testing Posted March 22, 2012 Posted March 22, 2012 can I ask for those of you who got into parsons - how much funding you got from them
bwatkins Posted March 22, 2012 Posted March 22, 2012 has anyone who got accepted to CCA been awarded any funding?
jjr8888 Posted March 22, 2012 Posted March 22, 2012 Well, on the way to the NYU interview I got the Bard rejection email. Was not a good way to go into an interview. I thought it went well though, but then again I thought the Bard one did too! Fingers crossed. good luck. frez83 1
Enko Posted March 22, 2012 Posted March 22, 2012 I heard back from SVA's Illustration program today via snail mail. Waitlisted
ol'spice Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 has anyone who got accepted to CCA been awarded any funding? no, but I wish they get on it already because I can't make any decisions until then...
Itsem Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 I completely agree. I just sent out a slew of emails asking for more competitive funding (might as well try), and while I'm making my pros/cons chart o' schools I realized that only a few of my acceptances have really tried to form an early relationship with me via multiple emails/phone calls. One has already sent me a guide to housing in the city and local bike paths! Don't they realize how charmed a desperate and needy applicant will be to receive personalized update emails? The bike path map wooed me especially. I think that the same can be applied for funding. Someone told me when talking about this process, "If they don't offer you a full-ride, they just want your money." That's been bouncing around the skull about receiving little to no funding from schools and hearing people getting full-funding plus stipends. Making me considering reapplying next year. I have also sent emails to all the schools that I received rejections from to ask why I was rejected. We shall see what they say.
sculptor Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 no, but I wish they get on it already because I can't make any decisions until then... Bwatkins & ol'spice: I haven't heard anything, either. Something tells me that funding from them is somewhat unlikely :-/ I think that the same can be applied for funding. Someone told me when talking about this process, "If they don't offer you a full-ride, they just want your money." That's been bouncing around the skull about receiving little to no funding from schools and hearing people getting full-funding plus stipends. Making me considering reapplying next year. I have also sent emails to all the schools that I received rejections from to ask why I was rejected. We shall see what they say. Yea, itsem, I think you're pretty much right. Not all schools can afford to give out full rides, but I agree if they don't offer something fairly generous it seems like they might need your money as much as (or more than) they want your talent. It's hard for them too, though, I'm sure. CCA, for example, has to operate on a budget that is backed largely by tuition, unlike state schools that also have the university budget and state funding (tuition tends to be cheaper at such schools, too, at least in-state, since operating costs are spread out beyond just the art department). That's why I applied to a fair number of state schools... But go figure! I've been accepted by three private schools! Lawd. Luckily for me WashU has made a good offer, but I'm curious to see how it compares to state school funding if I get in at LSU or VCU (craft). I can't believe the Hawaii hasn't offered you more funding! I'm guessing you've already tried to squeeze more money out of them?
Noceh4 Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 Let's think about something else: what are you making for dinner? worldly and smartstrategy 2
R. Mutt Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 I remembered I was talking to my professor about grad school - He was like, see that bike over there? Paint it white and tell them you made it out of plaster. lol worldly, Eboni_Rain, ellsworthy and 2 others 3 2
Noceh4 Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 I remembered I was talking to my professor about grad school - He was like, see that bike over there? Paint it white and tell them you made it out of plaster. lol Another read on it is, a bike painted white means the biker died.. smartstrategy 1
woopwoop Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 can I ask for those of you who got into parsons - how much funding you got from them i didn't get a dime, i'm at a loss...
OutWest Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 (edited) I wonder if your friend's letter also said (as part of the apology):... "we had over 400 applicants and we accepted 8". This letter is sent via Snail Mail??? Ha, yeah...I went to the Open House (but I didn't apply) and they were saying that the applicant pool was over 500, so interesting they said 400... Yes, I believe it was snail mail Edited March 23, 2012 by OutWest
Itsem Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 I can't believe the Hawaii hasn't offered you more funding! I'm guessing you've already tried to squeeze more money out of them? I'm under consideration for 1 of 2 assistantships which is tuition remission and 14k, but if I don't get one of those, I'm stuck with what I already was offered.
losemygrip Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 First off: CONGRATULATIONS to all the acceptances in the past few days! Everyone should be so proud that their hard work paid off. Secondly: guys, check your spam blocker! LSU had emailed me 3 weeks ago to let me know I was their top candidate, but my gmail spam blocker ate it, and I only just found out when I sent them an email asking for a decision date. And call the shit out of their contact numbers, it's what they're there for. Just be mindful that it is around spring break for some schools. Also, for those stuck between multiple acceptances, ask for a grad alum contact number and give them a call. It can really help to get an additional perspective from someone who actually went through the same program. Hey smartin, you did great. Have you decided where you're going yet? You have a lot of good choices (although being told I was LSU's "top candidate" would be a draw, since they're backing it up with funding). I'm not sure which of those programs has the best reputation in graphic design.
jimleach3 Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 I think that the same can be applied for funding. Someone told me when talking about this process, "If they don't offer you a full-ride, they just want your money." That's been bouncing around the skull about receiving little to no funding from schools and hearing people getting full-funding plus stipends. Making me considering reapplying next year. I have also sent emails to all the schools that I received rejections from to ask why I was rejected. We shall see what they say. I have been told by countless people to not pay for grad school because someone will give me a full ride with a stipend. I went to a state school for undergrad and got a lot of grants and scholarships but towards the end it was really really tough because education funding has been cut so much in the past ten years. While I know that a lot of schools will offer full rides, I also know that it's getting a lot harder. There are also so many of us that schools with a good record know they don't have to, even though they should. As an example, when I got the call from MICA the second thing the dean said was that they were offering me their best package, and that only a few other people were getting it throughout the school. My stomach dropped as I assumed tuition waiver + 20 k, but it turns out the absolute best they can do is half off of tuition. I honestly believe that if you've made it to this point it should be easier to get help, but it's really tough all over.
smartin Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 Hey smartin, you did great. Have you decided where you're going yet? You have a lot of good choices (although being told I was LSU's "top candidate" would be a draw, since they're backing it up with funding). I'm not sure which of those programs has the best reputation in graphic design. Thank you! Though I still feel like the fight's not yet over and I have no idea yet where I'll end up. I'm in haggle mode for more financials right now and will probably visit my top three/four schools next week. I feel so rushed because Herron's deadline is April 2nd, and Boston is three days after that. Some schools have been more receptive to the "what else can you offer me?" email, while one said something like, "don't base your MFA program on financials," which is a frightening notion for someone who is 23, currently unemployed, and will be paying for grad school on their own. I get what they mean, but would you go out and buy a car and just say, "oh, I'm not going to pay attention to cost!" Not if you had my bank account, you wouldn't. There are so many factors to consider with financials, like geographic cost of living/quality of life, 2nd and 3rd year fellowship opportunities, dental and health insurance, scholarships for thesis/travel, etc. It seems like a process in and of itself. My top four in order (maybe! agh!) are probably Hope SoFA, Boston U., IUPUI (Herron), and LSU. Those four rearrange themselves at least five times a day. It's hard to say without visiting, too, which is all next week. I'm also a little annoyed with schools that are asking for decisions by the first few days of April, when I've spoken to other schools who have straight up told me that they don't mind my decision being after April 15th-early May. For those of you who have your top school clearly chosen already, I envy you.
mica_c Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 has anyone who got accepted to CCA been awarded any funding? No word about it in the acceptance letter, and since I'm international and eligible only for merit-based awards, I'm pretty sure (and have resigned myself to the idea that) I didn't get any.
ol'spice Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 I have been told by countless people to not pay for grad school because someone will give me a full ride with a stipend. I went to a state school for undergrad and got a lot of grants and scholarships but towards the end it was really really tough because education funding has been cut so much in the past ten years. While I know that a lot of schools will offer full rides, I also know that it's getting a lot harder. There are also so many of us that schools with a good record know they don't have to, even though they should. As an example, when I got the call from MICA the second thing the dean said was that they were offering me their best package, and that only a few other people were getting it throughout the school. My stomach dropped as I assumed tuition waiver + 20 k, but it turns out the absolute best they can do is half off of tuition. I honestly believe that if you've made it to this point it should be easier to get help, but it's really tough all over. I totally agree with you... We are probably applying during some of the most competitive times, every single rejection letter stated that, (+lots of people unemployed, therefore going back to school makes perfect sense) and when there is little money/funding available to many of the schools... Having said that, I told myself that if I got accepted into at least one of the schools I applied, that I was going to do this no matter what (even if I have to take out loans for every penny of my MFA). I confess I was a bit jealous of the folks here that got full tuition remission + stipend. Congratulations to all of you! And even though I'm comparing the offers I've gotten, $$$ alone will not be the deciding factor for me... I'm really excited about my options and I'm totally looking forward to this Fall.
osprey Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 I also didn't get any merit aid for CCA, and am not expecting any financial aid. I really, really, really, would love to attend. However, when I think about how much money $80,000 is - enough to buy a house in many places - it's difficult to justify paying or taking out massive loans when I could wait and apply again. I mean, $80,000 buys a lot of art supplies - and depending on the price and your age, a lifetime of studio rent. I'm in it for the long run. I want to make choices that optimize my drive and ability to devote time to making art. I think the loans would hold me back. My plan for the next year? Make lots of art. Go to lots of openings and artist lectures. Basically pretend I'm in grad school, but with a part-time job, and less debt. Then, apply widely next year - wiser and a stronger candidate. susanbanthony69, bordercrossings and miyamoto81 3
Fool4nine Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 I also didn't get any merit aid for CCA, and am not expecting any financial aid. I really, really, really, would love to attend. However, when I think about how much money $80,000 is - enough to buy a house in many places - it's difficult to justify paying or taking out massive loans when I could wait and apply again. I mean, $80,000 buys a lot of art supplies - and depending on the price and your age, a lifetime of studio rent. I'm in it for the long run. I want to make choices that optimize my drive and ability to devote time to making art. I think the loans would hold me back. My plan for the next year? Make lots of art. Go to lots of openings and artist lectures. Basically pretend I'm in grad school, but with a part-time job, and less debt. Then, apply widely next year - wiser and a stronger candidate. If you are young and can stomach a 25-year car-payment-sized student loan payment, and get into a top 3 through 5 program then perhaps big loans are not terribly bad. But I'm not sure it makes much sense to borrow $80K-$100K for a lower ranked program or for those closer to say age 30 or more. That big student loan payment may make qualifying for a home loan really difficult unless you are sure your present or future spouse is always going to bring in good money. What happens when kids come along and your spouse isn't working and you've still got that those student loan payments, plus a car payment or two, plus a mortgage, plus credit card debts, etc? I guess there is always food stamps so you won't starve. Oh... but I forgot that you are going to make it big in the art world... never mind... borrow it all. There is around 20 or so programs that are low cost or no cost. If I got into Yale or RISD then perhaps I'd borrow for the privilege, but I'm thrilled that I'm going to be paid to study and make art for three years. I found out that besides the best medical/dental/vision insurance coverage I've ever seen, OSU also has retirement pension plan that TA's qualify for. I can have 10% of my stipend but into it and OSU adds 14%. I can roll it into another plan if I don't stay in Ohio after graduation. Other state schools may have similar benefits that small private schools cannot match. It's something to consider verses being crippled with debt. osprey 1
OutWest Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 ...when I think about how much money $80,000 is - enough to buy a house in many places - it's difficult to justify paying or taking out massive loans when I could wait and apply again. I mean, $80,000 buys a lot of art supplies... Plus, let's not forget that even if one gets loans (and, personally, I have many many grand in those already for undergrad), you're still paying interest on those bad boys about 6-some percent (assuming that's a non-variable rate)...so, that 80K ends up costing you 4,800 a YEAR that keeps getting added on to the total loans... :(
mica_c Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 Do state universities accept international students? I am under the impression that private schools are more open to internationals.
NFP Posted March 23, 2012 Posted March 23, 2012 has anyone who got accepted to CCA been awarded any funding? No word about it in the acceptance letter, and since I'm international and eligible only for merit-based awards, I'm pretty sure (and have resigned myself to the idea that) I didn't get any. I'm an International applicant also on my 2nd time around. Both times applying there is little if any evidence on any of these forums or in the Results Survey to suggest that CCA gives out much in the way of merit scholarships - the listings looks great on the website, but I don't think they materialise. Taking up an offer is even more difficult for International applicants cause there's no need-based assistance at all. So, no merit scholarships, no need-based support, nothing. Not a very attractive prospect having massive loans. Guessing with the world economy the way it is, this difficulty will continue and the competitiveness will increase. Hope we who wish to pursue our passions can find some support somewhere to keep going with our dreams. Congrats to everyone, whether you've been accepted or not. Just putting it out there is a big thing and you deserve credit for all the hard work it takes to do that. Don't give up, ever!
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