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Everything posted by stereopticons

  1. Amazing grace
  2. I think you might be thinking of the Critical Language Scholarship. As a US applicant for Fulbright, I think you can go to most any country with a suitable research proposal. It's super competitive through.
  3. Sewer rat
  4. Rotten egg
  5. Playboy mansion
  6. I love Duolingo! I've been doing French, German, and Spanish.
  7. Play house
  8. Backup generator
  9. Pork rind (Mmmm, pork belly)
  10. Beer pong
  11. Likely you will be. When I stayed with a grad student at an interview, I had an air mattress on the floor. I would expect that they'll have blankets and pillows, but if you need more, you could bring some.
  12. Butcher knife
  13. I did. I just sent an email that basically said thanks for letting me know. As @MarineBluePsy said, you don't know what will happen and you don't want to burn bridges.
  14. Book ban
  15. Usually email or phone call. I've never heard of interviews being posted online without someone contacting you first.
  16. Beach blanket
  17. Loose women (sorry, first thing that came to mind. Not sure what that says about me)
  18. It usually helps to contact them before applying. You can make sure they are taking students that year and introduce yourself so that they know who you are when admissions time comes around. That said, I don't think not contacting them is going ruin your chances of getting in.
  19. Eye glasses
  20. Garden gnome
  21. Very good tip. I had a phone interview and was asked about a paper I had under review. It was a paper from I project I created four years ago, and the lab wrote it up after I left. I hadn't read the paper in a year and couldn't remember the results. It never occurred to me that someone would ask about it because it's not relevant to my current research area. If it's on your CV, make sure you can talk about it.
  22. Fire hose
  23. I agree with both of you, @fadedfigures and @MarineBluePsy. I think the skirt is cute and still acceptable for an interview. And if the grad program has a problem with individuality, then it's probably a bad fit for me anyway. Women are just under so much scrutiny for their appearance that it's extremely frustrating. I mean, studies have shown that people think that women who wear makeup are more competent, which is ridiculous.
  24. That's the problem, though. You never know who is going to agree, and when something like admission to grad school is on the line, it's hard to want to push the envelope.
  25. Baseball diamond
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