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Hi Folks,


It's been a while since I've had the time to dedicate any attention to the forum.  Many thanks to rising star, Eigen and fuzzy_logician for keeping the show on the road.


Anyway - In past years we've opened up blogging to folks who were interested in sharing their admissions journey with a wider audience.  If anyone is interested in doing that for this season, please reply to this thread!





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Considering that in previous years the blogs were already open by December, and that for many (most?) of us our admissions journeys are somewhere between more-than-halfway-complete and the waiting game, I am going to assume there will be no blogs this year?  

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I can't seem to find instructions for initiating a blog so thought I would start here.  I am curious if anyone else has recently received their rejection letter from SSHRC (for PhD) and understands what the score means?  There is no feedback other than a number.  Mine was 10.4/20.  I don't know if this means it was completely inept and no use in trying again or if is suggests there is room to improve and resubmit? 


Any information would be most appreciated.



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Any plans on calling for bloggers for the 2015-2016 season... Don't know how it works precisely but I tend to write to work things out and I expect to have quite the pile of things to work out for this application year. I'd love to have an outlet that might help people out. :-)

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