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Got into a few schools, got rejected from some (Or, I am assuming rejection because it seems fiction admits were definitely notified for University of Arizona, Arizona State University, Ole Miss). Congrats to all admitted anywhere, crossed-fingers to all those waitlisted, hugs to all rejected, and feeling the pain of all those in silence limbo. Still waiting to hear from UNLV--Did anyone get in/get waitlisted for fiction there?

Also, right now assuming I don't get in anywhere else, my first choice of the schools that admitted me is University of South Florida. It is critical for me to be in a place of warm weather, and I love the program, especially the faculty and how it is set up and that they help you learn how to teach. 

My main concern:

It is a fully funded program, but the teaching stipend is very low, and Tampa isn't cheap. I think with the school fees one has something along the lines of 12-12.5  grand a year. I worry about how much money going to the program and teaching is going to end up costing me, as that is not enough to live on/relocate. If anyone here is familiar with Tampa, USF, or can help advise me on how to figure this one out I'd really appreciate it.    

Edited by JessSWHAT now
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Hey everyone! Hope y'all have been well. So far I've been accepted at Northern Michigan, CU Boulder, and University of Miami.

I turned down the first two, but today I got a waitlist email from Indiana for poetry-- Is there anyone else on here that applied for poetry at Indiana and did (or did not) get this email? It was really form-like and I'm trying to figure out if they just waitlist everyone.

Also--are there any other university of Miami admits on here that would want to talk? Thanks y'all!!

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Why did I even bother? Hit with two more rejections this morning.

Pending [3/8]: NYU, Iowa, McNeese

Accepted [0/8]:

Waitlisted [0/8]:

Rejected [5/8]: Brown, UVA, Cornell, Pittsburgh, Wisconsin-Madison

Edited by PkWriter
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Clearly I applied to schools that I'm not a fit for. 

Can anyone recommend schools that aren't as competitive, but that still fully fund their applicants? I can't afford to pay for an MFA in the US.

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Only one school left to hear from, and best case scenario there would be a waitlist. At this point I'm waitlisted at Hopkins and U of Arkansas for fiction, rejected elsewhere. I can't help but have this hopeful feeling about Arkansas. Davis McCombs said it's a short list, and I've seen one poster say they got into fiction but they're leaning another way, and another who says they're on the waitlist but they have another offer they know they're gonna take. Looks like at least another month of waiting for me this season. Groundhog says, fuck you! Six more weeks of winter! 

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19 hours ago, SomethingBorrowed said:

Iowa, ngl. But Brown’s offer is v. attractive.

Not to add another variable to this but Michigan was always my top school. Not just because of the location+faculty, but also the guaranteed third year fellowship. It's really amazing to have a whole year of funding to just work on your MS without classes or anything.

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20 hours ago, SomethingBorrowed said:

Iowa, ngl. But Brown’s offer is v. attractive.

In response to rbr542's points abt Michigan (I'm sure you know this) but Iowa will also offer third year funding to support your writing as you teach an undergrad class in Iowa City or as you relocate to another city and start your career. It's not a full time 3rd year dedicated to writing, but Iowa's aid does extend past two years. 

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2 hours ago, prosbie said:

In response to rbr542's points abt Michigan (I'm sure you know this) but Iowa will also offer third year funding to support your writing as you teach an undergrad class in Iowa City or as you relocate to another city and start your career. It's not a full time 3rd year dedicated to writing, but Iowa's aid does extend past two years. 

I did not know this at all. i saw on their website now there is something vaguely described as post graduate fellowship. This is cool, I'm def gonna ask for more info about it now.

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33 minutes ago, rbr542 said:

I did not know this at all. i saw on their website now there is something vaguely described as post graduate fellowship. This is cool, I'm def gonna ask for more info about it now.

Or at least that's how it was explained to me!! I'm in for poetry lol, I hope to see you there. 

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8 hours ago, rbr542 said:

I did not know this at all. i saw on their website now there is something vaguely described as post graduate fellowship. This is cool, I'm def gonna ask for more info about it now.

Yeah. Sam said everyone who applies gets it. It’s what tips Iowa over Brown for me right now.

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Does anyone know much about the culture at Hunter's program? I have an interview with them coming up, and I've heard that it's a little kooky - or maybe even unhealthy - there. Don't know how concerned I should be. (Apologies to people in Draft who saw me ask this question over there as well. ?)

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Excited to head into a new week and hopefully hear some more news. At this point, I am waiting on EIGHT more schools with that April 15th deadline seeming like it’s speeding at me. I know a few of those have already sent out acceptances, so I’m waiting for rejection emails, but a few it looks like no one has heard from. How many more are y’all waiting on? 

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Admitted to UNLV (University of Nevada Las Vegas) for fiction last night (or 6 hours ago, so maybe today, depending on your time zone). Very kind email from the program director. There is a high likelihood I will accept the offer, pending full stipend/cost of living information. Very happy, of course. 

I am mostly a lurker here and on draft, but because I used this tool to better learn where I stand with a program I have yet to hear from, but that others have received acceptances from (thus assuming rejection...but whatever, I would have preferred other programs including UNLV...) It was particularly important for me to give back and update you all, since I haven't seen another UNLV fiction admission posted.

Best of luck today if you are still waiting to hear from UNLV fiction--the email was personalised, so it is likely not all admissions have gone out. And if you are considering going/ have a special insight about this program/Las Vegas (I have never been!) let's chat. 


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6 hours ago, Lunafiction said:

Admitted to UNLV (University of Nevada Las Vegas) for fiction last night (or 6 hours ago, so maybe today, depending on your time zone). Very kind email from the program director. There is a high likelihood I will accept the offer, pending full stipend/cost of living information. Very happy, of course. 

I am mostly a lurker here and on draft, but because I used this tool to better learn where I stand with a program I have yet to hear from, but that others have received acceptances from (thus assuming rejection...but whatever, I would have preferred other programs including UNLV...) It was particularly important for me to give back and update you all, since I haven't seen another UNLV fiction admission posted.

Best of luck today if you are still waiting to hear from UNLV fiction--the email was personalised, so it is likely not all admissions have gone out. And if you are considering going/ have a special insight about this program/Las Vegas (I have never been!) let's chat. 


Congrats! And good luck on the funding.

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12 hours ago, cfisher396 said:

I applied to Hunter, NYU, Iowa and Columbia and haven't heard anything from any of these schools. Any idea what is going on and if this means I just got rejected at all of them? Any advice would be great

There's a chance you're on a silent waitlist, although I know at least a couple of those programs notify for waitlists. I wouldn't consider this cycle a lost cause just yet, but it's a good idea to consider your back-up plan.

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10 hours ago, Lunafiction said:

Admitted to UNLV (University of Nevada Las Vegas) for fiction last night (or 6 hours ago, so maybe today, depending on your time zone). Very kind email from the program director. There is a high likelihood I will accept the offer, pending full stipend/cost of living information. Very happy, of course. 

I am mostly a lurker here and on draft, but because I used this tool to better learn where I stand with a program I have yet to hear from, but that others have received acceptances from (thus assuming rejection...but whatever, I would have preferred other programs including UNLV...) It was particularly important for me to give back and update you all, since I haven't seen another UNLV fiction admission posted.

Best of luck today if you are still waiting to hear from UNLV fiction--the email was personalised, so it is likely not all admissions have gone out. And if you are considering going/ have a special insight about this program/Las Vegas (I have never been!) let's chat. 



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