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1 hour ago, cecsav said:

I received an acceptance for poetry (my first!). She said they are accepting 5 applicants in each genre, and all applicants would be called today. She also told me to expect follow up calls from Natalie Diaz and Solmaz Sharif! 

I am dying!

Oh, I'm so happy for you love. ❤️ Congrats!!!! 

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1 hour ago, inotherwordz said:

I just wanted to chime in and say that I absolutely don't think that is the case! I was accepted to UMass for fiction earlier this week (still reeling) and had included a flash piece.  When I was admitted the person I spoke to quoted a sentence from my flash piece as something that they liked--so, if anything, the flash I included was super important in my portfolio.  I'm sure the same is true for you! 

Man, this group is popping today. Congratulations!!!!!

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17 minutes ago, Ydrl said:

Uh, either this person is not very vigilant or this is a lie. “

  • Call from Lorraine Lopez. 3 total fiction and poetry acceptances each this year. Holy CRAP 1a/0w/1r/12p”

They meant the program, not the applicant, has three total acceptances.

Edited by DeepSyntax
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39 minutes ago, mrvisser said:

Fuck. Someone at Vanderbilt just got an acceptance call for fiction. I really want to go there. 

I saw someone else say this may or may not be true. Is it confirmed? I'm only asking because I'm trying to decide the degree to which I should start panicking/pacing the room/distracting myself with bad TV. 

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Hi everyone! Just started freaking out about not hearing from schools and found this forum so thought I would introduce myself. I applied right out of undergrad - mostly on a whim - to 5 poetry MFA programs for this coming fall. I am taking a gap year and would only be 23 starting these programs if accepted, which I've come to understand might not be in my favor... I applied to the Northwestern MFA+MA, Michener, U Washington, UVA, and Brown. So far it seems like none (?) of these schools have provided any results and I've been trying to distract myself pretty much any way I can. I know Northwestern originally said early February, but they emailed in late January that it would be closer to mid-February. If anyone is in the same boat, I feel for you, waiting is incredibly rough.

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2 hours ago, mrvisser said:

Heads up: Someone in Draft just got an acceptance call from Arizona State. Director Sally Ball called and said she would be calling the other accepted students today.

on a separate note, how often do the admins for the draft group review requests to join....just curious, lol....searching there could be another hobby i don't need : )

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19 minutes ago, jp212 said:

on a separate note, how often do the admins for the draft group review requests to join....just curious

I am no longer in but I believe they screen the requests pretty closely in order to weed out faculty (?) 

so, I think it takes a while. I also think it's just one person

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22 minutes ago, jp212 said:

on a separate note, how often do the admins for the draft group review requests to join....just curious, lol....searching there could be another hobby i don't need : )

It takes several weeks to get in.

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1 hour ago, bettedavisthighs said:

one of the schools at the top of my list published an essay of mine last spring. that has to work in my favor, right? or do you think they even remember?

Do you mean the lit mag at that school published your essay? Because most lit mags are staffed by students, not faculty. (I've heard people suggest that grad students at some programs read apps, but I don't think this is true. My program certainly doesn't work this way.) Generally speaking, lit mags housed in universities are pretty separate from the MFA programs from an administrative standpoint. By all means mention it in your CV, but unfortunately it's no indication of whether your work is well-aligned with the program's faculty.

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42 minutes ago, shanbanan said:

I saw someone else say this may or may not be true. Is it confirmed? I'm only asking because I'm trying to decide the degree to which I should start panicking/pacing the room/distracting myself with bad TV. 

It was also on Draft which I think decreases the chance it's a fake, but it's also really early for Vanderbilt to be notifying. Like, based on the data I collected they usually don't start until the beginning of March...

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1 minute ago, orangeslice said:

It was also on Draft which I think decreases the chance it's a fake, but it's also really early for Vanderbilt to be notifying. Like, based on the data I collected they usually don't start until the beginning of March...

Although now that I'm double checking that's not necessarily accurate so maybe don't listen to me LOL

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19 minutes ago, orangeslice said:

It was also on Draft which I think decreases the chance it's a fake, but it's also really early for Vanderbilt to be notifying. Like, based on the data I collected they usually don't start until the beginning of March...


17 minutes ago, orangeslice said:

Although now that I'm double checking that's not necessarily accurate so maybe don't listen to me LOL

Thank you! I'm going to *try* to step away for a bit to clear my mind and get into a good place. Sending happy vibes across the internet to all on this thread who are starting the weekend off feeling down, anxious, confused, disappointed, or just tired after a good, old-fashioned adrenaline dump. The single silver lining I have found, in joining this thread, is that I am reminded how kind and uplifting the writerly community can be. Wishing you all a happy weekend and good luck. 

Edited by shanbanan
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18 minutes ago, shanbanan said:


Thank you! I'm going to *try* to step away for a bit to clear my mind and get into a good place. Sending happy vibes across the internet to all on this thread who are starting the weekend off feeling down, anxious, confused, disappointed, or just tired after a good, old-fashioned adrenaline dump. The single silver lining I have found, in joining this thread, is that I am reminded how kind and uplifting the writerly community can be. Wishing you all a happy weekend and good luck. 

Thank you so much for your kind words. have a good weekend.

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25 minutes ago, spacedumpster said:

Oof, another ASU acceptance posted on Draft, this time in fiction, and now I am fairly certain that I can anticipate my first rejection. I knew this was going to suck big time, but damn. The first one really stings.

The first one is definitely more brutal than I thought it would be. 

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59 minutes ago, spacedumpster said:

Oof, another ASU acceptance posted on Draft, this time in fiction, and now I am fairly certain that I can anticipate my first rejection. I knew this was going to suck big time, but damn. The first one really stings.

Let us commiserate. I didn’t expect it to hurt so much either! 

I’m hopeful that we’ll both have good news to come. Best of luck to you! 

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10 hours ago, orangeslice said:

Yep I got an email at 12:23 am to check the portal lol

wow. I haven't got any emails to check the portal. god knows what it means. maybe it was so bad that they even didn't think it was worth their while to ask me to check :)

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19 hours ago, cecsav said:

I received an acceptance for poetry (my first!). She said they are accepting 5 applicants in each genre, and all applicants would be called today. She also told me to expect follow up calls from Natalie Diaz and Solmaz Sharif! 

I am dying!


19 hours ago, inotherwordz said:

I just wanted to chime in and say that I absolutely don't think that is the case! I was accepted to UMass for fiction earlier this week (still reeling) and had included a flash piece.  When I was admitted the person I spoke to quoted a sentence from my flash piece as something that they liked--so, if anything, the flash I included was super important in my portfolio.  I'm sure the same is true for you! 

Congrats to you two! (And to anyone else I may have missed.) 

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2 hours ago, mrvisser said:

Haven't seen any other acceptances to Vandy. Seems odd, but I guess it's entirely possible that the other five writers accepted don't use Gradcafe or Draft.

they also sent their English PhD notifications a few days ago. frequently there is no relation between the two, but sometimes (for example at Ohio St) CW and English notifications will go out simultaneously or almost simultaneously. so, that would also point to the Draft acceptance being real  

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Just now, Starbuck420 said:

they also sent their English PhD notifications a few days ago. frequently there is no relation between the two, but sometimes (for example at Ohio St) CW and English notifications will go out simultaneously or almost simultaneously. so, that would also point to the Draft acceptance being real  

Yeah, I trust that it's real. Apparently Northern Arizona reached out to somebody this morning, 24 hours after they sent an acceptance to someone else, so it's possible that schools split up their acceptance calls, but I'm not going to kid myself that much.

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