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Rezzy S.

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Everything posted by Rezzy S.

  1. Thanks for passing on the info about CBU! I wonder what's holding them up. When did you submit your application to Chapman?
  2. Congrats on CSULB! I noticed you posted something about an MSW program, are you social work or speech pathology? I think the two programs would notify at different times.
  3. Oh, gotcha! That's great you did your undergrad there since I've heard they prefer to take their own current/former students. Good luck to you!
  4. I saw that on the results page and thought it was so strange that there was just one stand alone acceptance reported, especially because in the past it looks like they do an open house before sending out acceptances.
  5. Haven't heard anything from any LA/OC County Cal States (CSUF, CSULA, CSULB, CSUN) so I thought I'd start this in case anyone has heard/hears anything.
  6. Last year invitations to CSUF's open house invitations (for the top ~70 candidates under consideration) were sent out on 3/8 and acceptances around 3/18, so I think we still have a bit more waiting to do ?
  7. Good luck on your Washington State interview!
  8. With Chapman, you don't create an account as an applicant (I applied to a few schools like that). However, I did receive an email on Jan. 17 from them saying they received over 500 applications and were processing them in the order they were received. It also says, "The admissions committee will be reviewing applications from now until mid/late March. We will begin interviews sometime in February while we continue to work through reviewing applications."
  9. Unfortunately, what you posted is right, they can't be communication disorders classes. I took one of my science classes at a community college. Could you reply/reach out to the schools you applied to and let them know you will be taking the two courses over the summer at a CC. A warning, chemistry and bio can be intense, so take the easiest ones you can, especially if you're taking them both at once. I'm so sorry for the stress you must be feeling. That's never a good feeling, especially when you got bad information from an authority you trusted. I hope it all works out smoothly for you. Toya, I'm wondering what JC you took your online courses at? Maybe that could be a good option for Sweetroll.
  10. Your work history is really impressive and I'm wishing you only good news from here on out. ☺️ California is so expensive so I get you on that front.
  11. Hey SoCal applicants! Just curious, given how competitive SoCal is: how many schools did you apply to? if you're from SoCal, did you apply to any out of state schools? Would you prefer to stay in state? if you're not from SoCal, what made you want to attend out here? I applied to 7 schools in SoCal because I so badly want to stay local, but also applied to two out of state to be on the safe side. The crazy thing is the out of state schools were ranked significantly better on US News, but according to EdFind, 2 or 3 times easier to get into than some of my top choice SoCal schools. Anyone in a similar situation? How did you set yourself apart?
  12. Also waiting to hear about interviews for CBU and Chapman. Chapman's invites seemed to go out over a couple weeks last year, so hoping to still hear even though some have gone our already. Last year CBU notified about interviews on 2/16, but aside from that falling on a weekend this year, it could be later because this is their first year on CSDCAS and they were expecting more applications because of that. So hold tight - I feel your pain!
  13. Oh no... I didn't know about the slpgradschool reddit and now I can't unsee it ?
  14. I haven't gotten a Chapman interview invite (yet?) either. It's the first school that I applied to that has shown up on the Results page so now I have this sinking (and hopefully irrational) feeling that despite having good stats I'm a bad candidate for ALL of the schools I applied to -- like my personal statement was all wrong or one of my letter of rec writers was having a bad day. Chapman said they were processing applications in the order they were received. I submitted mine in December and someone who submitted in January has gotten an interview invite (there's my over-analysis for you!). So, I'm with you and I'm so grateful you started this thread!
  15. Community colleges are probably your best bet. That's how I got my last pre-req. For physical science, either physics or chemistry is accepted. I chose chemistry because it seemed to have much lower math pre-reqs (though it was still math heavy and my last math class had been 10 years prior!). Also, try to take the "for non-major versions." Sometimes they won't say that explicitly but you can tell from the course descriptions. Good luck!
  16. Alright, I made this poll to channel my anxiety into something "productive"(?) -- sorry for being a downer. ?
  17. I was reading through CSUN and CSULA's university application transcript instructions and I can't tell if they accept electronic transcripts. All of the universities I'm sending transcripts from (4!) use TranscriptPlus by Credential Solutions Inc., which I think is used by most schools. CSULA's instructions sound like they only want paper and CSUN's instructions are more vague, but it seems like both only want paper transcripts unless they come from eTranscript California which mine do not. Has anyone successfully sent electronic transcripts to either of these schools or only paper? Trying to figure out if I did this wrong and need to redo it. Thanks! UPDATE: I was able to cancel my PDF orders and will send the paper versions. Hope they make it in time...
  18. I didn't do research and now I'm applying and see how frequently they ask about it. I definitely regret not doing it. I would get to know your faculty professors and see if there's anything you can get involved in.
  19. I'll join a SLPA program and try to get into grad school again next year.
  20. Try connecting with your local hospital's volunteer coordinator and asking her if it would be possible to volunteer with the SLP. That's what I did You may also want to try reaching out to some private clinics to see if there are any opportunities.
  21. I would do all of those extracurriculars, but also do everything to get only A's from here on out (GEs as well as CSDs). A lot of schools have a GPA cut-off and won't look at any part of the application unless you hit that threshold. Also, by showing such a drastic turnaround, you can paint a really nice narrative in your statement of purpose. The big thing I would add to your extracurriculars is research. All of the applications ask about it and it is clearly important to them. Sounds like you're on the right track! ?
  22. Try to get one application finished ASAP so they can verify your transcripts. It should take less time to verify the remaining applications since your transcripts will already be verified. Early this month it took two days, but I think we're in the peak days now.
  23. Most professors are understanding. Just remind them of when you took their class and what your grade is. You could even mention why the delay occurred due to your personal situation.
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