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Posts posted by xxxxxxxxxx

  1. 11 minutes ago, refreshing_email said:

    Has anyone heard from Nova Southeastern University? I had an interview there in early/mid December and they said they would let us know decisions within the next week or two but I haven’t heard anything...

    I know someone who got an offer last week for the 'Forensic' track. The person interviewed in early December.

  2. 11 hours ago, dancedementia said:

    I'm curious why "absolutely not"? I can see why you would want to refrain from programs that are not APA accred and do not plan on getting it, but programs that are in the process usually will have the accred (unless they're complete shit) by the time you graduate. 

    For the reasons @Hk328 mentioned above, esp. the uncertainty regarding internship. Definitely a gamble with my career I wasn’t going to make. 

  3. 27 minutes ago, vlynn103 said:

    So this is kind of my second round. Last year I just applied to ETSU and by some miracle I got an interview, but I ultimately was not accepted. This year I came back and applied to 8 schools, with a false sense of confidence from my interview last year. I know it's still really early and most of my schools have not given out interview requests, but I'm a mess. Last night I saw that ETSU gave out interview requests and I was not one of those people, so my heart is completely broken and I don't even know how to cope.

    @humanisticPOV posted a beautiful response to feelings of failure/inadequacy/self-doubt on the General Psychology thread (wish I could just link it here lol).

    Was ETSU your top choice? I know this feeling all too well- Trust me, I've been there! Rejected from my top choice, TWICE! This 3rd time around: Offered an invite! An unofficial one, at that, because my POI was so impressed with my work/experiences/etc, they met and interviewed me informally before the application round. It was insane and unexpected. 

    After some time (and healing!), I think my biggest take away from this brutal process is that we all need to develop a different relationship/approach to rejections. This isn't the first time or the last time we will be experiencing rejections, unfortunately. Once you are accepted (whether this application or the next!), we will all be here again for internship applications. And for some of us, post-doc applications. And rejections will happen again and again (I've heard some of my colleagues- who are providers at my clinic, state that internship rejections suck even more, lol). Find comfort in knowing that there are a lot of us who've been there before. This too shall pass! ❤️ 

  4. 18 hours ago, round2_ said:

    ... biggest predictor seems to be if my letter writers know people at the program. 3 of my potential advisors know my current or undergrad advisor really well. I had some interest from people at top programs (both rounds) so I think my applications were competitive ....but only the places they knew people actually panned out. 

    +1. This is so important.

  5. On 1/10/2019 at 8:09 PM, ASDadvocate said:

     ...The one thing that concerns me a little is the fact that this particular program is not APA accredited. This is something that both of my supervisors emphasized I should look for in a graduate program. My thoughts are that attending this program might ultimately limit the states I would be able to practice in but I would still be able to become licensed and work in states that don't require you have a doctorate from an APA accredited program- which is honestly the majority. Plus, my husband and I are actually really looking forward to move out of FL and possibly not come back. FL does require APA accredited programs for licensure. 

    I'm hoping to get an acceptance and at least have this option for grad school. I'm an older applicant and I don't think I'm willing to go through this process again for many reasons more personal to my specific circumstances. I hope this information helps people! Good luck to everyone!

    I considered applying to a couple of programs that were in the "process" of accreditation (like OHSU), and my director/PIs/mentors immediately said "Absolutely not." If you do not get any more interviews this application period, I would strongly recommend for you to think about the implications of this important decision.

    I've read in other doctoral-level forums that this limits your options in so many ways you can't even imagine, and by the time you graduate, you may mostly likely look back and regret this decision (vs. waiting to apply the next application round). Many employers (state hospitals, private hospitals, VAs, government-funded jobs, etc) will not hire individuals who did not graduate from APA-accredited programs. This will also affect insurance reimbursements, liability, etc. Also, the type of "license" you receive will most likely require some type of supervision, even after graduation from this type of program, and you should begin thinking about what agencies would be willing to supervise/commit to your training.

    I recommend you to check out SDN and get perspective from experts in the field, I'm pretty active on that forum and have seen this type of concern raised on there in the past. Best of luck to you!

  6. 9 hours ago, philopsych said:

    Anyone know how long it takes to hear back about an RA position?

    Depends how you applied. I heard back within days for my current position (Coordinator), but this was because I was already in conversations with the PI via e-mail for several weeks prior to applying. Usually, if you applied through a university's job portal, anywhere from 2-4 weeks is the norm. If you haven't heard anything 4-6 weeks after you applied, it's safe to e-mail and inquire about your status.

  7. 1 hour ago, EileanDonan said:

    Just thought I'd say that I appreciated your post as well. At the current rate, if I ever get accepted, I will likely be a bit older than my peers as well. Weighs on me sometimes as I try to figure out at what point I'll be too old to bother with 5-6 more years of school. Anyway, good luck to you!

    "It is never too late to be what you might have been" - G. Eliot

    In those 5-6 years, you will be doing/working/devoting yourself towards something you absolutely love. Good luck to you as well!! ❤️ 

  8. 1 minute ago, Doc2016 said:

    Ha ha ha!  I feel ya.  I think my apps were a mess year 1.  I don't know how I got ANY interviews!  I will say, most of the people I interviewed with both years said my clinical experience is what set me apart from other candidates.  

    I cringe when I re-read my 1st/2nd app round SOPs. I didn't know what the hell I was talking about.. LOL. Even though I landed several phone interviews, my thoughts were all over the place/too broad. It took the current lab/group of PIs/mentors I'm working for now to bring all of this to my attention!

    You don't know what you don't know, whew... Humbling experiences, for sure.

  9. 23 minutes ago, Doc2016 said:

     I am already (at least) several years older than the vast majority of people on here and I am not willing to start 5-6 years more school that late in life.  It's frustrating to be sure, but if that's not the way it goes, it's just the way it goes.


    14 minutes ago, chopper.wife said:

    I'm not sure how old you are, but my psych degree was my second degree, and I took 2 years off in-between the two. So I am about 5-6 years older than those I graduated with and will be 34/35 when I finish (if I get in this year). It can be frustrating to see those younger than you reaching a goal you have so much earlier than you ever could have, but if this is what you truly want, I think it's worth it! Not to mention, I know many graduate students who are older, it's not at all uncommon. Anyways, not trying to convince you one way or another, but just suggesting that being older and getting into the career you want later in life isn't necessarily a bad thing. If anything, I have heard some of the older students are better able to manage the stress and work/life balance of graduate studies, so I could be to your benefit! Wishing you all the best with whatever you choose!

    I am 5+ years older than the "cohort" of applicants in the research lab I'm working in (they're 21-23? Recent grads, pretty young, both from a maturity aspect and professionally) and can sympathize with the both of you. I however have real life experience and 4+ years in this clinical research field that they do not, so it gives me a bit of a confidence booster that my application materials were much stronger in this aspect. I don't let this get to me whatsoever. Also, this being my 3rd app round, I feel my experiences have truly narrowed down my interests and I know what I want to do with my career, for the rest of my life. This helped me create very strong SOPs this app round vs. the disastrous mess I submitted the last 2 rounds (I was so naive lol).

    You can learn a lot from rejections.. it's all about how you respond & persevere ;) 

  10. 19 minutes ago, Doc2016 said:

    This is my third and final attempt.  I don’t think I’m getting interviews for any funded programs, all but one school has sent (at least some) invites.  I applied for a few partially funded, but am not sure at this point if that’s realistic financially (debt from master’s already).  I got 2 waiting lists for funded schools and 1 acceptance (psyd that I turned down) year 1. I received  an interview and subsequent waiting list for 1 school 2nd time.  So, I took a year off of apps and got a full time job running a large federally-funded study. Pub in the works, but a couple presentations.  And now nothing?!?!  The more qualified I get the less competitive I appear to be...  

    I'm sorry to hear this was the case for you.

    It's a combination of stats (your scores), your research experience, your statement of purpose (Was it clear?), your networking skills, and your recommendations (Were they strong?). One of these had to be lacking. I'm more than happy to chat with you through a PM about my experience. Don't give up.

  11. General PSA:
    To the people posting anonymously on TGC Results page and choosing to not private message any folks on here with any slight details about the invites/initials of PI's or even politely/respectfully declining all together to inform people about PIs/the invite (which you have complete right to do so): It almost (strongly) feels like your decision to post your invite was a self-serving, narcissistic, pissing-contest move LMAO ;) #confused

  12. On 1/8/2019 at 5:46 PM, psychforvets said:

    Hi everyone! First application cycle for me and looking for some perspective....Once schools start extending interview invitations to other candidates, how long should someone hold out hope before they realize it's just not happening? ? Thanks!

    If you're seeing invites on the TGC results page for schools you applied to, and you haven't heard anything ~2 weeks before the scheduled interview dates, it's safe to assume rejection. So most likely by mid January, if the schools you applied to have interviews between 2/1-2/5.

    I've been in your position before, it sucks. You take the L, become more competitive, and increase your chances for the next application round (If you decide this is truly the career path you'd like to take).

  13. 12 hours ago, Clickingrefresh said:

    Same, please! 


    2 minutes ago, PsychedforPsych2 said:

    same for the person who got the invite today


    12 hours ago, Katie B said:

    For the person who posted an interview with the University of Houston, would you mind messaging me your POI please?

    ME FOUR. Gees. What a slow, painful death lmao. If any of y'all hear something re: Houston, let me know- I'll keep yallz in the loop as well ;) 

  14. 24 minutes ago, irisyuz21 said:

    Anyone heard from SMU yet? They’re interview day is 1/25. Is it appropriate if I email POI to ask whether the invitation has been sent out? Had applied to 10 schools with 1 rejection. Nervous to death now. 

    Do not e-mail your PI. May come off as inappropriate/impatient/pushy. If you really cannot wait any longer, a polite e-mail to the program coordinator regarding the status of all invites would be more appropriate.

  15. 23 minutes ago, Ihatethis said:

    ....it's important to understand that many women feel judged by their appearance more than men, especially in a professional setting, and it is normal for many women to have anxieties around this! There has also been research in the past suggesting these concerns may be at least partially valid. This is also especially true for those of us with not a ton of experience in this area due to life circumstance. It would be great to be a little more considerate of where people are coming from when giving advice instead of being too brisk. This is especially important for someone in the clinical field. 

    This x1000000. *EYEROLL* at the mansplaining and insensitivity. 

    Imagine if women on here began to express worries about other, equally important topics (I.e., wearing marriage/engagement rings; or even hair concerns, especially for WOC). Gees.




  16. 4 minutes ago, 21ny14 said:

    Nah I want this entire thread deleted so I don’t need to see it bumped to the top each time someone asks a question to ghosts who won’t look here ??????????????

    LMAO. Listen. I am looking. 

    And, through my careful perusing (stalking), I also have made some connections of peeps who have their multiple invites “listed” on their signatures and then peeps who are asking about POIs for these specific schools in multiple threads... I’m just like, whut ?

    $h!t is outta control at this point. We are all nervous wrecks ????


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