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Canada MSW 2020


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Hey Guys,

I got accepted to U of Windsor's  32 month master's in February. I still haven't heard back from U of T or Laurier's 2 year program. I see that everyone is getting accepted into U of T and I am curious if these were the only round of acceptances. I am getting nervous as U of T was my first choice :( !

Any advice?

Edited by SocialWorkMSW
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12 minutes ago, SocialWorkMSW said:

Hey Guys,

I got accepted to U of Windsor's  32 month master's in February. I still haven't heard back from U of T or Laurier's 2 year program. I see that everyone is getting accepted into U of T and I am curious if these were the only round of acceptances. I am getting nervous as U of T was my first choice :( !

Any advice?

Aww hang in there! Is the Windsor program the one on weekends? Being accepted into an MSW program is already a huge achievement :) Maybe consider reaching out to Angela in regards to if all the acceptances have been released for UoT. Also, I'm still waiting to hear back from the two year program at Laurier as well. 

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28 minutes ago, 7astrology-- said:

Yay okay - same here!!! I applied to Laurier's full-time 2 year program as well as Lakehead's HBSW 1 year program and I am still waiting to hear from both of those schools. However, I'm leaning towards UofT at the moment!

I've heard great things about the Lakehead HBSW program! I think I am leaning towards UoT as well! 

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17 minutes ago, SocialWorkMSW said:

Hey Guys,

I got accepted to U of Windsor's  32 month master's in February. I still haven't heard back from U of T or Laurier's 2 year program. I see that everyone is getting accepted into U of T and I am curious if these were the only round of acceptances. I am getting nervous as U of T was my first choice :( !

Any advice?

Whether you get in or not, you are awesome and you got into Windsor which I heard is also a great school !Congratulations and I hope you get into the other schools !!!

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5 minutes ago, socialworkerjake said:

Aww hang in there! Is the Windsor program the one on weekends? Being accepted into an MSW program is already a huge achievement :) Maybe consider reaching out to Angela in regards to if all the acceptances have been released for UoT. Also, I'm still waiting to hear back from the two year program at Laurier as well. 

Yes this is on the weekends! Friday and Saturday. The bonus is that you get to work full-time during the week at least to make money. That's always nice. I have reached to to Angela and keep everyone informed if these were the only round of acceptances ! Please let us know if you hear from Laurier. Thank you so much for your kind words! :) 

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4 minutes ago, Lalalla said:

Whether you get in or not, you are awesome and you got into Windsor which I heard is also a great school !Congratulations and I hope you get into the other schools !!!

Thank you sooo much!! You are awesome as well ! Congratulations to you too on getting accepted!!! :)   I will keep you guys updated!

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2 hours ago, Cafe-queen said:

has anyone heard from UBCO advanced? Mine still says in progress. I’m starting to think it is not good news. 

I applied to the foundational program at UBCO, but I also haven't heard back and it still says "in progress." I'm assuming the application decisions continue to be delayed because of all the changes they made (online courses) in response to COVID-19, but hoping we hear back this week. 

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On 3/29/2020 at 11:39 AM, K_J said:

Yay congrats!! We will be starting the program together. That's great! Are you already from Okanagan if you don't mind me asking? I will be moving from Vancouver! 

Congrats to you as well! Funny enough I will also be moving from the greater Vancouver area! I will message you through here - would be nice to have a connection before classes start! :) 

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On 3/29/2020 at 2:30 PM, j13 said:

congratulations :) i’m still anxiously waiting to hear back but fingers crossed that i’ll hear back soon! do you mind if i ask what academic/occupational experience you had? 

My fingers are crossed for you - best of luck!


I graduated 2 years ago with a degree in psychology and since have been working as a program coordinator for a subsidized housing program. Because my GPA wasn't stellar I made it a point to take on a few volunteer positions like working on a crisis line and at a local homeless shelter

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3 hours ago, d-b said:

My fingers are crossed for you - best of luck!


I graduated 2 years ago with a degree in psychology and since have been working as a program coordinator for a subsidized housing program. Because my GPA wasn't stellar I made it a point to take on a few volunteer positions like working on a crisis line and at a local homeless shelter

Great, thank you for that! Hopefully I will be joining you but regardless, congratulations again and enjoy the program!

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Bit of an odd question - has anyone ever applied to the same program back to back and used the same personal statement? I am thinking of applying again to the same school if I don't get off the waitlist (doubtful as there are 10 days left) but there would be little to no change in the things that I have to say that are valuable and important to me (I did work really hard on it), and this same statement got me on the waitlist. It was also recommended to me to just use the same application, but I don't know how I feel about that. I wonder if the review committee is the same every time? 

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17 minutes ago, HopefulandCurious said:

Bit of an odd question - has anyone ever applied to the same program back to back and used the same personal statement? I am thinking of applying again to the same school if I don't get off the waitlist (doubtful as there are 10 days left) but there would be little to no change in the things that I have to say that are valuable and important to me (I did work really hard on it), and this same statement got me on the waitlist. It was also recommended to me to just use the same application, but I don't know how I feel about that. I wonder if the review committee is the same every time? 

I'm curious as well. I plan to reapply if I dont get off the waitlist.

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15 minutes ago, Vivi2020 said:

I'm curious as well. I plan to reapply if I dont get off the waitlist.

When I was reapplying this year, I was told by Angela (UofT) that they don’t look at your old application. That being said, I don’t know if it would increase or decrease your chances of being admitted, but it would count as a fresh application. Hope this helps! 

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Congratulations to everyone who discovered they were "invited" through ACORN or got their official letter of acceptance through the SGS website for the 2 year MSW at U of T!

Sadly no changes have been made to my account. Does anyone know if they typically update everyones ACORN on the same day or if we could expect to see more in the coming days?

Also when would people be notified about the waitlist. 

Thanks everyone!!

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2 hours ago, msw2020l said:

I just received my official letter of acceptance via email (UofT)- email told me to check sgs where the document was there!!! Hope more acceptances come out today for everyone still waiting and congrats again to everyone who received it- see you in September :) 


I just got mine as well. Acorn changed on Sunday, I just received an email to check SGS where "under review" had changed to "decision made" and there was a new link underneath to download a "decision document".

For those still waiting, I believe someone confirmed this is just the first round of acceptances, so hang in there. 

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2 hours ago, HopefulandCurious said:

Bit of an odd question - has anyone ever applied to the same program back to back and used the same personal statement? I am thinking of applying again to the same school if I don't get off the waitlist (doubtful as there are 10 days left) but there would be little to no change in the things that I have to say that are valuable and important to me (I did work really hard on it), and this same statement got me on the waitlist. It was also recommended to me to just use the same application, but I don't know how I feel about that. I wonder if the review committee is the same every time? 

For UofT I used approximately 50-60% of the same personal statement I wrote last year (waitlisted 2019, accepted 2020). I had expected I would completely re-use it but by the time to submit it rolled around I realized I wanted to change quite a bit, both because I had grown and analyzed it thoroughly for faults, but also because my understanding of SW matured. Best of luck to you! :)

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8 minutes ago, jamt1997 said:

For UofT I used approximately 50-60% of the same personal statement I wrote last year (waitlisted 2019, accepted 2020). I had expected I would completely re-use it but by the time to submit it rolled around I realized I wanted to change quite a bit, both because I had grown and analyzed it thoroughly for faults, but also because my understanding of SW matured. Best of luck to you! :)

Thanks for your input! I ask mainly because I applied in October for this program, and the next application is due May 1 - which is one month away. The program I've been waitlisted for starts in May, so realistically nothing in my application has changed. I still have the same perspective as I previously had. Maybe if I had applied with a year's difference, it would be different. Something to think about, anyway.... (This application was entirely different than when I had previously applied fresh out of my BSW, so I totally see how it could entirely change). :) 

Congrats on your acceptance! 

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