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Everything posted by Adelaide9216

  1. I have a bit of weight to lose. I wish I could create room in my schedule to go to the gym, but I can't. It's just too hard. I always end up giving up after a few weeks. I have such a "rigid" lifestyle already (I sleep early and for enough hours, I don't smoke, I don't drink, I regularly drink water, etc.) that I feel like I would not have any pleasure anymore if I started going to the gym on a regular basis. I walk, one hour to one hour and a half a day, every day. But I know it's not enough. But I enjoy walking. I feel like there is so much pressure to do everything perfectly in this society. Plus, with my thesis and my research, I just don't see how I can make room for going to the gym. I enjoy eating, it's one of my greatest pleasure in life and to start restricting myself on that aspect when I already do in other spheres in my life would make me feel like I'm living in jail.
  2. I'm a RA for my supervisor so I will keep on working on that during the summer part-time. I've also applied for a job on sexual violence prevention that's also part-time. Hopefully, I'll also be starting my data collection (scheduling and doing interviews with my participants) for my master's thesis if all goes well.
  3. I'm echoing what @TheCrow has just mentionned. It also depends if you have internships with your classes. And your student status (full-time or part-time). I have classmates who are working full-time while being a full-time student and having 2 + days of stage. And it's a lot. I wouldn't recommend it. Especially if you want to do a Ph.D., I just don't see how you'll be able to get good grades while doing that.
  4. I spent my evening yesterday playing board games with friends. We ate sushi, pizza, dumplings and chocolate cake. hahahaha
  5. THIS. Happy Holidays btw. We're not alone in this!
  6. I did a radio interview this morning and I am not satisfied with the result. Gonna see friends tonight to forget about this.
  7. Hello, is anyone here thinking of applying to University of Ottawa? Thanks,
  8. Congrats! I have a question. If you apply for Vanier and/or Trudeau, can you still apply for CRSH-CGS at the same time?
  9. I am eligible for FRQSC!!!!! Just got the email. So relieved!!!!
  10. Sorry for being too sensitive. I take what I do very much at heart and I firmly believe that I am doing it for the right reasons. Yes, I did feel attacked but maybe I shouldn't have felt this way.
  11. Then I guess we can close the thread then. It was my mistake to have started it here.
  12. And yes, maybe I should not have started a thread about this here.
  13. lemma, what I am saying that you're off thread. I am asking how much I should charge, not if I should charge or not. It's not about having everyone to agree with me. It's that it's not even why I started this thread for. Sorry I should have been clearer.
  14. I don't appreciate being told indirectly that I am doing this for money when it is not the case. My intentions are genuine and have always been. Otherwise, I don't think I would get these requests for speaking if people felt that my motivation for it was the cash. I started this thread because I get asked, by organizations "How much do you charge" without me even mentioning money. It's coming from them because it is the norm.
  15. My motivations for my speeches are the same and have never changed. Money is not and has never been the motivation. I am talking about a symbolic amount. And it's the people around me who keep saying to me that it makes zero sense that I keep on doing this for free.
  16. Maybe I should not have opened this thread.
  17. I went to the restaurant and then to the movie theater with my siblings tonight.
  18. I am considering charging because I get 4 to 5 requests per month approximately (sometimes more, sometimes less). The largest one I did was 4000 people. At first, I was considering on doing it for free all the time but the reality is that it's a lot of time of preparation. Also, I don't own a car, so it's a lot of traveling time and expenses for that as well. As a full-time student, I do believe that my friend and my mother were fair into saying that I need to be paid because it is work. I am not saying that I want a 1000$ or live off of it. But I need a symbolic amount for my work at this point. It also gives "value" to what I am doing. And most public speakers are being paid for this, so why shouldn't I? Especially if the organizations that I get invited to are used to paying their speakers, why should I do it for free if they have the ability to pay the people they invite? I even think that you both should start considering charging as well because it's not sustainable to do talks on a regular basis without being paid. It is a lot of work (not only in terms of time and preparation but emotional labor as well.) I also want to stress that these talks have nothing to do with my research topic for my master's. To be honest, I don't want to start this thread about it being a debate about this. I need help on how much should I charge. Not on if I should charge or not, I've already made my mind about it and I do believe that what I am saying is fair. We all need food on the table at the end of the day. I've been volunteering since the age of 12 years old and I do offer my time for free in many different causes until this day, more than the average person, but it's just fair to be asking for a symbolic amount for this type of work.
  19. Hello, I am doing this "on my own" kinda of. It's not related to my research topic at all, I see this as a form of extracurricular work. I don't have an agent because I get most of my requests through Facebook and email and I am still able to manage it all. (And I think, having an agent is very costly, I don't even know how to get one). Yes, I've taken a look at how much motivational speakers/life coaches charge but I don't consider myself as a life coach or a motivational speaker so that's why I am confused. I'm just a social worker who shares her own journey to recovery on her "free" time.
  20. Hello! I am asking my question here because I literally don't know where to go to have advice on this. I have been a public speaker for a few years now. I did a TEDx talk about my own journey and recovery regarding my mental health. Ever since I started getting requests to do more talks. I really enjoy doing it so that's why I keep sharing my story. At first, I was doing it on a volunteer basis and would never ask for organizations to pay me. My mother and a friend both advised me to start asking to be paid for my work because it is a lot of preparation and it would give "value" my work. However, whenever I am asked by organizations how much I want to get paid, I literally do not know what to tell them. I don't know what's the financial worth of my work and what's a reasonable price for it. Anyone here has been in a similar situation? I am assuming a lot of you are doing extracurricular work and have encountered a similar situation. Any advice? I was thinking of doing different prices depending on if the organization is a formal institution versus a community organization but I really do not know how to go about this.
  21. I do have friends already. and yes, I know what I want from a relationship. Thanks for the wishes, hope you have a great holiday season too.
  22. I also got a A and A- in two of my courses this term. I am still waiting for one last grade, but my CGPA is 3.85 on 4 so far for my first MSW semester.
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