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Everything posted by ShewantsthePhD101

  1. gotcha gotcha gotcha. Break a leg!
  2. How do you know that?! I wanna find out when mine announce!
  3. I think just like there is the April 15th acceptance date, there needs to be a standard notification of acceptance date so we all know exactly when we can expect to hear.
  4. I'm not trying to be "greedy". It just happens that I've heard back from my last choice school... I'm hoping for something better. And the sooner I hear back from my top choices the sooner I can reject the other places I've been accepted and pull my application from other places still considering me - leaving more room for everyone else.
  5. Thanks... I just feel like waiting for the other schools (especially my top choice) is gonna drive me insane.
  6. It is terrible of me to complain, I know, but I was accepted to FSU on Tuesday and invited to Emory's visitation weekend on Wednesday... but I think having heard from two programs so early is making me antsier waiting to hear back from the other 8 I applied to. It makes it seem like the 2-3 weeks until I can start expecting to hear from them seem like an eternity... How am I supposed to be patient?!
  7. about face
  8. gear shifter
  9. Congrats!!!
  10. ship shape
  11. Call everyone. Thank letter writers. Thank the school. Take myself out for a nice dinner.
  12. I love that concept. <3
  13. Hey! Is the Hebrew Bible Phd applicant for Yale who got an interview on this thread? I'd love to talk to you!
  14. @Hopeless_Academic YYYYAAAAAYYYY!!!!!!
  15. I've heard mid-late February is when we should start expecting to hear back. Even though most of our apps were due mid-December the committees went on break shortly thereafter, so they probably won't have even started going through applications until a week or so ago.
  16. If that's legitimately the case, then why make letters a requirement for applications? It takes up so much of our professors' time.
  17. @Almaqah Thwn Congrats on your acceptance!!!
  18. Thank you! And today I just received word I'm going to Emory's visitation weekend! I think I can actually do this. Scratch that. I know I can do this! I've done it! I'm in somewhere. And that's all I needed.
  19. Has Vanderbilt contacted anyone this cycle yet?
  20. Head's up, Emory applicants - I just got my invite to visitation weekend at Emory.
  21. You can have a family without having a spouse. If having a family is the priority and you can't find a willing partner, it may be time to consider starting one on your own.
  22. Thanks!!! It's a big relief.
  23. As a Brown applicant for this year, I'd be very interested in why you hate it at Brown.
  25. Officially accepted for PhD! 1/10 responses. 9 more to go!

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