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5 minutes ago, katpillow said:

Thanks RC. I hope things are well or will go well for you, too! Either way, soon it will all be finito, and I'll know whether or not I'll be building things up for next year.

I read your post in the "A couple rejections" thread, and you certainly have a great frame of mind about this process as a whole. Nothing about this is easy, but you do what you can to look forward to the next steps.

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8 minutes ago, hippyscientist said:

Good luck everyone waiting to hear back still. This week and next I think will be D-day for most programs. Fingers, toes and everything crossed for good news!!

I sure hope so! I was pretty upset by the fact that I got absolutely no news last week, but for the millionth time, there's still nothing I can do but wait.

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18 minutes ago, Neist said:

You can thank me later. :P 

What did I just watch????

@Euler I'm with you. I was expecting to hear stuff around Jan time because that was the turnaround for my UK masters program. Turns out 5 months isn't long enough to make a decision and inform applicants of it. Even the school I'm unofficially accepted at (but may not attend - waiting on funding) still hasn't sent anything official. It's so frustrating! Everyone says: be patient, you'll find out soon enough, but I don't think they really understand it!

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After the rejection I received on Friday, I have managed not to check the admissions portal. It helped that it was a weekend so I wouldn't hear anything anyway, but I also haven't checked yet today so far either. I mostly just don't want to see another rejection so soon after already getting one. I do jump every time I get a new email though.

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9 minutes ago, marycaryne said:

After the rejection I received on Friday, I have managed not to check the admissions portal. It helped that it was a weekend so I wouldn't hear anything anyway, but I also haven't checked yet today so far either. I mostly just don't want to see another rejection so soon after already getting one. I do jump every time I get a new email though.

I've actually come to enjoy the weekends more for that reason. I don't spend the whole time glancing at my inbox, or getting startled when a car goes by that I think might be the mail truck!

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Hi all,
I've been anxiously lurking and checking my email 20 times a day, waiting for anything from schools. Today I received my first correspondence from one and invite to recruitment and visit day for my department, but I need help interpreting it .... is this an admit or do I need to keep waiting?

Although MA offers have not officially been sent out yet, we are pleased to inform you that you are high on the list of potential admits. 


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1 minute ago, theMadcap said:

Hi all,
I've been anxiously lurking and checking my email 20 times a day, waiting for anything from schools. Today I received my first correspondence from one and invite to recruitment and visit day for my department, but I need help interpreting it .... is this an admit or do I need to keep waiting?

Although MA offers have not officially been sent out yet, we are pleased to inform you that you are high on the list of potential admits. 


That's just vague enough that you can't really bank anything on it- those kinds of things are pretty common through this process, and I have a couple of those "promising, but not an answer" responses I've gotten as well.

If I were you, I'd take it at face value. You've got a good shot, but don't bet your life savings on it!

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Starting to think ive been rejected from my first choice program. My one reject was 1 week after interview, my one acceptance was 3 days after interview. It has been a week since I interviewed for my first choice and I've heard nothing. One of the two profs said he was very optimistic about my chances, but the second person I met didn't give anything away. I've checked my email 50 times today. 

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Has anyone heard about the next round of decisions from Columbia GSAS? I applied to the PhD program in ethnomusicology, and I haven't gotten a rejection, but I also haven't gotten an acceptance. 


I saw one result on the board from February but I'm assuming (hoping) that was just their first round. 

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19 hours ago, easybreezy said:

So my birthday was this past Friday and I decided to go out with some friends and my boyfriend to celebrate and get my mind off of Grad School Purgatory.  Well, I left that with a boyfriend and came back with a fiance'! I'm ENGAGED lol :D

Congrats @easybreezy!  And good luck.  My fiancé and I have been engaged since Valentine's Day (2015) and have less than 4 months to go before our big day!  It's been a wild ride, but I am so excited!!!  We're getting married in June, spending two weeks in Maui for our honeymoon, and then I'll start grad school in the fall!

@gingin6789, what a cool experience!  (Not so much the altitude sickness, but the professor's compassion :P)

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I wake up every morning thinking that there will be an email in my inbox... but no. Waiting stinks. I can't believe I've waited months on end for what will probably be a rejection letter.

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6 hours ago, Pokeabun said:

I wake up every morning thinking that there will be an email in my inbox... but no. Waiting stinks. I can't believe I've waited months on end for what will probably be a rejection letter.

All of my results- be they acceptances or rejections- have come in the afternoon (presumably when the committees are looking at the applications). Waiting sucks, but maybe this'll help you settle your mind a bit in the mornings :) 

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