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MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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17 minutes ago, zelle said:

I really liked “Clear Seeing Place:Studio Visits” by Brian Rutenburg


33 Artists In 3 Acts / 7 days in the Art World

(these are written for non artists but do include some neat details from her interviews and studio-visits)

and for fun!

“Provenance” by Salisbury and Sujo


Book reccomendations are a great idea for the waiting time! I can’t wait to hear what others are reading :)


Would like to see this list growing. I keep a wish list on Amazon to keep track of titles I like to read

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Have to jump in with a recommendation for You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine by Alexandra Kleeman (she also has a collection of short stories) I've gone back to reread this book and it's so excellent.

A question for those who are receiving interviews/acceptances, did you have any contact with the faculty or current MFA students before applying? And what did that contact look like, was it meeting for coffee, or email correspondence or asking them to come for a studio visit? Did you just mention it in your statement? I applied, interviewed, and was accepted a few years ago to Pratt, SVA, and Parsons but opted out because upon reflection none of those programs seemed just right for me at the time, and this year I applied for Yale (rejected), RISD, and Hunter. I ask because the first time around I had absolutely no contact with anyone affiliated from either program (although by the time I interviewed I did a bunch of research of course), and this time around have only had contact with faculty at Hunter. Is this something that top-tier programs expect, or, to word it differently, is it necessary? Any feedback appreciated!

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21 minutes ago, Mr.PoopyButtHole said:

Got a call from Columbia out of the blue today ? Hoping y’all are getting calls today as well! Wishing y’all the best! 

Congrats!!! What program did you apply? Are they going to call all candidates who are invited for interviews? 

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6 minutes ago, Mr.PoopyButtHole said:

@Rennnnn Thanks! I applied for painting. To be honest I think they might be, as they have done in the past according to some of the older forums, but I did not ask. I was caught by surprise, bc I did not expect their decisions out so soon. 

Thanks for the info. I also applied for painting. Maybe it is a no for me. But good luck with your interview! I hope you can get in! :D

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1 hour ago, TheBarnOwl said:

Have to jump in with a recommendation for You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine by Alexandra Kleeman (she also has a collection of short stories) I've gone back to reread this book and it's so excellent.

A question for those who are receiving interviews/acceptances, did you have any contact with the faculty or current MFA students before applying? And what did that contact look like, was it meeting for coffee, or email correspondence or asking them to come for a studio visit? Did you just mention it in your statement? I applied, interviewed, and was accepted a few years ago to Pratt, SVA, and Parsons but opted out because upon reflection none of those programs seemed just right for me at the time, and this year I applied for Yale (rejected), RISD, and Hunter. I ask because the first time around I had absolutely no contact with anyone affiliated from either program (although by the time I interviewed I did a bunch of research of course), and this time around have only had contact with faculty at Hunter. Is this something that top-tier programs expect, or, to word it differently, is it necessary? Any feedback appreciated!

@TheBarnOwl I did not have any contact with faculty or current MFA students before applying. I did however do a lot of research about who I would want to be working with, the curriculum, and recent graduates work from each program. I then incorporated all of that into my statements as I tailored each to every school I was applying to. I also watched a lot of video interviews and artist talks to “get to know” the professors at each school i.e. their interests in artists, writing, reviews, etc. That really helped in my decision making and application process bc I was unable to visit any of the schools I was applying to for financial reasons. So for me that extra research compensated for not being able to be at their open house, seeing the campuses in person, and meeting people in real life. Hope that helps btw. I applied to Yale (interviewing in Feb.) Columbia (interviewing in Mar.), UCLA (still waiting to hear back), RISD (still waiting), and SAIC (interviewing in Feb.). 


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12 minutes ago, Mr.PoopyButtHole said:


Thanks @Rennnnn! Hope you hear from them soon! It seemed like they were calling a few people today. Idk what number I was down the line of calls. ??‍♂️

Congrats to you! Very well done. 

Anybody who applied to New Genres? Heard nothing yet....

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9 minutes ago, Makerak said:

Congrats to you! Very well done. 

Anybody who applied to New Genres? Heard nothing yet....

lurker chiming in. Also applied to Columbia - New Genres...no call today. Anyone get one?

The rest of my list: 

Yale - rejected

UPenn - interview in Feb

Waiting on Rutgers, Hunter, NYU


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Hi guys! Congratulations on all the interviews and acceptances so far. I have been a long time lurker here, I tried my luck in 2016 but it wasn't my time, so here I am giving it a go! 

This year I applied to the Sculpture programs at GSU, USF, UF, UK, USC at Columbia and UT at Knoxville.

So far I have heard back from USF, and I am beyond excited, will be receiving more info about stipends and such within two weeks. Fingers crossed.

Is anyone applying for external funding? Do you have any pointers or recommendations? 

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1 hour ago, agaldonab said:

Hi guys! Congratulations on all the interviews and acceptances so far. I have been a long time lurker here, I tried my luck in 2016 but it wasn't my time, so here I am giving it a go! 

This year I applied to the Sculpture programs at GSU, USF, UF, UK, USC at Columbia and UT at Knoxville.

So far I have heard back from USF, and I am beyond excited, will be receiving more info about stipends and such within two weeks. Fingers crossed.

Is anyone applying for external funding? Do you have any pointers or recommendations? 

When did you hear back from USF? Good luck on your other applications. :)

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6 hours ago, Mr.PoopyButtHole said:

Got a call from Columbia out of the blue today ? Hoping y’all are getting calls today as well! Wishing y’all the best! 

Wow! Congrats!!!!! May I ask what was the interview date options? Did they offer late Feb date or just in March?

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Hey folks. My gf introduced me to this forum and is hating herself for compounding my anxiety lol. But camaraderie! (Or commiseration). Congrats on all interviews so far.

Got my SAIC film/video interview invitation on Jan. 31. Waiting on CalArts film/video MFA and Bard MFA — has anyone started hearing from those?

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11 minutes ago, a_photo said:

Hey everyone! 

I'm waiting to hear from Hunter, Columbia, NYU, Purchase, UAlbany and Syracuse all for photo. Already got rejected from Yale!

Anyone know when these schools might be calling or emailing?

Congrats to everyone that got calls/ interviews so far!!


Hey, lurking photographer here. I am waiting for Columbia too. They called Painting finalists yesterday. Do you think the fact that Roma is out will affect anything? 

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I've heard back from Boston University so far! They reached out to me to schedule an interview. This is my first time applying to graduate schools, so I'm pretty excited-- although I don't want to get too excited for just an interview :) 

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