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Everything posted by stereopticons

  1. Hahaha yep. I've been doing this. Padmapper is my best friend.
  2. Write stuff down! You can have a folder in front of you in the interview to reference if you get flustered. Also, find people to practice with you. It sucks, but it's worth it.
  3. I think (and this may be inaccurate) a lot of schools hold off on sending out rejections until after offers are made. In theory, everyone interviewed could suck or decline the offer and they have to go on down the list. I would say this rarely happens but it is a possibility. One time I got a rejection in October. Like, thanks for the email but considering your semester already started, I kind of figured out I was rejected.
  4. People rarely share in the forum but I have gotten a few PMs. I would worry about the information getting back to the POI, not because I really have anything to hide, but I'd rather them not read my posts before I'm admitted. Same reason my social media profiles are private.
  5. But not unusual. My last round of applications, someone created a "please PM me your POI thread" to keep them all in one place.
  6. Barrier reef
  7. Thank you! Congrats to you too! I keep trying to remember that it's our day and no one else's, haha.
  8. Ooh you're much closer than I am. I just got engaged like two weeks ago.
  9. Could mean you are "unofficially waitlisted", I.e., if everyone interviewed turns out to be awful or declines, they could still contact you. Not that that helps any...
  10. Check the results page. I've seen a bunch from UMich today.
  11. I wouldn't let him turn in a lab late. Even though make-up lab/late work policies were clearly defined in the syllabus, apparently I still violated his rights somehow.
  12. I'm pretty sure Temple's interviews are this week and next week, so if you haven't heard by now, you probably didn't get one.
  13. Prime directive
  14. Cat scratch
  15. Iron Lady
  16. It depends on the program. The more research focused programs are going to want more research experience. That said, the PhD is inherently a research degree. If you want to primarily focus on clinical work, have you thought about a PsyD?
  17. Bad call
  18. Wedding cake
  19. I have similar problems with teaching. I can connect with a handful of students who really like me but the rest are unimpressed. I'm very awkward and have a hard time dealing with disrespectful behaviors. One of my first students also went to the Dean of Students about me. I cried in my office that day (and several other times). So I feel you. Teaching is incredibly hard. You aren't alone!
  20. Hey! I think you might have me confused with someone else. I haven't applied to Yale.
  21. Intelligence summit
  22. Right?? I sit down and it's popping out. Is this pocket meant to hold things? Is this a pocket FOR ANTS? Also workout pants? Is my phone supposed to fit in that tiny half pocket? Maybe like a Motorola razr would but get with the times, pants manufacturers!
  23. Don't even get me started on the pockets. Even when they do put pockets, they aren't big enough to put anything in!
  24. It's true. It's a conspiracy. Plus I'm pretty sure every time I go on there, they've raised their prices.
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