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2021 Clinical Psychology Applicants CANADA

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6 hours ago, Chebben said:

Just to add my depressing two cents here as an accepted clinical psychology student who has been through a few interviews. 

There are students who get interviewed at schools for POIs who are not accepting students. It's possible faculty just think they are a strong student and may suggest another supervisor for you. Faculty are also ranked as to how likely they are to get a student, so many students interview for faculty who say they are "Accepting students" but realistically they are very unlikely to get students. That's why being strategic about who you apply to is very important. 

thanks for your input. I really don't know what to expect, I'm not really expecting anything haha. Worst case, they are not accepting students this year and she can refer me to other faculty. I'm happy that one of the other profs I'm applying to actually supervised their MA/PhD. So all around, it's a positive thing that I'm getting an interview :) three years later and this is my FIRST one so definitely pretty nervous.....

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Hey guys! I will apply to clinical psych programs next fall. I was wondering if not having a thesis is a big deal breaker for universities? I will be doing an independent study next semester but it's not exactly a thesis project so I'm a bit worried. Thanks and good luck with your applications :)

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28 minutes ago, PeanutButterBread said:


Hey guys! I will apply to clinical psych programs next fall. I was wondering if not having a thesis is a big deal breaker for universities? I will be doing an independent study next semester but it's not exactly a thesis project so I'm a bit worried. Thanks and good luck with your applications :)

I don’t think it’s a dealbreaker! Most programs require an honours or equivalent- independent projects typically count as equivalent :)  id say the more research experience you can acquire the better, but having the independent project is great- I think most schools would consider that!  

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1 minute ago, carlrogersfan98 said:

If it's true that Dal is doing interviews on the 16th, is it safe to assume that those of us who have not yet received an interview offer will not be invited? ?

Dal interviews will be held by the program on the 14th and 16th. I got an invite to interview only a few hours ago, so I would give them some time to contact you. Good luck! 

Edited by Drew James
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18 hours ago, shelovesyouleon said:

Applying to SFU, Mac, Windsor, UBCO, UBC, UVIC! Fingers crossed everyone.

GPA: 3.94,/4.00 Good LOR's, 3 RA positions, 2 clinical practicums, GRE: 166V, 164Q, NO publications, 2 presentations upcoming. 

Status: extremely worried that I won't get in anywhere, especially since I don't have any pubs :(

It sounds like you have a lot of really good experience! I wouldn’t worry too much about publications (especially if you are just coming out of your undergrad). A lot of students (if not the majority) do not have any publications going into grad school. It sounds like you have great grades, experiences, and research dissemination activities! Most schools look at applications holistically, so I think you’re in a fine standing! 

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33 minutes ago, PeanutButterBread said:


Hey guys! I will apply to clinical psych programs next fall. I was wondering if not having a thesis is a big deal breaker for universities? I will be doing an independent study next semester but it's not exactly a thesis project so I'm a bit worried. Thanks and good luck with your applications :)

I do not have an honours thesis - it is not an option at my university. I've done an independent research project that I've articulated what it consisted of and why it is an equivalent. One of my LOR is also the supervisor of that project and I asked her to emphasize this independent research and why it is the equivalent. I'm finishing it right now, and we are hoping to submit it for publication in January at which point I'm hoping it really will be seen as the equivalent. This is my big big concern too - if they have 900 applications it may be an easy way to week out applications and only accept actual honours thesis. 

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18 hours ago, shelovesyouleon said:

Applying to SFU, Mac, Windsor, UBCO, UBC, UVIC! Fingers crossed everyone.

GPA: 3.94,/4.00 Good LOR's, 3 RA positions, 2 clinical practicums, GRE: 166V, 164Q, NO publications, 2 presentations upcoming. 

Status: extremely worried that I won't get in anywhere, especially since I don't have any pubs :(

hey! i think ur a great applicant especially when i compare u to me. my GPA is 3.78/4.0, my LOR are good, I've had 4 RA positions but no clinical practicums/publications/presentations. i know a lot of school really look at the last 3 things that i dont have, especially pubs and presentations. i think ur gonna do great :D

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2 hours ago, Drew James said:

Dal interviews will be held by the program on the 14th and 16th. I got an invite to interview only a few hours ago, so I would give them some time to contact you. Good luck! 

Still haven't heard anything, kinda losing hope... oh well. Honestly my application with Dal itself had some issues and the whole thing ended up being kinda messy so I wouldn't be surprised if something got lost/messed up along the line. First, Dal did not list a CV as a required component in the list of documents, so in following the list I realized I forgot to attach one and sent it separate from the rest of my documents, although it was supposedly received. Second, my clinical reference did not have an institutional email so did not get a reference invite, so I reached out to ask about this and they sent the form to me to send to the reference, and the reference would send the form back to that Gradprog email in return. Third, my school does not email transcripts like how Dal requested them to be sent - so I requested one to be sent via courier as per what Gradprog suggested I do, and then sent scans of my official transcripts in the meantime. Wouldn't be shocked if one of these caused a slip up in my application being reviewed to begin with 

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8 minutes ago, carlrogersfan98 said:

Still haven't heard anything, kinda losing hope... oh well. Honestly my application with Dal itself had some issues and the whole thing ended up being kinda messy so I wouldn't be surprised if something got lost/messed up along the line. First, Dal did not list a CV as a required component in the list of documents, so in following the list I realized I forgot to attach one and sent it separate from the rest of my documents, although it was supposedly received. Second, my clinical reference did not have an institutional email so did not get a reference invite, so I reached out to ask about this and they sent the form to me to send to the reference, and the reference would send the form back to that Gradprog email in return. Third, my school does not email transcripts like how Dal requested them to be sent - so I requested one to be sent via courier as per what Gradprog suggested I do, and then sent scans of my official transcripts in the meantime. Wouldn't be shocked if one of these caused a slip up in my application being reviewed to begin with 

Oof that's rough. I honestly have no idea why Dal's app process is so archaic? Why not have a portal like most other programs? I've often wondered how much gets lost in translation there after reading on the results page that someone was interview and accepted in April because their application didn't end up reaching the POI in December. 

I had a similar issue there with one of my references. Apparently everything was received, but it still seems like a lot of administrative work to compile all of those documents into one application and send it to the POIs. Also seems like an opportunity for unnecessary human error, no shade on the admin team but things happen!

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Just now, Psych1313 said:

Oof that's rough. I honestly have no idea why Dal's app process is so archaic? Why not have a portal like most other programs? I've often wondered how much gets lost in translation there after reading on the results page that someone was interview and accepted in April because their application didn't end up reaching the POI in December. 

I had a similar issue there with one of my references. Apparently everything was received, but it still seems like a lot of administrative work to compile all of those documents into one application and send it to the POIs. Also seems like an opportunity for unnecessary human error, no shade on the admin team but things happen!

I'm glad it's not just me!! I think their system is in dire need of an update, it was absolutely the oldest looking application website of all the schools I applied to. Plus I just didn't feel good from the get-go about sending all my documents to that one administrative email. And it's not even anything to do with me not trusting the administrators - emails glitch all the time, things fail to send, things get deleted, things accidentally go to the wrong inbox. So yeah, this could be anything tbh. Trying to stay positive as I have 4 more schools to hear back from yet though :)

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I have 2 questions:

1) There was no grading scheme included with my unofficial transcripts. Is this ok lol 

2) Just found out I might want to work with a prof at Lakehead. Might have decent research fit but kinda iffy on fit at this point (haven't had chance to meet and discuss). I could apply now, but I've already missed the OGS deadline. I didn't apply for CGS-M with Lakehead either. Is it still worth it to apply? 

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1 hour ago, carlrogersfan98 said:

Still haven't heard anything, kinda losing hope... oh well. Honestly my application with Dal itself had some issues and the whole thing ended up being kinda messy so I wouldn't be surprised if something got lost/messed up along the line. First, Dal did not list a CV as a required component in the list of documents, so in following the list I realized I forgot to attach one and sent it separate from the rest of my documents, although it was supposedly received. Second, my clinical reference did not have an institutional email so did not get a reference invite, so I reached out to ask about this and they sent the form to me to send to the reference, and the reference would send the form back to that Gradprog email in return. Third, my school does not email transcripts like how Dal requested them to be sent - so I requested one to be sent via courier as per what Gradprog suggested I do, and then sent scans of my official transcripts in the meantime. Wouldn't be shocked if one of these caused a slip up in my application being reviewed to begin with 

Ah that’s rough. I agree, Dal’s system is very antiquated, and I’m sorry you’ve had some trouble. Please do let us know if you end up hearing back from Dal!

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14 minutes ago, broski said:

I have 2 questions:

1) There was no grading scheme included with my unofficial transcripts. Is this ok lol 

2) Just found out I might want to work with a prof at Lakehead. Might have decent research fit but kinda iffy on fit at this point (haven't had chance to meet and discuss). I could apply now, but I've already missed the OGS deadline. I didn't apply for CGS-M with Lakehead either. Is it still worth it to apply? 

1. Some of the schools I applied to explicitly asked for the grading legend to be included, others didn't. I don't think its a deal breaker, especially if you went to a more common undergrad university where they see these transcripts all the time. I wouldn't sweat it if I were you.

2. Not having applied for external funding won't automatically exclude you from most, if any, schools. I don't think not applying for external funding is a reason to not apply. Iffy fit is perhaps a more legitimate problem but honestly what do you have to lose by applying? Also, take a look at Lakehead's guaranteed funding- it's the best I've seen at any program. External funding may be less of an important issue to them.

Beware the 3500 character (with spaces!) limit for their SOP. I found that one tricky. Best of luck!

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30 minutes ago, broski said:

I have 2 questions:

1) There was no grading scheme included with my unofficial transcripts. Is this ok lol 

2) Just found out I might want to work with a prof at Lakehead. Might have decent research fit but kinda iffy on fit at this point (haven't had chance to meet and discuss). I could apply now, but I've already missed the OGS deadline. I didn't apply for CGS-M with Lakehead either. Is it still worth it to apply? 

2. I would say to go for it! Might as well apply where you can. You can always decide later on to not attend the school (if the research fit turns out to not be good).

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43 minutes ago, PrettyFlyForACogSci said:

1. Some of the schools I applied to explicitly asked for the grading legend to be included, others didn't. I don't think its a deal breaker, especially if you went to a more common undergrad university where they see these transcripts all the time. I wouldn't sweat it if I were you.

2. Not having applied for external funding won't automatically exclude you from most, if any, schools. I don't think not applying for external funding is a reason to not apply. Iffy fit is perhaps a more legitimate problem but honestly what do you have to lose by applying? Also, take a look at Lakehead's guaranteed funding- it's the best I've seen at any program. External funding may be less of an important issue to them.

Beware the 3500 character (with spaces!) limit for their SOP. I found that one tricky. Best of luck!

Would you mind sharing Lakehead's guaranteed funding? I'm considering applying there as well but wasn't able to find it. 

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43 minutes ago, PrettyFlyForACogSci said:

1. Some of the schools I applied to explicitly asked for the grading legend to be included, others didn't. I don't think its a deal breaker, especially if you went to a more common undergrad university where they see these transcripts all the time. I wouldn't sweat it if I were you.

2. Not having applied for external funding won't automatically exclude you from most, if any, schools. I don't think not applying for external funding is a reason to not apply. Iffy fit is perhaps a more legitimate problem but honestly what do you have to lose by applying? Also, take a look at Lakehead's guaranteed funding- it's the best I've seen at any program. External funding may be less of an important issue to them.

Beware the 3500 character (with spaces!) limit for their SOP. I found that one tricky. Best of luck!

I can't seem to find info on Lakehead's guaranteed funding for psych, but I'll take your word on this. 

33 minutes ago, Wanderingmind said:

2. I would say to go for it! Might as well apply where you can. You can always decide later on to not attend the school (if the research fit turns out to not be good).

You both provided very logical advice. Thanks so much! 

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1 hour ago, broski said:

I have 2 questions:

1) There was no grading scheme included with my unofficial transcripts. Is this ok lol 

2) Just found out I might want to work with a prof at Lakehead. Might have decent research fit but kinda iffy on fit at this point (haven't had chance to meet and discuss). I could apply now, but I've already missed the OGS deadline. I didn't apply for CGS-M with Lakehead either. Is it still worth it to apply? 

1) i really dont think its a huge error but i think if its included they just appreciate it bc its less work for them, just my opinion tho and im sure i could be wrong!

2) definitely apply! i think its better to apply and see what happens than ponder on the "what-ifs". i think fit is probably more important but who knows, maybe u can email them about ur interest (even if its "late") and they wanna chat w u, or look forward to ur application, you never know!

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1 hour ago, PrettyFlyForACogSci said:

1. Some of the schools I applied to explicitly asked for the grading legend to be included, others didn't. I don't think its a deal breaker, especially if you went to a more common undergrad university where they see these transcripts all the time. I wouldn't sweat it if I were you.

2. Not having applied for external funding won't automatically exclude you from most, if any, schools. I don't think not applying for external funding is a reason to not apply. Iffy fit is perhaps a more legitimate problem but honestly what do you have to lose by applying? Also, take a look at Lakehead's guaranteed funding- it's the best I've seen at any program. External funding may be less of an important issue to them.

Beware the 3500 character (with spaces!) limit for their SOP. I found that one tricky. Best of luck!

Curious about #2 and what others think about this. I was told by a supervisor that they don't seriously consider students that haven't at least tried to apply for funding. Applying for external funding shows initiative and more importantly, interest in the program since the main one (cgsm) only allows you to list three schools. It's an easy way to weed out applicants that aren't serious about the program. I have also been told by current grad students that it is super important to show that you've applied for external funding. I am happy to hear that maybe it isn't that important? I applied to many schools and there were I think two I wasn't able to indicate that I applied for funding (ogs not applicable or cgsm I chose for others), and I honestly feel like that brought my app down?

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On 12/9/2020 at 5:53 PM, PsychApplicant14 said:

Has anyone who applied to Dalhousie received any interview notifications? Supposedly they were planning to send them out today according to a post made by someone else.

Now that is Friday, has anyone heard anything from Dalhousie?

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On 12/10/2020 at 3:27 PM, janelove said:

I think so! Mine says pending as well! I assume it says that until it is updated with the results. Regarding the 'Required' status, if I click on view requirements it says my reference assessments are complete but statement of interest and official transcript (which I believe they do not need until you get an offer - an unofficial transcript is fine) are labeled 'required'. I also think this is fine because the status legend mentions that these statuses remain this way until they are manually updated by the graduate program.


On 12/10/2020 at 3:38 PM, coffeeinmyveins said:

Exact same with my app too!

Great! Thanks guys -- I was panicking a bit because I thought I messed up haha. Good luck guys! 

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For anyone who applied to Lakehead: Did you need to wait 24 h to start the 2nd part of the application/actually upload documents? And can you submit unofficial transcripts or electronic official transcripts? They want official transcripts but also said unofficial is fine in the interim...

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