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  • Application Season
    2017 Fall
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  1. I hesitated to go to school in the US for audiology but it was way to expensive. This will ultimately depend on you and if you can get scholarships. If you are willing to take on a lot of school dept, great if not perhaps waiting another year and reapplying to Canadian schools would be better. Good luck.
  2. Congrats on being put on the Dal waitlist! I was waitlisted in the audiology program before being accepted in May. I don’t know how many people are on the waitlist. But Individuals are seperated Into two sections: maritime and non-maritime. If someone from the maritime decides not to attend they will find someone one on the waitlist from the maritime’s to replace them. There tends to be more movement on the non-maritime list. One SLP student last year got accepted a week before the start of school. (But that does not happen often) All the others I know about got in before August. Accepted students usually have 1-2 weeks to accept their offer. When a spot opens up it can take time before one is contacted off the waitlist. Every year is different. This year, there may be a lot of movement on the waitlist or only a couple of spots opening. It’s very hard to predict. Best to hope for the best but make plans to do something else in the fall. Wishing all of you luck!
  3. . I'm a Dal 2nd year. I know waiting can be stressful so if you have any questions feel free to send me an email. Good luck to everyone. :)
  4. To all those accepted Dal. I'm going to be in my second year next semester and looking for roommates if anyone needs a place to stay feel free to contact me.
  5. Hello all, im in my first year in audiology at Dal. If anyone has any questions feel free to send me a message. Good luck to those on the waitlist.
  6. Hi all, Im currently in my first year of audiology at Dalhousie accepted off the waitlist. In the first year, audio and SLP have the same classes so feel free to write me a private message if you still have questions. For those of you who are on their waitlist don’t give up hope but be realistic. Good luck I wish you all the best. I remember being so stressed having to wait.
  7. Hello everyone, for those who are going to Dalhousie, looking for female roommates to rent a pet friendly place. message me if interested.
  8. Got off waitlist for Dalhousie is anyone else going?, looking for roommates
  9. Hi, did anyone hear anything back regarding Ottawa's waitlist. I don't even know how many people are usually on the list. thanks
  10. thats wonderful. welcome to the waiting game
  11. Does any one know when the audiology waitlists begins to move? thanks
  12. waitlisted at Ottawa as well
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