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I emailed Penn State about my application status last Thursday and no response. Has anyone heard from them? They’re literally the only school I’m waiting on to make my final decision. 

Edited by The Maritime Scholar
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1 hour ago, The Maritime Scholar said:

I emailed Penn State about my application status last Thursday and no response. Has anyone heard from them? They’re literally the only school I’m waiting on to make my final decision. 

I haven't heard anything from them since I emailed them the last time!! So frustrating!

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In another forum they have discussed this whole PennState mess... but cannot remember where. I am waiting, too, desperately.

The rumor is that they will not respect the April 15th deadline this year and go for rolling admission (no waitlist; just admitting one by one)...

Also the one person who is already admitted and posted the results here said that they are changing their focus this year away from contemporary American to Renaissance stuff (,which I personally, as a "21st century American Lit"-gurl find super charming). 

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4 hours ago, Lighthouse Lana said:

Hi all! I just turned down UC San Diego, so hopefully that should open up a spot!!

Hi. I think I got in after you turned them down, so... thanks? Haha. Wonder though if UCSD is that school you did not get good feedback from (from the decisions thread). Feel free to DM if too sensitive :)

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OMG in at UC San Diego for Lit this late! I think I got in after @Lighthouse Lana declined their offer. Didn't even know I was waitlisted. I guess this is to say, don't lose hope yet if you haven't heard from your programs!

Still thinking if I'll accept the offer. It is fully funded (and for an international student, that's big) but my heart is in CW and I"m waiting for Houston to get me funding haha. But the acceptance to a UC is huge for me, after trying for two years and applying to nine (yep, nine) different UCs!

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Long-time lurker here, belated hello to everyone on this thread that has really helped me feel less alone in the process! Just decided to chime in as I've heard back from both Penn State and Purdue's MA in Lit/Theory/Culture--Purdue was a while back for me in late February and Penn State in mid March. I declined both of their offers so hopefully a spot will be opening up for somebody soon!

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1 hour ago, jujubee said:

Hi. I think I got in after you turned them down, so... thanks? Haha. Wonder though if UCSD is that school you did not get good feedback from (from the decisions thread). Feel free to DM if too sensitive :)

Well first, CONGRATS THAT'S AMAZING! And second, yes, I got some pretty intense feedback from a student (and I'll DM you for more on that), but I also was able to reach a few students who are really passionate about the program! At the end of the day, it wasn't that one student's feedback that made me decide not to choose UCSD. It's just too far from home and there are scholars at another university I really want to work with. Congrats again!!!

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1 hour ago, blueblack said:

Long-time lurker here, belated hello to everyone on this thread that has really helped me feel less alone in the process! Just decided to chime in as I've heard back from both Penn State and Purdue's MA in Lit/Theory/Culture--Purdue was a while back for me in late February and Penn State in mid March. I declined both of their offers so hopefully a spot will be opening up for somebody soon!

Hey! Would you mind sharing your research focus. It would just help me to moderate my hopes for PennState, as I haven't heard of any Contemporary American Lit person being admitted yet...

You can also PM me, if you don't want to post about it :)

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3 minutes ago, Ulise said:

Hey! Would you mind sharing your research focus. It would just help me to moderate my hopes for PennState, as I haven't heard of any Contemporary American Lit person being admitted yet...

You can also PM me, if you don't want to post about it :)

Just sent a PM your way :)

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I received an email from the DGS at BC saying that she expects movement in the next two weeks, and that's she'll keep me updated about what's happening. I'm glad to hear that she expects movement, but man oh man these next few weeks are going to be killer.

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If I still have not heard from a program (applied in December), should I reach out to them now or should I wait until April? I know that both rejections and acceptances have been sent out weeks ago. I imagine I'm on some invisible waitlist. Or maybe my application fell under the table and they never got a chance to read it. lol 

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3 hours ago, lilpoundcake said:

Just wanted to let y’all know that I’ve rejected my offer for the masters program at Fordham. I also plan on rejecting my PhD offer to Tufts in the coming weeks. I specialize in Brit Romanticism. Hope this helps someone out.

Hi, I'm on Tufts wait-list although not in your area of specialization. I reached out to the DGS a few days ago and she didn't sound very hopeful. She used the words "very unlikely". So, if it will convenient, please let it go a little earlier. Thank you.

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5 hours ago, languageisaskin said:

Just (painfully) turned down offers at Michigan and UC Irvine. I'm focusing on early modern--not sure if anyone is waiting at these schools, but I hope this is helpful!

I am also an early modernist (though not awaiting results at those schools). Do you mind sharing which program you decided to attend?

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8 hours ago, Magic Lantern said:

If I still have not heard from a program (applied in December), should I reach out to them now or should I wait until April? I know that both rejections and acceptances have been sent out weeks ago. I imagine I'm on some invisible waitlist. Or maybe my application fell under the table and they never got a chance to read it. lol 

I'd definitely follow up. That's what I did for programs I was waiting to hear from and all of them replied albeit a week or two late ;)

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On 3/16/2021 at 1:55 PM, azu said:

oh I've been lurking for a while, but waitlisted at USC for comp lit (on a "very short" waitlist) as well as for ASE (which they openly said is rarely used).

comp lit gave a little more hope, but pretty much said its too unpredictable for them to ascertain if/how they'll use the waitlist.

sorta my last hope for this cycle. heres to hoping I guess haha. 

Hey, just wanted to let you know that I turned down an offer from ASE and so did another person I know who was admitted, so there should be at least 2 spots opening up FYI. 

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