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Posts posted by xxxxxxxxxx

  1. 36 minutes ago, Psychobabble12 said:

    I did this in a moment of desperation, followed by feelings of intense immediate regret. ?

    I emailed the general graduate admissions email address which was forwarded to the program coordinator. As of Jan 2nd, "No, interview invitations have not yet gone out.  The committee is still reviewing applications."

    You are truly the MVP LOL!!!!!!!! TEAM WORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK!!! ???❤️

  2. On 1/3/2019 at 9:40 AM, TheDidacticStudent said:

    Omg I applied to Wyoming too, just praying they are still sending out invites!

    Someone just told me their POI for Wyoming (which was one of the ones I applied to work with) has extended all invites.

    So, thus far, 2 faculty have extended all invites...... and I haven't heard sh%t over here ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ?

  3. 7 minutes ago, spookycat said:

    Honestly at this point I'd so much rather just receive rejections (or interviews ?) and at least know where I stand than have to wait anymore. I feel like rejections will be horrible, but at least it's over and you can deal with it and then focus on interviews, you know? 

    Who are you telling.... LOL. The worst part is NOT knowing. I rather know, cry it out, and get on with my life!!

  4. On 1/4/2019 at 2:44 PM, round2_ said:

    Find another career, probably. 

    I’d love to work in politics/government, as a second option. I don’t have the energy to go for more schooling (LOL) and the campaigning seems draining/exhausting (and I’m definitely not about putting my family’s life all out there), but the thought of working in Congress/shaping people’s lives on a national level is so amazing to me. Something related to psychological interventions/mental health would be nice.

    But- I’m ignorant/don’t know sh@t about government/politics so maybe it’s uglier and more diffcult than it already looks lol

  5. 8 hours ago, DaphneBanks said:

    This is the most frustrating thing ever. I have a couple of nice blazers that used to fit, until I underwent a growth spurt in the chest area and now I do not have any blazers that fit. I cannot afford to buy another blazer, so I think that I am stuck with my backup outfit. 

    Does anyone think that a grad program would think badly of me if I wore a nice blouse from Talbots with a skirt and comfortable, yet dressy shoes? I am in a little bit of a bind and would really appreciate any advice. I would pretty much be wearing what I wear to Church and have worn to presentations before.

    You will look quite underdressed for the occasion if you are not wearing a blazer/layered in business-casual at the very least. Everyone else competing for this spot in your POI's laboratory will most likely be wearing a suit combo or a blazer + dress pants combo. 

    If money is an issue- What about an interest-free credit card? Offers are great right now for 0% interest. Usually they give you 28-30 days from the moment of purchase until the statement generates to pay a min. payment towards the balance.

    There are many options here: it's up to you to decide what risk you're willing to take/what's more important to you.

  6. 9 hours ago, letsgetclinicalclinical said:

    Hi, to the ASU poster, was the interview invite a mass email? Thanks! You can feel free to DM me if you feel more comfortable doing so! 

    It was a mass invite.

    By the way- There’s a different thread for questions regarding POIs/invites popping up on TGC results page. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, JaniceMontgomery said:

    She did say that she may reach out to me to speak again at a later date (Interview weekend invite?) or I could schedule a call to ask her questions. So it was like this is her call to ask her stuff, if I want to ask her anything I need to set that up myself. Everything about my interactions with her has been kind of odd. 

    I think this is good enough then. Maybe it is her style, and she's simply an odd/brief person. On the plus side, now you get an opportunity to think this through: Are these the kind of mentor-mentee interactions you'd like to have with the person who's responsible for your career development for the next 5+ years of your life? Probably not. :) I (personally) am a very 1st impression/vibes kind of person, especially over the phone. If I can sense someone is not interested in me or is not as pleasant/warm/thorough as I'd prefer, it's a no-go for me lol.

    Don't sweat/overthink this call too much. Focus on killing your other interviews

  8. 8 minutes ago, JaniceMontgomery said:

    Anyone have a skype/phone interview where they didn't leave time for you to ask them questions? I just got done interviewing with UMD and they said they had 30 minutes to talk, asked me questions for 30 minutes and then said goodbye, so weird. I've had 3 other interviews and they all asked if I had any questions at the end. Kinda thinking it means she's not going to offer me an in-person interview. 

    Clinical applicant-lurker here. This is very weird. :( Do you feel like she provided thoughtful feedback after every answer you gave? Also, did she give you any information on the next steps, even if she (abruptly?) ended the call without letting you ask her any questions? 

    I had a phone interview and it actually ran longer than the 30 min block we had scheduled (spent a whole hour) but it was due to the PI providing a lot of positive/reassuring feedback to my answers, clearly being interested in the thoughtful responses I gave, etc. 

  9. 14 minutes ago, lmk94 said:

    I have been so stressed about this process that I have what I assume to be a stress-induced cystic acne breakout that I haven't experienced since high school. ?

    My go-to stress reliever is taking indoor cycling classes at the gym, which definitely helps a lot but is only an hour out of my day. 

    My 1st application round caused this. Literally. It was so horrific, entire face and neck, completely traumatized from that application round/experience.
    Drink lots of water, make lots of fruit/veggie smoothies, remove everything dairy, and engage in lots of positive rewarding (as difficult as it may be).

  10. 6 minutes ago, FallGO said:

     Guys. I really think it's more appropriate if you send a personal message to those who have posted interview invites to inquire POI info. I don't think people would actually read everyone's request and send message to each individual. That's a lot of work. So, if you want to know, be proactive! 

    Also, I don't think it's a good idea to post POI's initials and names publicly. If I'm a professor, I won't want students to post on an online forum showing that I've sent out invites etc. 

    Individuals on here are posting in regards to what's popping up on TGC Results page. :) 

    If a person receives an invite and makes an actual post on the actual invite thread (e.g., the "Fall 2019 Clinical Psychology Invites Thread") then people on here will of course know to DM them directly. My understanding on the reason for this thread is because individuals have not posted the invite details on the thread (And have only posted anonymously on the TGC Results page).

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