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Rezzy S.

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Everything posted by Rezzy S.

  1. I applied to 9. I haven’t heard from any yet so I’m wondering if I should have applied to more. lol. Would love to know the story of the person who only applied to one school who answered poll.
  2. Sadly I think we just keep waiting. It shouldn’t be this exhausting.
  3. Seeing more posts now on the results page. Anyone have more info?
  4. I’d reccommend searching for the school on ASHA edFind which should show average stats. I didn’t apply there. Not sure if there is already a thread for UNT, but if you want the best chance of getting answers to all of your questions, you might want to start a new topic on the speech-language pathology forum. There may be UNT applicants who didn’t apply to UT Austin and wouldn’t see your post here. Good luck to you! UPDATE: here is a UNT topic.
  5. I saw someone was invited to CSUF’s open house on the results page. Anyone know if all of the invitations have been sent out for that or how many people were invited?
  6. Schools are obligated (through an honor system) to respond to you by April 15 and not force you to respond before that date. I would not try to accept after that date. Also, yes, I believe you're allowed to forfeit your deposit. Good luck!
  7. You're in the right place @TeamNoSleep. Looks like there was just a little confusion.
  8. Thank you so much! I know my on time application was just released to the department two days ago so an administrative delay makes sense. How do you like the program? Is it about 50% CSULB undergrads?
  9. Thank you so much! Can I ask your opinion about the program there?
  10. I would choose things as closely related to the field as possible, specifically CSD research and shadowing/volunteering with SLPs in a variety of settings (school/private clinic, hospital/nursing home). Schools are inundated with people who "want to help people." While I think that's true of most of us and very good , I think competitive applicants need to demonstrate they have specific knowledge and enthusiasm for the field specifically, which is why CSD-specific experiences are so important. CSD research is one of the most valuable because there is a shortage of PhD's in the field, so universities are keeping an eye out for students with that kind of potential. I think it also demonstrates comfort with rigor and more intimate knowledge of the field. Also any volunteer position that allows you to work with diverse/multicultural populations is great as well as volunteering with those specifically with disabilities. I have been asked about these areas on applications as well. BUT I also agree with others on here that any of these experiences -- volunteering/shadowing/research -- can be valuable if they make your statement of purpose more meaningful. Good luck to you!
  11. I never ended up hearing from Chapman. They weren't my top pick, so I'm not devastated, but definitely wondering what I botched in my SOP and hoping I didn't do the same for any other school! My stats seemed fine based on EdFind, so I can only imagine it was the SOP. Could be I was lacking the type of experience they're looking for, too.
  12. Does anyone know if CSULB does interviews? They announced decisions 3/6 last year, but I haven't heard anything from them.
  13. Has anyone heard when UT Austin might announce decisions? During the past couple years they've announced between 3/7 and 3/10. Their website says "admissions decisions are typically announced the second week of March prior to UT Austin closing for Spring Break," but this year their Spring break is the third week. So, I'm not sure if the results will be announced during the second week still, or possibly later. Is this anyone's top pick? Anyone go here for their undergrad?
  14. I hope so! For the last couple years they've notified between 3/8 and 3/10 so I think you're right.
  15. I hope so too! I didn't think to ask how long it would be, so thank you for sharing. I'm sorry, that's not fun. Fingers cross good news is on its way! ? Are any of the remaining your safety schools?
  16. I felt good about my interview too. I really liked the faculty so I think that helped! I attended one of the info sessions and they said the writing was mostly to evaluate ability to write more than the actual content, so I think they're just looking for the basics. That being said, I also felt a bit cramped on the essay.
  17. I am waiting on all of those as well! How did you feel your CBU interview went? I interviewed there too.
  18. None of my schools have released decisions yet. I'm getting to the irrational place where even a rejection sounds nice right about now. ha Anyone else?
  19. Who knew posting to the results page could be such an art form? CSD majors, we need to step up our game.
  20. You’re sure your GPA will drop .3 after just one or two semesters? That is a bit of a drop, but maybe you could contact them to better define what they mean.
  21. Don’t give up on the GRE so fast. Get the GRE Princeton Review book to learn how to do the material/test taking strategies and for practice get a book that’s called the 5 lb. book of GRE Practice Problems. Also get the magoosh vocab app or just find premade gre vocab practice on quizlet. I thought i was going to do horrible on the gre but after studying those for 4 months i got over 315 and 4.5 AW (shoot for min 300 and 4 AW). Because you’re willing to move you’ll have no trouble getting in. Just spend a lot of time on edFind researching which programs are a best fit for your stats. Good luck
  22. If I don’t get in I’ll go the SLPA route and try again next year.
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