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pinoysoc last won the day on December 29 2017

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About pinoysoc

  • Birthday November 14

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  • Location
    St. Louis, MO
  • Interests
    Sociology of Health and Medicine, Population Demography, Public Health, Social Networks, Micronesian Studies, Pacific-Asian Studies, Asian American & Pacific Islander Studies
  • Application Season
    Already Attending
  • Program
    Sociology & Public Health

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  1. I agree with @sociopolitic. A graduate director chastised me and pretty much said that my low GRE scores were a big factor because their department is quant-heavy. However, I found out that in some regards, it comes down to the right program (and fit) to give you an acceptance. First-year Ph.D. student and the program I'm attending now is the only I got into, but it's also the only program that's guaranteeing me two-degrees (also getting my MPH at the same time) by the time I finish.. So I win. LOL.
  2. I have to agree with all three. In addition, I think you should take courses or electives that interests you and helps you shape your research interests. At the end of the day, it comes down to research fit with the department. Some students make the mistake of applying to brand name schools instead of thinking if they'll be able to do their research if the person they want to work with leaves the program. Also, try opting to get a year or more worth of research experience related to the research you want to do. That sets you apart in a sense that you have started "doing research." Also, try to TA or RA as much as you can. It's something that I wish I did differently, but I came from a school where the program was small and opportunities were limited.
  3. Hey! I totally understand what you're going through. Department funding for MA programs are pretty much a guarantee as long as you're making good progress towards finishing in two years. That may mean different things for different schools, but usually it's: 1) No grades below a B; 2) You're on track to defend your proposal by the end of your first year; 3) You meet your job as a TA or RA (or both if that's how you're assigned); and 4) You have a good or better second semester review. The review is often the basis as to whether or not you get funding. Again, assuming you're making progress, it shouldn't be an issue. The department is supposed to find/help you get the funding. Let me know if you need more information or need to talk to someone!
  4. Chiming in: Although I came with 1 acceptance out of 7 schools, I realize what make your choice easier are department visits AND gut feeling. I was devastated I didn't get into Penn State this year and entertained the idea of trying again next year for it, but I went with my gut feeling with UAB and visited. I realized that the department (UAB) was small enough for individualized attention. The faculty also had connections ALL OVER the school that includes the School of Medicine, School of Dentistry, School of Public Health, etc. that the opportunities to do my research was infinite. This was something the Penn State couldn't offer had I gotten in. Yes, they're more prestigious, but my visit made me realize that UAB offered a better environment in terms of learning and having access to opportunities that Penn State didn't have. Penn State is quant-heavy. UAB is quant-heavy, but balances it out by making qual-methods a mandatory course so you have training in both. They also told me that we can do our dissertations in any med sociology topic and support the scope of what we want to cover, but also offers the option to guide you if the topic becomes too narrow. Penn State flat out told me that my research is narrow.. (but hey... their lost on studying minority health disparities). They also told me that they're concerned about how I'll survive their quant-heavy program. In short, the department visit re-affirmed my decision with UAB and forego reapplying. But other things to consider include city-life, cost of living, etc. I got lucky since Birmingham is upcoming (just like St. Louis where I'm coming from). It has the right balance of academic life and having a personal life.
  5. Heading to The University of Alabama at Birmingham in the Fall!  Let's Go Blazers!

  6. I just downloaded the app and you have my number! This is so exciting!
  7. I think rank should be the last thing you think about when making a decision. You're applying to get the experience and expertise. Look at the here. It'd be nice to go to a high-ranked program, but why get in, and then struggle to survive in it? It's really up to you, but the value of a graduate school education is based on what opportunities you take on while being enrolled. Here's another good article to read.
  8. You can also add Saint Louis University to that list. They have a great program that's very heavy on methods, urban sociology, medical sociology, and public policy. It's a good start as well.
  9. Are you talking about recitation classes where it's a supplement to the larger introduction course?
  10. Teaching positions are often filled through the basis of need. GA-ships are usually TA or RA. Those who get GTA-ships are TA's for introductory classes. It's also dependent on skill level. If you're further in the program, you usually get to teach your own class (which is the case for most doctoral students finishing up). Or if you're in the middle (i.e. second/third-year) you might be the lab instructor/assistant for classes that have a lab component to them. Of course, this is from a social science (sociology) perspective; and it will vary as well based on the academic field you're in.
  11. I think what made the difference for me, anyway, was that my research focus was more fine-tuned. During my first time, I had this grandiose plan of studying macro-level changes and globalization and its effects on cultures. Yet, but by taking time-off, I realized that my true passion is medical sociology/sociology of health and illness/race and ethnicity and the intersection with the changing landscapes. What are your interests?
  12. I don't think it should only be a research position. Look for practical experience as well. Having that experience in research is good since a lot of programs at the master's & doctoral level generates new information through research. You don't have to find a job in the BME field, per se, but find something close or relevant that you can use your undergraduate education in. In the process, you might be able to find a focus that will help you in your future applications. Does that make any sense?
  13. Hey! Just wanted to offer some Grad Cafe advice. I totally get you feeling the fear of being "away" from recommendation providers. I suggest that you keep in contact with them to maintain a relationship with them. Have you thought of finding a job that's related to BME? What I found (that worked for me) is to only take on jobs that will add to your experience and won't detract you from your end goal of going back to school. Of course, when I did this, I had the luxury of living with my family until I got into grad school. You could also do it step by step. What I mean is, why don't you apply to master's programs first to get more experience and get used to the academic life for the Fall of 2019? Of course, you have to find a program that's funded at the master's level...because THEY DO EXIST! You just need to the leg work. Hope this helps!
  14. Hey! It's up to you, personally. I ended up contacting programs because I didn't keep waiting and acceptances were coming in left and right and didn't want to wait for nothing. As for your case, maybe give it until after the weekend? From the little that I know, usually international students get acceptances first because they need to work visas. Hope this helps!
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