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Everything posted by ShewantsthePhD101

  1. Obviously I didn't count it as a lock. I was just hoping it might give me an edge.
  2. You tell them what strengths you'll bring to the program... Do you have a unique perspective other students won't have? Is your scholarly production high? Are you great at bringing people together? Just tell them what you're good at.
  3. It's definitely not necessary. I got into my MA in Religious Studies without referencing professors I'd like to work with. However, if you're able to do so, it could only help. It shows that you've put in the energy to research the university and faculty - and since the admission process is basically just glorified groveling, they love those kinds of things.
  4. By support letters, I am going to assume you mean letters of recommendation. Traditionally grad programs will ask for 3 letters, sometimes more sometimes less, written on your behalf. At least two of these letters are usually from those you know from an academic setting. These letters explain to the institutions to which you are applying why your recommender believes you to be qualified/a good fit for the position you seek.
  5. I pretty much live my life my pro/con lists. Which has more pros for you? And which pros are more important? Is student life more important for you than your career goals? Can your career goals be met in Barcelona? These are decisions only you can make.
  6. Have any of you tried the BoogieBoard Sync, ReMarkable tablet, or any other paper substitution/e notebook? I like writing by hand (deeper cognition) as opposed to typing, but I'd like my notes to be easily accessible via technology to look back on later.
  7. That's a bit disappointing to hear, but I appreciate your candor. Hopefully this will help me quell any expectations.
  8. They've more or less been your basic supplies. Paper, pens, computers, a good bookshelf, etc. Stuff I already know/have for my MA> I never would have thought of doing all of that reading. That's fairly impressive.
  9. About a month ago I had a phone call with the head of my top choice program. He asked about my areas of interest, and when we discussed my research he seemed genuinely interested. He said that I was asking good questions, some of which he hadn't thought of before, and offered several other resources I might be interested in. His interests and mine are almost identical. But this wasn't a formal interview. Just a phone call I set up to get to know the program and its people a little better. I sent him a follow up "Thank you" email a week later. My application for this school is due on the 5th, and I was wondering if A) It would be appropriate to email him and let him know when my application is submitted, that I look forward to hearing back from him etc and 2) Exactly how much difference a good call like that makes. Is it reasonable to expect I have a decent change of acceptance based on that phone call (provided I'm not an illiterate moron in my SOP and writing sample)? I'm in love with this program, and I've never had anyone show so much interest in my studies... but I don't want to get my hopes up either.
  10. I've seen this thread in other places and though I'd start something similar here. Any religion/religious studies specific supplies recommended for PhDs?
  11. When I started grad school I cried myself to sleep every night for about two months. I was lonely. I was broke. I was struggling. I had one professor suggest I drop out. Twice. Grad school sucks pretty much all the way around. But since fall 2016 I've also participated in my first academic conference, been published half a dozen times, and gotten a position as an editor for an academic journal. We're all stressed and tired and think we suck. I try to fall back on the fact that my school wouldn't have accepted me if I didn't deserve it. Then of course you'll have the "I just tricked them into thinking I was good enough" thoughts, but heck, if you can trick a school, you can make it in the field. As telkanuru said, none of us are good enough. Determination will get you a lot further than being "good enough" or "intelligent" will.
  12. ...Is Ramen actually a thing people pay for? I mean, aside from buying at the grocery store and making it yourself? There is such a thing as "good" ramen? I'm so confused lol.
  13. 6/10 Applications completed... 4 more to go!

  14. I'd be more than happy to!
  15. Sandmaster... you've already had two interviews????
  16. Gee... I wonder why. Maybe because you openly admit to the appropriation of cultures that don't belong to you and ramble like a lunatic.
  17. I have been asking myself the same question for the last week.
  18. This just feels so much more risky than I am used to/comfortable with...
  19. Ginger helps with blood circulation, if you weren't aware. Hot ginger tea (especially if you add a little rum) while under and electric blanket with nice warm socks and a knit hat oughta keep just about any human being warm. Goodwill is always a great place to sweater shop - and ugly sweaters worn ironically is in right now, so ugly or cute it really doesn't matter. You can totally do this.
  20. I want into Brown's Religion and Critical Theory PhD more than I've wanted anything for a very long time. I had no clear favourite until roughly 3 week ago when I had a phone call with them, and they were excited about the work I want to do. I've never had anyone exited about what I want to study. It was exhilarating. But now I'm worried that I've set myself up to be crushed. I've done the best I can possibly do. I've got a quality SOP and LORs. My writing sample is good and my GRE is decent. But I keep competing with this perfect student in my head, and am consistently coming up short. Is it ok to let myself want something so specific and difficult to attain? What am I going to do now that my heart is set on this if it doesn't come to fruition? For the first time in my life I have aspirations that I am not confident I can fulfill, and I am scared.
  21. Except I have a January 2nd and January 5th due before my two January 15ths lol
  22. Don't be ashamed. <3 His heart and mind are not within your control. This political season has made extremists out of many who were otherwise docile before. I'm not married. I've never even been close. So I am in no way qualified to offer advice. I can, however, offer a few words of encouragement: You love him. Presumably that means that there are things in him worth loving. Focus on those things. I don't know if you can change his mind or not. A lot of that will depend on him. But love can accomplish miracles. And no love, no matter how difficult, is ever wasted. You promised for better or worse, and this isn't a "worse" you ever expected... but I think it's something worth at least trying to work through. Marriage counseling can do wonders. That being said, you have as much a right to express yourself as he does, and if he can't handle that - if he cuts loose and runs - let him go. Marriages are partnerships. He shouldn't be issuing ultimatums. Especially over something like this.
  23. I talk to my grad school friends about anything/everything as long as it's not something that has the potential to hurt me academically should they turn out to not be as great of friends as I think they are. i.e. I'll share love life, flopped papers/presentations, school struggles - but I won't share opinions I have that have the potential to shoot me in the foot.
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