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How Are You Coping With The Torture Of Waiting???


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My job kind of does it. I've just had a work crisis a couple of hours ago (right, on a Sunday), which took my mind off of the grad school stuff.


Just can't wait till I get out of here  :rolleyes:

Edited by icedtea
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I'm not sure I *am* coping, for one thing....


I feel ya... I've had a couple days like that. Just try to take care of yourself, whatever that means for you. 

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Two weeks ago, I was a nervous status-checker. Now,I am going beyond worried! I am getting bored of this waiting! What are they doing?!


I am in the same boat. Last week was the happiest time that i can take a long break, although knowing that I did not get any email. However, I pay such attention on checking my email this week.

My heart is pumping, ....

Still I have received none of emails from them.   

Edited by Gap Sntin
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Out of the two schools I applied to, I got rejected from my reach option about 2 weeks ago. Before that, I was a bloody wreck.


However, now that I'm waiting for the next school, I'm a lot more calm. It seems like the nerves come in waves and I'm enjoying some time off from compulsive checking. I've also come to accept that when a school says that its results will come out at a certain time, they are not lying, and that the results page is a good indicator of when results come out.

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I've been insane the last couple of days. Im probably really obnoxious and talk about it a lot because whenever I run into someone on the bus they keep asking when I find out. I am going on a trip this Friday to see my boyfriend, and usually that makes me forget all about my admissions. Sigh. 

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I feel so tortured!   I was accepted to this phenomenal Erasmus Mundus program (for my interests), but Waitlisted for funding! And they were very clear in saying that my chances were less than slim, and anyway I wouldn't hear until the End of May (gah!). 


If nothing else, we're probably all learning the value of a steady personality... take it all in strides, people!

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I feel so tortured!   I was accepted to this phenomenal Erasmus Mundus program (for my interests), but Waitlisted for funding! And they were very clear in saying that my chances were less than slim, and anyway I wouldn't hear until the End of May (gah!). 


The end of May???  That's just cruel. 

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Somehow going to class has become a relief to get me away from my computer. I still haven't heard from any of the 5 schools I applied to for masters in biomedical engineering.. Ugh.

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Still waiting on 4 schools - I went to the Results page to determine when the admission decisions will come out. Unfortunately there's not a lot of information, but I get the idea I shouldn't hear back until starting next week (spanning into mid-April). It's helped me calm down a little bit... I'm not checking the Results page as often. I now know it doesn't "mean anything" that I haven't heard back.

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I'm still waiting on my very last school, and it's incredibly trying. I know that they sent out all of their admissions notifications over two weeks ago, so I'm waiting for my rejection. But I was told by a previous applicant that this school doesn't inform you if you're still in the running on the wait list but just tarries until the last minute to see who is accepting their offer and who isn't and then sends out acceptances for the next people in line in the three days before April 15th. Chances are that I won't get an acceptance or a rejection from them before the beginning of April … and by then I will have made my choice between the other programs regardless! It's kind of a Catch-22, so I'm probably just going to eliminate this school from my list and get over it. 

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One thing that helped me is that due to a mistake on my application where the system interpreted me as an international student, I was asked to start filling out immigration papers for one of my schools. I'm not an international student, but I'm taking it as a good sign! But to help not think about waiting I've been watching a lot of horrible TV shows to distract me.

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I finally sent the department an e-mail yesterday, very basic, not seeking out my status, specifically, but the date we're expected to receive decisions. I expect the poor lady is receiving "status check" e-mails every five minutes, so I thought I'd deviate a little (but left my information just in case she feels like giving me an update). Anyway, still no response. I heard calling is a good idea...but I might break down over the phone. How embarrassing, how embarrassing.

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Disney Marathon - like our childhood Disney, Star Wars Marathon, LoR marathon...yea, there is a lot of marathoning. 


Rock Climbing, archery, rowing, a lot of gym down time :(


Binge drinking, clubbing, and a lot of bedroom stuff ;) - I kid. 


And lurking on the gradcafe forum



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