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Everything posted by 8BitJourney

  1. I'm guessing that if you're not a lucky recipient then you're out of the game then? Or could there be a second (highly unlikely) wave?
  2. I'm sorry :/ If I remember from another post this isn't your first time applying right (and you have a legitimate restriction on where your can apply)? How was your fit with your POIs? Mine were dang near on the level of 'stars aligned' for me to even get pre-interviews/interviews last cycle (didn't get in) and this one (applied 4 years later due to various reasons). Its not easy and MANY applicants who are qualified get turned away; doesn't make it sting any less and doesn't mean you're less worth or that your last couple of years definitely weren't a waste. If you decide to apply again maybe write down each potential POI and a blurb of their work and have your mentors or another teacher/a grad student/a senior member on the board rate how well you match up based on your CV/experiences? I wish you luck on whatever path you pursue!
  3. There's a Fordham post about a mass invite email from the program coordinator. Wondering if that'll be it.
  4. I'm not a fashionista but from what I've seen its best to stick with 2 'colors'. So 1 is shades of one color and then the other choice is a pop color. So 'grey+black+white' would be one and then say a 'bright pink'. If you have a navy blazer then I would say go for black dress/or a grey steely colour might work as well. If you still want to do the blue+white+pink do you have any accessories that can go with the pink heels or blue blazer like a nice thin belt (blazer color) or necklace (shoe color)? btw i'm completely overthinking this! As long as you look presentable minor touches and wardrobe matching will probably go over your POIs head
  5. Its a little awkward of course but its something they probably did while applying so they understand how it feels and are 'paying-it-forward' so to speak. Just be courteous and mindful and it'll be fine. I ended up watching a tv show and made small talk after the social with mine the last cycle I applied; wasn't too bad
  6. It varies by schools, some take days others take weeks. Some schools notify everyone post interview what their status is and others will only notify accepted applicants.
  7. To UConn posters (POI MW) could you send me a pm on if you think invites have all gone on/when you heard back? Trying to see if I need to move stuff around. Thanks!
  8. Wondering if anyone has heard from NYU counseling psychology (not the PSI program)?
  9. A pop of color (if its not extremely bright or gaudy) tends to be fine - I actually think accent belts, a nice scarf, or blazer is good especially if interviewing in dreary northeast weather. If you can link a picture that would help but I would advise you to wear the more comfortable one. Its a long day and you have enough on your plate with interviewing to be distracted by hurt toes...
  10. If you were an earlier interview then it may take some time. POIs are busy and want to properly weigh candidates (including you!) along with regular academic duties. This is a great time for you to practice coping and 'waiting-it-out' strategies because you'll be applying for many things in the future (fellowships, awards, internship, post-doc, faculty positions etc etc). Its tough; believe me I know! I got so antsy I wrote 2 status inquiry emails to separate professors to relieve stress then deleted them. Just writing the emails was therapeutic even though I didn't plan to send anything.
  11. I'm wondering if for some of my schools (which have already posted rejections) what my status is if mine hasn't changed in the portal. Though I'm of the 'no news is bad news' camp so I'm either waitlisted or lost to the void...
  12. **NOTE: NONE of these are official. But I believe pre-interviews and invites already went out or I just have a bad gut feeling** School: Duke, Penn State, UConn, UMiami with USC and Chapel Hill this makes 6/14. Anticipating at least 3 more rejections Area/Degree: Clinical Rationalization: Invites already went out, TGC forums Comment: Bleh I hate this process. I don't feel like I'm entitled to a spot or anything but there has to be a more organized way to do this (like publish an estimate of when pre-interviews are conducted and interview invites will go out.) The CUDCP calendar has some schools but not enough for proper planning especially if you have to pay for transportation, lodging, and figuring out taking time off. Coping tactics: Wrote two status inquiry letters with everything I wanted to say then deleted them to relieve anxiety. No point in blatantly showing a POI that I'm desparate XD and it won't give me an edge up. Cleaning and video games since I can't focus on work.
  13. From past TGC results, the timeline for Harvard is pretty vague. However I think they review apps and send invites a little later than other programs (so not till last week of January/through February). The only weird thing I saw was one post on the 10th from an international student saying their POI said they were rejected and didn't make the shortlist. Didn't know what that was about but I do believe some schools process international and domestic applicants differently but its Harvard so who knows...
  14. No problem, its a stressful process! Who's your POI (DM if you don't want to share it publicly?) My POI emailed back saying that they unfortunately could not offer me an in-person interview at this time. They contacted their long list (10 - 15 applicants per POI i think) in late December/1st week of January all had to send in their short list in the first/second week of January of in-person invites so you haven't received one its very unlikely you will at this point. The POI I was interested in told me all this so I could plan accordingly; I didn't check the website. Sorry
  15. Waiting on Harvard as well and haven't heard anything
  16. I heard from Greensboro this week. Haven't heard from WashU.
  17. Still hoping to get my grubby paws on a UConn invite though its seeming increasingly unlikely :/ Holding out until the end of this week.
  18. Wear it however you feel comfortable (I've worn my hair in an afro to fellowship interviews and still got them). As long as there's no strong odor or really flashy you should be good.
  19. From what I've seen of past results UConn extends all invites by end of 2nd week of January But short of emailing the program there's no way to be 100% sure
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