TravelBug92 Posted February 9, 2014 Posted February 9, 2014 oof, this thread is beautiful and so necessary. i'm dealing with a breakup + i keep having dreams about getting accepted into grad school and dreams about getting rejected from grad school and i can't even tell which one makes me feel worse when i wake up because i still don't know anything :/ Ugh me too... my fiancé just dumped me and now isn't telling me why. It was actually when I found out the day before I got accepted at a school, so I don't have that worry - even that didn't even help me feel better. UGH. Neuro-tic 1
LittleDarlings Posted February 9, 2014 Posted February 9, 2014 (edited) I have no one to text which is so annoying. Im also sick to death of hearing about my friends pregnancy.. Ugh shut up you're not handicap you're just pregnant and you didn't HAVE to be. Blah blah so annoyed with everyone. On top of that I really can't figure out my living situation... EDIT: Nevermind! I got a really important call so it is all good now still annoyed with my friend but my happiness over this call overshadowed it Edited February 9, 2014 by CorruptedInnocence ss2player, HermoineG, mop and 8 others 4 7
LotzaCoffee Posted February 10, 2014 Posted February 10, 2014 Ugh me too... my fiancé just dumped me and now isn't telling me why. It was actually when I found out the day before I got accepted at a school, so I don't have that worry - even that didn't even help me feel better. UGH. Oh sorry! My girlfriend broke off our 1-yr relationship last month, this just after an amazing weekend together. Long-distance SUCKS. And all this with Comps 3 weeks away and my thesis draft due in 6!
fuzzylogician Posted February 10, 2014 Posted February 10, 2014 Leaving for a campus visit in 3 days, but both my job talk and my demo class are not ready yet. Still don't have a schedule for the visit, and haven't had much luck in getting information about who will be in the audience for these talks. You'd think that would be relevant for how I'd want to structure the talks, but yeah. So, anxious and excited --> can't sleep well --> tired --> can't work, but really need to --> work in bits and pieces, procrastinate, post a lot on the grad cafe, stay awake for long hours --> more anxiety and tiredness. Ugh. Break over, back to working on my handout!
LittleDarlings Posted February 10, 2014 Posted February 10, 2014 Of course I'm the only person who would have down votes on my venting haha of course!! Anyways my real reason to vent today.. I'm freaking out about starting a new job!! I'm not mad, I'm happy but it's scary like I want to make a good impression. I also hate when people talk to me about all the bad things about social work. Like seriously come on! I got into the programs I am obviously doing it, I've done my research! You don't have to tell me the pay, you don't have to tell me about how I need to use it as a stepping stone to "bigger and better things" I am obviously going to school to work in this field that is the stepping stone into this field. I just wish I don't have to constantly explain my decision. I'm an adult I can figure it all out on my own. Islamahmed, DeafAudi and londonrain9 3 Posted February 10, 2014 Posted February 10, 2014 Umm....can we talk about all the stupid “Facebook Is 10” videos floating around? Ugh. Agreed. This is my pat response to any of those "FacebookIs10" movies: pears and MoJingly 2
MoJingly Posted February 10, 2014 Author Posted February 10, 2014 All of the water OUTSIDE my house this winter decided that it wanted to come INSIDE. Seriously. Water damage sucks. It looks like I'm going to be sawing through my bathroom ceiling this week. Again.
cupofnimbus Posted February 10, 2014 Posted February 10, 2014 All of the water OUTSIDE my house this winter decided that it wanted to come INSIDE. Seriously. Water damage sucks. It looks like I'm going to be sawing through my bathroom ceiling this week. Again. Oh, that's wretched. You win the game of suck. Nothing that happens to me this week, not even across-the-board rejections, will be that unpleasant.
coffeesleep Posted February 11, 2014 Posted February 11, 2014 Gurr. Interview with prof seems to go great. He offers to give me a lab tour if I'm able to visit the school (I live pretty far away). Encourages me to email him all like "don't be shy!" with any questions and the like during the application process. And then one day, boom, radio silence. Last thing I told him was that I've been planning a visit, and when I would likely be able to go and if that would be alright with him, and he hasn't responded for two weeks. I sent him a follow-up email and still nothing. This hurts like a first date not calling for round two. I'm so tired of checking my email and the status page for my applications, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. kasdasdl;kagjaghaajkawkweiopag''s'lkjaskdjf!!!!!ghaskldfjeawpihfa pretty much sums up how I feel right now :$ Z4Zebra 1
St Andrews Lynx Posted February 12, 2014 Posted February 12, 2014 I have to deal with an individual who is incompetent. I didn't know it was possible for one individual to be this utterly useless. And what really sucks? Incompetent people tend to react badly when you carefully itemise their uselessness for I'm left being polite and indirect about it.
pears Posted February 12, 2014 Posted February 12, 2014 I have to deal with an individual who is incompetent. I didn't know it was possible for one individual to be this utterly useless. And what really sucks? Incompetent people tend to react badly when you carefully itemise their uselessness for I'm left being polite and indirect about it. Ugh, I had a coworker like once. Unfortunately, they were my supervisor. I wouldn't wish the misery of a wildly incompetent person on anyone. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I'm sad to say I need to use this thread to rant again. One of my housemates has been driving me up a damn wall. He's a self-employed freelancer & has been out of school for a while, so he has a lot of free time & little to no memory of how stressful school can be. He takes up a ton of space/chairs in our living room in front of our fireplace to dry his ski gear every day, even though it's a nice place that everyone could use together to read, work, eat, etc. He plays his music — often, untzuntzuntz or emo— over the floor-wide speaker systems, both on the main floor and his lower floor of the house, even when my other housemate who is also a student and I are clearly doing work. (Apparently asking him to turn it down every other day or walking off to our rooms in a huff when he puts on music in an otherwise-silent room full of people reading & typing isn't enough of a hint.) He'll start boiling water, forget about it, mill around the house smoking an unnamed illicit substance (wouldn't bother me if we didn't have a "no smoking" clause in our lease), and just leave it boiling there for an hour... but if you forget to put your plate in the dishwasher 15 minutes after you finish a meal, he'll huffily wash it by hand or take it away when you're still at the table. Not worth getting into too much detail, but I think the combination of being a girl, not smoking/drinking/going out very often, & being a student has worked against me. I recently learned that my S.O., who uses the same amount of space & energy as I do in the house, doesn't even pay half as much as I do monthly in rent, which is overseen by that housemate. When I confronted my housemate about it, his excuse was that he talked to my S.O. (he did not), & then decided that, since my S.O. isn't on the lease & is only living here a few months, the arbitrary amount — 1/2 rent monthly, no utilities — was fair. Seems unfair at best, & borderline — or wholly? — illegal at worst. He'll chat his mouth off to all our male housemates, & introduce his visitors (always male) to them, but won't introduce me, even if I'm in the room; I don't think "you're working & I don't want to bother you" is a valid excuse, seeing as he interrupts my work every g-dang day. TL;DR: my housemate is extremely disrespectful towards me & plays favorites (I am clearly not a favorite), & I want to hate-barf on him the way seagulls throw up on things that make them angry. ARGH! DeafAudi 1
DeafAudi Posted February 12, 2014 Posted February 12, 2014 TL;DR: my housemate is extremely disrespectful towards me & plays favorites (I am clearly not a favorite), & I want to hate-barf on him the way seagulls throw up on things that make them angry. ARGH! I'm sorry but LOL! "Hate-barf"...haha. Seriously though, that sucks...
cupofnimbus Posted February 12, 2014 Posted February 12, 2014 Milk powder on his sheets, pears, seems to be a good option for this case...
ss2player Posted February 12, 2014 Posted February 12, 2014 My boss tells me this morning "I need this data, the grant is due today." WHY THE F DID YOU NOT TELL ME EARLIER??!?! I have to leave at 3 to teach my class and catch a train to NYC for an interview. I told him all other crap is on hold this morning if he needs it that badly. *grumble* Z4Zebra and drph_2014 2
Ciarrai300 Posted February 12, 2014 Posted February 12, 2014 I spent 3 months trying to get a kid's parents to come in to school for a meeting to discuss their child's progress and some issues we'd been having. They always responded that they didn't have time. In response to my email in early November dad said "it is impossible for me to meet before the new year." Then 2 weeks ago mom shows up on campus cussing like crazy, screaming in the office (of an elementary school mind you) about how she wants a f'ing meeting now and she can't even talk to us because she so pissed and she doesn't want to go to jail (apparently, she felt she couldn't control her actions) so we have to wait for her husband to arrive and we have to meet as soon as he gets there. Never mind that I had been trying to schedule a meeting about this issue for months. Never mind that both I and my administrator are currently in 2 separate meetings. Never mind that it is after 4 and time for me to leave. We finally all sit down to talk once the husband arrives and 10 minutes in mom storms out and dad says "we'll have to meet another time." Screw you guys, I've been trying to have this meeting forever and you haven't been willing to. I'm a teacher not your servant, I am not at your beck and call. They then complained to our superintendent and spoke to a lawyer in an attempt to file due process. Luckily, both the superintendent and lawyer were able to point out that they had 0 grounds for any type of action. Crazy parents seriously make me question staying in the field of education. pears, LittleDarlings, ss2player and 5 others 8
justastudent Posted February 12, 2014 Posted February 12, 2014 I am so on edge about this applications cycle that everything annoys me. Mostly the snow is driving me crazy right now. I finally understand the meaning of I am "climbing up the walls" I am so anxious. Please let this be over soon or I may take up cigarette smoking.
spectastic Posted February 12, 2014 Posted February 12, 2014 I spent 3 months trying to get a kid's parents to come in to school for a meeting to discuss their child's progress and some issues we'd been having. They always responded that they didn't have time. In response to my email in early November dad said "it is impossible for me to meet before the new year." Then 2 weeks ago mom shows up on campus cussing like crazy, screaming in the office (of an elementary school mind you) about how she wants a f'ing meeting now and she can't even talk to us because she so pissed and she doesn't want to go to jail (apparently, she felt she couldn't control her actions) so we have to wait for her husband to arrive and we have to meet as soon as he gets there. Never mind that I had been trying to schedule a meeting about this issue for months. Never mind that both I and my administrator are currently in 2 separate meetings. Never mind that it is after 4 and time for me to leave. We finally all sit down to talk once the husband arrives and 10 minutes in mom storms out and dad says "we'll have to meet another time." Screw you guys, I've been trying to have this meeting forever and you haven't been willing to. I'm a teacher not your servant, I am not at your beck and call. They then complained to our superintendent and spoke to a lawyer in an attempt to file due process. Luckily, both the superintendent and lawyer were able to point out that they had 0 grounds for any type of action. Crazy parents seriously make me question staying in the field of education. what's wrong with the kid?
Ciarrai300 Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 He's on the Autism spectrum scale and has had a few outbursts lately and we need to change his 1:1 aide because the aide is starting to trigger him. We didn't want to change without discussing with the parents as we want them to feel involved and part of the team. HicklePickle and Z4Zebra 2
Imaginary Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 I am ridiculously (no, who am I kidding? There is no ridiculous about it. I'm just excited) excited about my acceptance to UCR's English PhD program, but I don't know if I will be able to afford to live there, despite a pretty good funding package. I am also working two part time jobs and writing my thesis, and I have other worries. It's stressing me out.
legan Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 Two interview/admissions events on the same day. WHYYY???
skylarking Posted February 13, 2014 Posted February 13, 2014 The quarter system.... FML! This. I can never really take a break without getting ridiculously behind on everything
Danochka Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 I feel physically sick every time I think about whether or not I'll get accepted. Best part... looks like I didn't get an interview anywhere, despite a good GPA, pretty amazing GRE scores, four years of teaching experience, and an internship at a research hospital. However, none of the schools feel like it's important to let you know whether or not you're getting in, so here I sit. Of course, the main reason I want to get in is that I want to get my PhD. The other reason is that I (with my two bachelor's degrees, certificate, and bilingualism) have only been able to find work as a part time, on call preschool mealtime aide. I spent 35 minutes today squeezing mustard out of individual packets into a bowl for $11.97 an hour. I have also been doing copywriting, housecleaning, cooking, shopping, and any other errands I can get. I'm even writing romance novels to bring in some extra cash. Even with all that, I can't afford to move out of my grandma's house. She's a controlling narcissist (whom I love dearly, don't get me wrong.) and my uncle, who also lives with us, is a recovering alcoholic and sort of a chronic asshole (love him too, of course.). I am 25 and I just want to live somewhere where I can eat what I want and not get mocked for such things as loving my dog, not wanting to eat food that has mold growing on it, wanting to throw garbage away without having someone else sort and approve it, or doing more than one load of laundry at a time. Essentially, I'm paying for my room and board with my self-respect. Sooooo I was hoping to get into a funded program, so I could live like a goddamn grownup for a little while. Looks like that's not going to happen. Oh well. I do have a plan B, it's just not what I was hoping to do with my life.
spectastic Posted February 14, 2014 Posted February 14, 2014 This fucking neighborhood is fucked. (I'll tell the story once all this unfolds).
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