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23 hours ago, Speechies22 said:

Has anyone completed AUDI 403 at UBC? Can you speak to how difficult you found the course to be (esp. given that the final exam is 80%). Thanks! 


19 hours ago, UnderLing21 said:

No help here, since I'm currently enrolled. But I'd also like to know more about the final if anyone has some insight, since the fact that it's worth 80% is stressing me out a bit!

I took the course last year and even though I was an absolute wreck because of the shutdown etc I still managed to do well. The questions on the final felt really vague... idk how to describe it more than that. Make sure you know your stuff but even though I thought I studied pretty well I got confused about some of the questions but again don't stress even though I felt this way in the moment I still did well! Good luck!

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20 hours ago, Wugs said:

How would you calculate this?

I used the university’s undergrad GPA calculation, I found it on this page https://www.ualberta.ca/registrar/examinations/assessment-and-grading/grading-system-explained.html

Then once I had all my prereqs converted to their grading scale I just found the average of them.

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Hi everyone!

Congratulations to those who've received good news about your applications! And to those who may have not, hang in there, you got this!

I've made a discord server for the McMaster SLP Class of '23. Here's the link: https://discord.gg/nkKKzmWF

Excited to meet you all :)

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8 hours ago, justpeachyspeechy said:

Just wondering if anyone made a Facebook group for McMaster SLP? I think I only saw one for Ottawa but then again there's a lot of posts to go through so I could've missed it! 

Thanks :)

I don't think there's a FB group, but someone did make a discord! https://discord.gg/YQTXMQJS :)

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For anyone anxiously waiting to hear back from the Western waitlist and cannot handle it like me ?  So far I have counted at least 7 people who are rejecting their acceptance and at least 9 people who will be declining a waitlist offer if they get one. Still not sure how many people are on the waitlist (I saw someone said 100 and someone else said 52?) 

Edited by SLP-hopefully
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35 minutes ago, Wugs said:

Is anyone else still waiting on their official U of A letter?

Yeah I am ugh!! I’m thinking they’re behind a bit, plus with sending out offer letters in March, the individuals who got offers probably know if they will accept or decline now that all schools have sent out offers. So I’m thinking they are not super rushed to get official letters out. In their minds 24 hours is enough lol, so I’m assuming we will get them before the 14th.

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4 hours ago, SLP-hopefully said:

For anyone anxiously waiting to hear back from the Western waitlist and cannot handle it like me ?  So far I have counted at least 7 people who are rejecting their acceptance and at least 9 people who will be declining a waitlist offer if they get one. Still not sure how many people are on the waitlist (I saw someone said 100 and someone else said 52?) 

Has anybody dared to ask how long the waitlist is this year???

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