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  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
  • Program
    School Psychology PhD

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  1. Hi everyone. I'm considering emailing the director of my program because I haven't heard anything back about the waitlist and my position. I really just need clarity and peace in what is supposed to happen. I want to be prepared and am not sure if I should go ahead and start applying to jobs as alternative plans. Does anyone have any advice on how to word my email? I still want to come across as professional, interested, and patient. Thanks!
  2. Thank you so much!!!! I’ve looked into them and they’re pretty affordable actually. You’re amazing!
  3. Hi! I’m honestly pretty open to both! I feel like I don’t want to live no more than 20 minutes from campus.
  4. I am currently in waitlist world and just dreaming about the day I get to (hopefully) post my acceptance in this thread....... congrats to everyone getting accepted!!!
  5. I don’t have a ton of experience because this is my first time applying to grad school programs... but I was waitlisted at both of the schools I applied to. I got a call from the director of my top program saying if someone decides to not accept the offer, they will call me again and offer me a spot. I did email a follow up restating my interest and letting them know to keep me on the waitlist. The other program just sent me an email saying I was selected as an alternate and that if a spot opens they would contact me depending on my position on the waitlist. I feel mixed emotions about being on the waitlist haha but all I know is I am back in the agonizing waiting game (with a glimmer of hope!!). Thanks to everyone who is sharing their experiences!
  6. Thanks to everyone who has posted about the aren! I’m wondering if there are any specific apartment complexes I should look at. I’m hoping to go to University of Memphis for the school psychology program. ?
  7. Thank you! I have considered it actually! I’m interested in Memphis’s program but haven’t looked into others. Do you have any recommendations of programs?
  8. Update: I got waitlisted at both NAU and U of Memphis... kind of sad but kind of grateful? I’m hoping for the best. ?
  9. Welcome to the thread!! It’s awesome to hear good news. Congratulations on your acceptance and interview invites!!!! You should be proud of yourself. Good luck with everything! ?
  10. I personally sent thank you emails. I’m not sure what it will bring but I know it’s a nice thing for them to take the time out of your day to do it!
  11. Congrats on the interviews! Good luck and I’m sure you’ll do amazing!
  12. Congrats on your acceptance!!!! That’s amazing! I hope you celebrate. ??? Thanks for the tips as well!
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