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How Are You Coping With The Torture Of Waiting???


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Working, watching all I can, playing silly little games like Doctor Who legacy and, of course, this website. I haven't participated too much in the forums, but I have to say that reading everyone's comments and hopes and regrets makes the wait easier for me. I don't have any friends applying to grad school--they did last year, all in Europe, and they all got in--so this website helps me know I'm not alone. I don't know about you guys, but I don't really have much people willing to hear about my panicking!


That said, best of luck to you all!

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I was doing fine til last week since I wasn't expecting any news. Now I've heard from some schools, seeing here that others are hearing from schools - now I'm nervous. Part of me wishes they still sent notifications by snail mail, cuz at least with real mail you don't expect it to come every moment of the day! Now I know what time scheme I will hear back from a school by, and actually that has made things worse than not knowing because now I just wish time would pass already!!! I'd rather get rejected outright than wait and wait... and hope and hope... and still get rejected or waitlisted. It's like knowing exactly how much rope you have to hang yourself on...


So in the meantime I just keep working on my projects, which are keeping me busy and giving me mild stress at the moment (but I guess it's a good distracting stress??) and checking this forum. My sleep schedule is shot to hell cuz I can't fall asleep with the thinking and thinking about apps... but generally my outlook is good. I'm trying not to twiddle my thumbs while waiting. This is still time to do and learn! If I get into places, then I'd rather have a head start and bring in ideas and work that I'd started early.


So far I haven't resorted to checking the app status in the school's systems. They'll come to me if they really want me, right? I've been trying to think about it like even if I get rejected, I'm in a field where it's good to have gotten my work in front of those eyes anyway. Now maybe they know who I am and I can build on that.


It's weird knowing I will be really happy or really sad in about two weeks, but... WHICH ONE?! :|

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Also, occurs to me that this is a GREAT time for a vacation, except for the part where they want to do phone interviews. Maybe vacations within the country in areas with good cell reception and wifi access. :)


I would also LOVE a vacation! Stuck in the northeast and we are getting pummeled with snow. Usually I find a million ways to kill time and not worry but being stuck inside just encourages me to check my email, mailbox, application status, results search, you name it. I just want to sit on a beach somewhere!

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Jealous of those of you who only had a month or so to wait. I just found out from NYU that I will probably not hear back for sure until March 15th. My application was due December 1st. I'm nowhere close yet.

 Same with CUNY. #patience

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I have applied to programs within an absurdly competitive field. Even the so-called safety schools take less than 5 percent of their applicants. I think my biggest worry throughout this waiting process has been a fear that rejection will cement my feeling that I am worthless as a human being, especially in a country where unsuccessful people are scorned as "moochers" and "takers." It doesn't help that I have been unemployed since graduating last year, undertaking a parallel, if desultory and halfhearted, job search which has also been a failure up to now. 


So I got my first rejection today. Felt very disappointed for an hour or so, but then I realized -- what a load off. First and foremost, instead of 11 schools to worry about, there are now only 10. Moreover, my future will not include leaving behind loved ones to pack up and move to that particular place on the other side of the continent and start all over in the outrageous pressure-cooker environment of that particular school.  And if (or, as is far more likely, when) I get rejections from the other 10 schools, those will be 10 further burdens that will be lifted from my mind and body. And then I can relax, get on with my life--and start trying to make my goals fit my circumstances, and not the other way around.

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I can't decide if this app is the best or the worst thing to happen to me recently. 


I'm not dealing well with the stress. Though I'm trying to be productive in various ways. Work and classes keep me busy enough, and when I'm not busy with that, I'm making tremendous progress on this blanket I've been knitting for ages. Getting caught up in Super Bowl fever around here has also been a welcome distraction.

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jk, I mean, it comes in waves. There are entire days when I don't think about it. Then there are days when I get totally anxious and start thinking the worst. On those days, I try to focus on work, go for a drive, hang out with my pets, or break out the rubber gloves and detergent. My kitchen has never been cleaner!

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I was doing okay, not expecting to hear back until March at the earliest, then I heard back from a school last week. Now, I just want to know…I have so much time on my hands because I only work in the mornings and early afternoon. I have the rest of the evening to obsessively check email, reread program/university websites, and pour over Gradcafe. It doesn't help that it is winter and it is muddy and cold and that there is nothing to do besides sit inside and be on the computer. 

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Feeble attempts at French, which seems to be an allergen to my tongue. 


Omg thank you...I so needed a good laugh! Is it really that bad???  My mom made me learn when I was young, so I guess I should thank her now since McGill is my dream school.


I see you also applied to McGill...good luck!

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Omg thank you...I so needed a good laugh! Is it really that bad???  My mom made me learn when I was young, so I guess I should thank her now since McGill is my dream school.


I see you also applied to McGill...good luck!


Haha. I have a French friend who (I'm sure was just being polite) said that girls are going to like my accent. On the other hand, I have another friend from work who said that I sounded like I'm having a stroke. 


I only applied at McGill! I hope I really get it! Good luck to you too!  :)

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That's awesome. I'm trying to do the whole "focus on fitness" thing too, but it seems to have the opposite effect... "Now I have to worry about grad school AND fitness!? I should just eat everything instead." 9 seasons is really impressive though, be proud. I just caught up on 4.5 seasons of The Good Wife and now I don't know what to watch, so I'm just kind of... sitting... waiting....


Haha thanks! I think I am also eating more now because of all the exercise, so it's kind of counter productive. Oh well! I have also moved on to another show someone recommend on here, "The Mindy Project" I wasn't sure I liked it at first but I've watched 4 or 5 and I'm officially hooked. She is hilarious!

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Hmm, I'd recommend that you check out Orange is the New Black and Suits if you haven't done so yet.

HBO also has a new show called True Detective with McConaughey (who I believe is at the prime of his career) and Woody Harrelson. It's incredibly well written, with dark humour, and utterly riveting storylines. I'm just hoping it stays that way!


 Love True Detective! It is nice to have a good show to curl up to on these cold winter nights in the Great White North. Keep the recommendations coming :)

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"How are you coping with the torture of waiting?"



I'm not.


At least, not well.




I still have a semester of undergrad left, so I'm keeping busy. I finally got stung by the senioritis bug, which is a shame because I'm taking very interesting classes! I wish I wasn't so lazy this semester...

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"How are you coping with the torture of waiting?"

I'm not.

At least, not well.


I still have a semester of undergrad left, so I'm keeping busy. I finally got stung by the senioritis bug, which is a shame because I'm taking very interesting classes! I wish I wasn't so lazy this semester...

I am in the exact same situation and cant wait to graduate... In 81 days xD

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Checking my emails every half hour, checking grad cafe every hour and rereading every email that has been sent to me from each school in hopes that I missed something and there is a new way know my admissions status. Suffice it to say, not coping very well at all. 

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I had a school which as of this morning said they still hadn't received my transcripts. I was (obviously) worried because this is my top school and I didn't want to be out of the running because someone lost my transcripts or I had inadvertently mixed up the address or something.  Apparently my compulsive website checking has paid off, and now they have my transcripts! That took quite the load off...now I only have to worry about if they'll accept me or not  :wacko:

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I am in the exact same situation and cant wait to graduate... In 81 days xD

Ah, the countdown!

I'm doing it by months for now. :3 Once February ends, I'll do weeks, then days when I get to April!

Our semester is short this year. I'll be done with classes before May! (This is weird for at least UMass, I don't know about other schools)

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