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I just learned that my airfare budget for Michigan is $200 less than my airfare. Anyone who's been down this road before... did you pay the difference, or did schools increase what they were willing to pay if there were no cheaper alternatives?


I have a similar problem with UCSD. I figure I'll ask, and the worst thing that can happen is that they'll say they won't be able to pay more!

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I have a similar problem with UCSD. I figure I'll ask, and the worst thing that can happen is that they'll say they won't be able to pay more!


You're right, but I am allergic to negotiating. I guess I'm going to need to get over that pretty quickly.

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Just a quick negotiating tip: If you ask in a respectful, professional way, there's not a lot of downside. They might have a firm policy, they might have wiggle room. If it is the former, they'll say it. No one will think less of you for asking the question, and you might be $200+ richer because of it. You won't be the only person to ask the person organizing these visit weekends for more money.

Edited by James4
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Just a quick negotiating tip: If you ask in a respectful, professional way, there's not a lot of downside. They might have a firm policy, they might have wiggle room. If it is the former, they'll say it. No one will think less of you for asking the question, and you might be $200+ richer because of it. You won't be the only person to ask the person organizing these visit weekends for more money.


Thank you, James. This should reveal how completely awkward I feel about money, but how would you phrase a request like this in a respectful, professional way? Any tips would be very helpful.

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[First Name],


I am excited to attend your visit weekend. I have one quick question, however: Given how far I am coming from, the least expensive airfare that I've been able to find from X to Y is $Z. Does the department have any flexibility in their budget to help defer some of the difference? My budget is tight, but I would really love to make it on the [date]. 


Best regards,


[Your name]

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Thanks! I found only one. Anyway, I'm hoping they haven't released all decisions, but marking that down as a rejection.


Only one of them includes the phrase "GSB." The other spells it out. If you use the words "Stanford" and "political" in your search instead, they're the two most recent entries. For whatever it's worth, they were notified in completely different ways. Where there's no blast email, hope remains. Good luck to you!

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The flight from where I'm at to the school I'm looking at visiting on the dates we agreed upon is appx. $1500. And yes, it's all domestic.


Is it a teensy town A to teensy town B? That was my case (flight was 1200) but in the end i was able to cut that to ~500 by flying into a nearer large city and then taking a 3 hour bus, so maybe you could try that?

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Is it a teensy town A to teensy town B? That was my case (flight was 1200) but in the end i was able to cut that to ~500 by flying into a nearer large city and then taking a 3 hour bus, so maybe you could try that?

Yes, teensy town A to teensy town B. That being said, even flying from Houston doesn't make it much better. We're still emailing back and forth to see what can happen. If I fly out the next day, rather than having an overnight layover, I can get it down by about half the price but I'll be there two hours later...not that it makes that much difference. But we'll see what happens.

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I asked this a couple of days ago, but it got buried under a torrent of other comments, so I'll check again :) Does anyone claim the Riverside admit?  

I'm really hoping they release decisions today. The department said early this week, so..fingers crossed!

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We're 2-1 against them this season so I'm going to pretend that the 5-1 never happened.


Can't wait for Bayern. I hope Arsene goes with this:






The Ox-Podolski-Cazorla


Arsene already said that he rested Rosicky yesterday because he's playing against Bayern so I definitely think Flamini/Rosicky/Ozil will be the midfield especially with Arteta suspended. The big question is really the front three. I hope Podolski gets the nod over Giroud.

Edited by Cazorla
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