minutes ago, Sweetroll said:

The fact that the schools interviewed you means that you have something schools like. Dont lose hope, it too early for that! Stay positive. 

This couldn’t be any more perfect!

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Thank you everyone for all the supportive replies! I didn't mean for this to be a total self-pity post, I am just having one of those nights were the not knowing is killing me. I feel like most people in this field are Type A personalities that don't love surprises/uncertainty, so I figured a lot of you would relate. I was honestly more relieved than disappointed when I got my first rejection, just because I finally had an answer from somewhere. Most the schools that I haven't heard from haven't sent out anything to any other applicants either as far as I can tell, so there is definitely hope. I'm just envious of everyone that already has acceptances! Congrats to all of you that do, and good luck to those still waiting  


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I couldn't agree more. A few of my close friends from my undergrad have already been accepted. And I'm so happy for them but also kind of jealous because they are so at ease now. I am very much a type A person and that means there is one thing I don't like doing, waiting. Good luck to everyone and happy waiting. 

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It isvery reasonable to have the fear that you might not get anywhere. It’s hard especially since you naturally compare yourself to others in your class or on grad cafe. What I didn’t realize through this process it is so dependent on the applicants a school recieves. Just because you do not get an acceptance does not make you unworthy. I recieved so many rejections my first 2 cycles of applying. I took it so personally but it’s hard for them to make decisions just like us to apply. If you don’t get an make a back up plan and keep trying! ?

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19 hours ago, lasmith said:

I couldn't agree more with the posters above. Even if you just get waitlisted to one, there's people who also applied to 8 schools and have to choose one. Lots of people have to deny acceptances which allow you for you to get off the waitlist. I know some one at University of Nevada, Reno, who where taken off the waitlist in early August but they're still in grad school and at the end of the day is getting a degree. Another thing to think about it is, a paper, gre scores, and gpa don't tell the whole story about how you will be as a clinician. If you don't get in, you can be an SPLA which looks great on applications too. You can bulk up your application in that time.  So, you've got this. Stay positive and don't let grad cafe or Reddit make you go crazy. I know I have let it do that to me and it doesn't help anything. 

whats the reddit link ? LOL

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This is my third time applying and I have just received my first acceptance! Don’t lose hope! If you don’t get in this time use it as an opportunity to gain experience and ask schools on how you can improve yourself as a candidate! Good luck to you ? 

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Just started worrying. I got notified I got rejected from a school that was suppose to be one of my fall back schools. I got an email notifying me I was rejected. Now I'm super stressed that I won't get in anywhere except maybe where I did my undergrad. I would not have applied to so many competitive schools if I didn't think I had any chance of getting in. I know my scores aren't the highest but there still good and I was very active in my undergrad. Even though I got an interview with one school and I know that means they saw something in me, I'm starting to think that was just lucky. I know all schools look for something different in your application and you never know what that is, I feel if you have scores above their averages, you should at least get waitlisted right.  I also know I posted on here getting waitlisted is still a chance and don't get me wrong I still believe that, but I thought I was going to get a little wiggle room to make my choice. I almost feel stupid now for thinking I had a chance to get into more competitive schools. Does anyone have advice how not to worry and stress over this? Or any encouraging words? I feel like I've let this get so into my head I get so wound up and tend to be in shitty mood. I don't want to be in a shitty mood anymore, but I don't know what else to do. 


Sorry for this long ranty post! Good luck to everyone. 

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I am in the same boat. I applied to eight (most of which are competitive) and have been rejected by one as well. It's very easy to become overwhelmed with anticipation and concern. The important thing to remember is that even if you didn't get into a school you believed was a safety, it might not be because you weren't a good candidate. It may be because they feel that their program just isn't the right fit for you. I'm not the kind of person who believes in fate but this process has really forced me to believe in having faith. The right school for you will choose you in return. And if you don't get in this year, you'll grow from that experience and have a better understanding of applying the following year. The waiting period is tough and I know this sounds cheesy but the best thing you can do is believe in yourself and your ability to be successful in this field. Good luck!

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Admissions can definitely seem like a crap-shoot sometimes. I've heard of people getting rejected from "safety" schools and accepted to higher-ranked programs, so don't despair just yet. Like @laura120 said, different programs may value different things. Stats aren't everything!  I was rejected my top choice (it was the cheapest and only one town over) and accepted at another school with the exact same ranking. I think in my case I didn't tailor my essay to school A, explaining why I wanted to go there, but I did for school B because it was part of their prompt. Also, the bitter/cynical part of me thinks that because school A was a state school and I would have had in-state tuition, they might have picked an out-of-state student over me so they could get more money (they've been doing a TON of fancy new building projects lately). The good news is that I am loving my time at school B, so all's well that ends well. You have an interview and several other schools to hear from, so don't lose hope!

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5 hours ago, bibliophile222 said:

Admissions can definitely seem like a crap-shoot sometimes. I've heard of people getting rejected from "safety" schools and accepted to higher-ranked programs, so don't despair just yet. Like @laura120 said, different programs may value different things. Stats aren't everything!  I was rejected my top choice (it was the cheapest and only one town over) and accepted at another school with the exact same ranking. I think in my case I didn't tailor my essay to school A, explaining why I wanted to go there, but I did for school B because it was part of their prompt. Also, the bitter/cynical part of me thinks that because school A was a state school and I would have had in-state tuition, they might have picked an out-of-state student over me so they could get more money (they've been doing a TON of fancy new building projects lately). The good news is that I am loving my time at school B, so all's well that ends well. You have an interview and several other schools to hear from, so don't lose hope!

Wow, I never thought about a school accepting an out of state student over an in-state because it's more profitable to them.

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9 hours ago, Toya said:

Wow, I never thought about a school accepting an out of state student over an in-state because it's more profitable.

Yeah, I know at some state schools a majority of students are from out of state and I'm pretty sure it's for financial reasons. I actually think my current school is like that--out of state tuition is WAY more expensive than in-state!

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I was there. I got rejected by one school and waitlisted by 7. 

Something that helped me was remembering that people also typically applied to multiple schools like I did. That being said, there are likely multiple people who applied and got accepted over me to multiple schools. Just keep the faith! No matter what now that you applied to schools that are "way out of your league" and some that are not, you can say you tried and will never have that "what if" feeling. There is still plenty of time! I know it can be nerve-racking but just believe in yourself and focus on things that make you happy right now! Why worry excessively about what you can't control?? Good luck!! 

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