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Happy February!


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In the past three days, I've gotten FOUR emails that my gmail account marked as "important" from schools with very vague subject lines. They have all been ads from schools inviting me to apply in PROGRAMS I DON'T EVEN STUDY. Getting the email and thinking I'll hear from a school for a flash and then seeing what it really is can be agonizing! But we made it to February, y'all.

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2 minutes ago, Jericho said:

In the past three days, I've gotten FOUR emails that my gmail account marked as "important" from schools with very vague subject lines. They have all been ads from schools inviting me to apply in PROGRAMS I DON'T EVEN STUDY. Getting the email and thinking I'll hear from a school for a flash and then seeing what it really is can be agonizing! But we made it to February, y'all.

I keep getting emails to apply to the Pratt Institute, lol. Too bad I'm awful at art.

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My top program (MA program) sent an email that informed folks that people who applied before the 12/15 deadline would hear by mid-February which has led me to obsessively refreshing the page anywhere from seven to twenty times a day. I'm handling the stress fine...like talking to everyone around me about it incessantly and crying in yoga class this morning. Everything is fine.

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Just now, historygeek said:

I keep getting emails to apply to the Pratt Institute, lol. Too bad I'm awful at art.


2 minutes ago, historygeek said:

I can chill! I got my first acceptance!

So happy for you! 


Just now, MPA_App said:

My top program (MA program) sent an email that informed folks that people who applied before the 12/15 deadline would hear by mid-February which has led me to obsessively refreshing the page anywhere from seven to twenty times a day. I'm handling the stress fine...like talking to everyone around me about it incessantly and crying in yoga class this morning. Everything is fine.

None of us are chill about anything ever, or we wouldn't still be in school. We are, as grad students, naturally not chill. If anyone who is intentionally putting themselves through this stress for the chance at grad school tells you they're chill, they're lying. 

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I gave emails and phone call to those who have not sent anything to me. One said they have a delay and I will know the final decision no later than the end of next week, the other, middle of Feb.

Others, may be blocked by the bad weather which I reach a voice mailbox.

So...I have nothing to say

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42 minutes ago, historygeek said:

I can chill! I got my first acceptance!

One by one my misery company friends are disappearing.  Soon I will be the only person left in this forum. lol

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Welcome Fabruary! And we start with... a Rejection! Not from a school though.

Just got an email that one of the papers I have submitted was rejected. Even though it would be a good addition to my CV, I'm not that mad because they took so long to review the papers that most of their negative comments were already corrected

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1 hour ago, sgaw10 said:

Think February will be more crickets chirping since pretty much everywhere I applied already sent out interviews :)

Are interviews common for your program? I'm holding out hope on mine. Maybe your programs are super confident in you and don't need to interview you to know they want you. What if interviews are for people they're on the fence about? IDK. 

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10 minutes ago, lovekilledinos said:

Are interviews common for your program? I'm holding out hope on mine. Maybe your programs are super confident in you and don't need to interview you to know they want you. What if interviews are for people they're on the fence about? IDK. 

Yeah, most bio-related disciplines interview before admitting people to the program, so that unfortunately is not the case :P 

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I can't believe that after 74 days of January, it's actually February. And it's the weekend again, at which my body usually chills out a little and only types gradcafe in the address bar twice a day. I really hope we'll all start hearing some (good) news soon!

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33 minutes ago, LOiseauRouge said:

Just got my first acceptance! Hoping February brings more great things! 

Nice.  Though, I think I'd rather skip grad school than deal with Arizona's heat...

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This February is going to be a trip for sure. It will be the one year deathiversary of my dog :(, which also happens to be my birthday. Additionally, Valentine’s Day, which is one of my least favorite holidays. I just really hate the color pink and being single doesn’t help either, but all those who enjoy it, I hope you do! And then on top of that, I’ll probably will be receiving some rejections. I shouldn’t complain since I have an acceptance, but it will still sting. Good luck to you all and don’t forget self-care when you need it!

Edited by Moods
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February is an interesting month - I've got a conference at the end of the month I'm looking forward to + tons of school events going on, but I've heard radio silence from my programs (which, as I've learned, is semi-expected, since Statistics programs really start digging into their applications around this time). So I'm imagining that February will be full of a lot of news, hopefully some good! 

@Moods Oof, it sounds like February is going to be pretty rough - I bet you'll get through it just fine, and even stronger as a person! Good reminder about self-care, it's something I forget so much during times of stress. Even radical self care is helpful (make time to take showers and brush teeth even if it feels like the world is falling down!!) 

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1 hour ago, yukichi said:

February is an interesting month - I've got a conference at the end of the month I'm looking forward to + tons of school events going on, but I've heard radio silence from my programs (which, as I've learned, is semi-expected, since Statistics programs really start digging into their applications around this time). So I'm imagining that February will be full of a lot of news, hopefully some good! 

@Moods Oof, it sounds like February is going to be pretty rough - I bet you'll get through it just fine, and even stronger as a person! Good reminder about self-care, it's something I forget so much during times of stress. Even radical self care is helpful (make time to take showers and brush teeth even if it feels like the world is falling down!!)  

Thanks, buddy! Hopefully it won't be as rough as I am imagining it will be. Yep, even the little things like showering and brushing your teeth can make you feel better.

I hope all goes well at your conferences! I also hope you hear something from schools soon this month!

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