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Posts posted by xxxxxxxxxx

  1. I wouldn’t. Admin offices are slammed right now and they most likely won’t respond to your request or get to re-submitting the latest version in your packet in time for departmental reviews. 

    If you end up receiving interview invites, you are allowed to bring an updated copy of your CV, and can talk about the paper then with your potential PIs.

  2. For those looking for paid opportunities: indeed.com, type in “psychology research” in the keywords and your city/state. Professors with active labs (especially around this time) are known for always posting on there. Also, before applying to any advertised position: Make a competitive cover letter + CV that is in academic format and obtain feedback on those items from a supervisor or colleague.

    I found my most recent clinical research coordinator job through there at a very prestigious AMC after my 2nd round of applications. The opportunity allowed me to get clinical research experience and numerous pubs/presentations as well as excellent mentorship from the leaders in my specific field prior to applying last year (for the 3rd time).

    If you truly cannot quit your current place of work for financial reasons, cold e-mailing PIs for opportunities about volunteer options (esp. emphasizing your availability in the weekends/evenings) should get you some leads. Best of luck to you.

  3. I am so sorry for what you’re going through, OP. As others have mentioned, reaching out and seeking out immediate care from a mental health provider (Ideally: a Clinical or Counseling Psychologist) should be your first step. Stigma and other barriers for mental healthcare are real (and as a future provider myself, extremely frustrating and difficult) but you should NOT feel shame or guilt for needing help, or for anything that has transpired over the last months. Be kind to yourself. Your university should have a counseling center set up, and you should request for an appointment immediately. If your university does not have this resource available, try looking at psychologytoday.com and other resources online for locating a provider ASAP.

    In the mean time, from now until when you establish regular appointments, request to meet with your advisor individually. Do not divulge any details through e-mail, simply state you would like to meet with them and provide updates on some recent personal matters, academic updates, and that you’ve developed a pathway forward and you would appreciate their mentorship. Next, create a list of things you’re upset about and or would like to work on (i.e., maybe grades received, assignments you didn’t do so well on) and then create a separate column on what you will do to alleviate the situation. Use this time to also create boundaries between yourself and your family members, you need the space, they do not understand how challenging graduate school can be, and until you have started to work with a provider, it’s best to distance yourself from them.

    Again, be kind with yourself. There are always solutions to our problems, even the most complex and difficult ones. Our mood, self-esteem and psychiatric symptoms (especially those that are depressive in nature) unfortunately cloud our judgement and make us catastrophize stressful situations. 

  4. On 10/5/2019 at 8:33 AM, buttercup8d said:

    Well, they don't sound like your people. What kind of program are you in? I'm in a psych program, and I've found that most people who come into this field are incredibly insecure and seem to have more mental health issues than most people I've met outside of this field. I unfortunately got a small cohort of gossipy and cliquey mean girls who have excluded me from Day 1 because I am not exactly like them, and I do things like read...... (one of them, I believe, is currently on academic probation and has targeted me as her "rival" since school began. Frankly, she should just worry about passing her classes)

    Do not sweat it if they're not open to getting to know you and don't think you need to change for them. It says more about them, and excluding someone else probably makes them feel safe in the program and temporarily elevates their low self-esteem...

    Hope the quality of your situation improved.
    I strongly disagree with your “most people who come into this field” statement, but found myself concerned about the way you felt you were being treated by your peers. 4-6 years of graduate school is a hell of a long time, and feeling this type of isolation/negative emotions towards others will not be good for your mental health over the long run.. :( 

  5. On 9/27/2019 at 5:18 AM, JoePianist said:

    Honestly, you’ll need to network with psychology researchers who know professors in doctoral clinical psychology programs. From there, you’ll want to build a relationship with a professor who may be willing to advocate for you with the admissions committee despite your GRE scores. Another way to directly network with clinical psychology professors is to attend research conferences where they will speak or present research — don’t be afraid to walk up to them after their talk, introduce yourself, and then discuss your interest in their work.

    Excellent advice, for anyone concerned about their GRE scores. Networking works wonders. High GRE scores are not the golden ticket to graduate school, but low ones will certainly prevent excellent applicants (such as OP, myself) from getting their applications reviewed. I’ve heard from previous mentors that anything below 50% percentile gets you thrown in the “No” piles, especially out of hundreds of “equally competitive applicants” on paper. 

    Let me just say I personally detest the GRE and have very strong negative opinions on it. I know it kept me from “getting interviews” my first application rounds. In my most recent round, my scores were mediocre at best, and I focused on all other stellar portions of my applications to get interviews (publications, research experience, LoRs, networking opportunities, etc).

    Best of luck to you in this process, you sound like a very competitive applicant.

  6. What are your professional goals? What do you envision doing with your graduate education? Have you looked at the differences between a Ph.D. and a Psy.D? What about other career fields and options (LCSW, etc)?

    Once you begin to answer these important questions, then you can move towards searching for mentors/programs/schools that can get you there. The bottom line (and you probably know this already): You are severely limiting your career options by focusing on programs that do not require a GRE.

    For the OP and or other new applicants interested in becoming clinical psychologists: For-profit graduate schools in clinical psychology are a complete and utter disaster- they are mostly known for providing low quality training/opportunities to its students  (Google what occurred to hundreds of “students” enrolled at Argosy Schools over the last few years). For the exception of URI, all reputable Ph.D. (and some Psy.D) programs in Clinical Psychology  (unfortunately) still require this exam.

    Through the process of selecting programs/schools for your graduate education, you need to not only focus on the quality of education you’ll potentially be receiving, you also need to understand that following graduation, you would be competing (again) for internship (and eventually jobs in the market) against those candidates who graduated from reputable programs, with impressive CVs, publications, and experiences obtained throughout their graduate education.

  7. Hi everyone,

    1st year clinical (Ph.D.) student here. I remember being in your place around this time last year (and several years before that), and found myself reminiscing how awful all those feelings were during “application” season. The uncertainty, checking my emails at all hours of the day, comparing my stats; background/experiences to other equally competitive applicants, refreshing the stupid forums and invites pages at every minute- ALL of it.

    It took me 3 application rounds to finally be accepted, at my “dream” institution, with a PI who I “dreamed” of working with (For reference: I was rejected from this school during previous application rounds).

    All of this to say: This process isn’t easy. It’s unfair, it isn’t for the weak. However, the field is slowly changing, especially for applicants from less privileged backgrounds. Clinical Psychology has a lot of room for growth (and revamping this difficult, confusing, and oftentimes unfair application process should be a goal for the CUDCP).

    Regardless of the outcome this application season: Please do not give up. If this is what you want to do for the rest of your life, you will get in. Do not let a lack of interview invite or rejection from a program define your self-worth/potential. Remember to practice self-kindness, and understand that there are a lot (unfair) factors at play that are out of your control as an applicant.

    I’m happy to chat and give words of encouragement for those who need it. I met some awesome folks this past Spring during my interview process (and on here!) and I am forever grateful for that. I’m thinking of you all during this difficult time and process.

    — seasoned applicant who went through this BS misery, multiple rounds. 


  8. 4 hours ago, ninjasub2 said:

    Also, I’m a POC- could I just have been at interview weekend as a diverse candidate so the interviewee pool didn’t look so white?

    This is so unfortunate but I feel like this happens much more frequently than we think. I am also a woman, POC, and felt this exact way at two interviews.
    On the other hand, it could have been the case this PI did actually advocate for you, but perhaps the committee/other faculty turned you down due to the lack of experience (in comparison to choices #2-4, or whatever the alternate list was).

    Hang in there. It's a crappy feeling for sure.

  9. 4 hours ago, InfiniteLoop said:

    Does anyone have any information on where Florida State is in their selections? Have they sent out acceptances to anyone yet?


    16 minutes ago, WaitingImpatiently2 said:

    I emailed them earlier in the week and they said "Clinical faculty are still making offers". They suggested contacting the faculty member you are interested in working with, but I'm guessing right now that if we haven't been contacted yet we didn't receive the first offer. 

    My colleague interviewed there and received an offer (Unsure of POI, interest was SI/trauma I believe)

  10. On 2/20/2019 at 12:36 PM, round2_ said:

    I don't think people are holding offers just to hold them. People are deciding the next 5-6 years of their life. It's going to be slow. I have 3 offers right now + another interview + a waitlist... No idea where I'll be or if I'll go. I have major concerns about each and need to figure out which issue worries me the least.

    I can’t help but reference the Yale drama from a couple of days ago.....

    This response strongly sounds like “THEY ARE MY OFFERS [!!!!!!]” lmao ? 

    I personally (and basically every expert I work with in the field?) think it’s absolutely inappropriate and inconsiderate to hold on to more than 2 offers at any given time. It’s a jerk move, but you do you, boo!

  11. Just now, DaphneBanks said:

    so, I got denied from 11 out of 13 programs. I am waiting on one PhD and one masters program. my depression has definitely set in and I just feel so lost. i've slept so much ever since finding out. 

    i just feel really hopeless and have no idea what to do because my initial plan was migrate with my family as we moved down south, but we might not be doing that. i'm worries that even applying for a last minute masters program might break me because if i don't get in, then it may be the last straw. i don't feel stressed, i feel helpless and hopeless

    For anyone reading this: Please do seek out professional help if you feel your emotions and/or stress is becoming overwhelming. You do not have to suffer with these thoughts alone.

    Being rejected from programs, especially in your first application rounds, is very normal. I recommend for you to look around at the feedback some of us have given to applicants across these threads who are taking rejections very personally.

    Feel free to PM me if you want to debrief a little bit more? I have given so much personal feedback to fellow applicants on here who were rejected across the board. 

    I went through this process three times, and really learned about myself and how to change my relationship with rejections. 

  12. 12 minutes ago, dancedementia said:

    I keep on going to the websites of my two top choice programs and just rereading the information over and over again because I am just SO DARN ANTSY. Does anyone else do this? It's not just me, right?!

    lmfaooooooo WHY ARE YOU ME. I literally just have their program website as my homepage at this point (almost) and just keep stalking/refreshing, reading things I may have missed.....

    and also re-reading my emails with my PI. I’m a f%cking mess. JUST LET ME IN!!!!! ????????

  13. 2 minutes ago, PsychWannabee said:

    I'm so excited about the offer I have especially after just finishing my other interviews, but I just feel like it's too good to be true?? My brain is just like, "There has to be a catch. It can't be as awesome as it seems."

    I'm thinking about reaching out to some students to bombard them with questions, but idk. What do you all think?

    Did you get your letter w/ the offer already? If so, then it's official as hell and you need to own it LOL! Your program was top 10-15 competitive in the country I would say (my opinion), so own that $h!t and go celebrate dude!!!!! No more impostor syndrome, you're in! Yes yoooOooooou ❤️ 

  14. 1 hour ago, ventiamericano said:

    Ok wait, literally same LOL. My PI said that I could e-mail her in the meantime and I'm literally trying so hard to not just e-mail her questions. UGH, when WILL THIS PROCESS JUST END??? I swear the not knowing is worse than knowing you got rejected, waitlisted etc.

    I just did it. No shame, judge me all day. I love them and I want them to know it LMAO. LET'S SEE WHAT HAPPENS UUUUUGHHHHHHHHHH

  15. 7 minutes ago, ventiamericano said:

    Have wanted to reach out to my POI so many times but didn't want to risk looking like I'm kissing ass especially since I already said thanks LOL

    I got a little "closure" with the PI at the end of the interview day and expressed my gratitude for the opportunity, then followed up with a thank-you e-mail the next day after interviews, saying thanks AGAIN lmfao....

    The PI told me in their response I could e-mail them in the meantime with any questions, and I'm trying so hard to not to send an e-mail.................................... I just want them to KNOW that this feeling is real and I would not wait even the slightest second to accept LOL ahhhhhhhh what if I'm not even their top choice, I will....... be so heartbroken fml

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