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Inside Intel: 

UCSD has set up for the campus visit day (March 10 and 11).


So pals, be prepared for result coming up this week.


Thanks! Do we know how they notify?


A hearty congratulations to you!  Very happy for you.  What's your subfield?

Thanks a lot! I'm in theory - specifically multiculturalism, identity politics and democratic theory. Applied to Chicago almost on a whim but it's really been growing on me since I looked more into their program :)


I do believe that they will have two rounds. After enduring several hours of a "woe-is-me" attitude, I e-mailed them thanking them for calling and acknowledging my rejection. They informed me that they aren't done, I haven't been rejected (yet...obviously), they will get back to me soon, and to keep up hope. Personally, I found that to be a bit like the "dollar bill on a string" ruse.


Ultimately, the only thing we can conclude is that they aren't done.


Thanks for being the one to email. Sounds promising for you for sure. Might depend on whether funding will be available etc. What's your subfield, BTW?


Thanks a lot! I'm in theory - specifically multiculturalism, identity politics and democratic theory. Applied to Chicago almost on a whim but it's really been growing on me since I looked more into their program :)


Chicago's my dream school for theory, congratulations!!! Everyone there is doing just incredible work (esp. Markell).


An acceptance just got posted for UC Berkeley whoa oh man


Must. Know. Now. mustknownow!


Congrats to Berkeley! Still could kick myself for screwing up this application! Hope everyone hears good news from them soon.


I don't think anyone did specifically, though I know some of their subfields from other posts. What's yours?


Mine would be Political Economy, BTW. Also haven't heard from them yet.


I'm Comparative with a focus in the Middle East. 


Thanks! Do we know how they notify?


According to the results board for last cycle, it's an email telling you to check the website.


I bet I'm not the only person going, "Wow, every school that I didn't apply to is notifying right now..."


It's funny because it's not just schools I didn't apply to, but schools I almost applied to but decided not to.  UC Berkley, Chicago, and NYU being the biggest offenders in this regard.  It's weird because the only reason I'm now regretting not applying to those schools isn't that I'm suddenly thinking they are a good fit for me, but rather just that the waiting for some kind of response would be over with.

Posted (edited)

Political(Science)Rules, who does the Middle East at NYU? I couldn't find any active faculty focusing on the region.



Just heard from Chicago - a letter of acceptance from Cathy Cohen. Very excited, but mostly relieved!


I'm not sure if there is necessarily a U.S. bias, as both of my degrees are from Canadian schools (U of T and UBC) but based on what the letter said, it was my academic record and research agenda that put me over the top. I had relatively weak GRE scores (Q149, V167) and mediocre undergrad GPA, but strong letters of rec. and a few publications probably made up for that. So if anyone's worried about one or two aspects of the application, don't lose hope. Good luck everyone!


When the U.S. bias was being discussed, I think people were talking about the posts on the results page.

Edited by Cazorla
Posted (edited)

Political(Science)Rules, who does the Middle East at NYU? I couldn't find any active faculty focusing on the region.




When the U.S. bias was being discussed, I think people were talking about the posts on the results page.


Indeed, people were. More interesting is the front-loading of positive results, though. Later on in the process, much more of that page will look red all over. It's so nice and green now.


If only it could stay that way.

Edited by guest2401

Just got into Georgetown for IR. Will I get a job coming out of this program?


Funded or not? You should ask especially your advisor for his recent placements...


^ Funded. He says placements are good (couple of R1's this year). I'm nervous though. Is Georgetown a decent program? I want to do security stuff.


^ Funded. He says placements are good (couple of R1's this year). I'm nervous though. Is Georgetown a decent program? I want to do security stuff.


Oi, what's your user name about?


Georgetown is a pretty good program, especially for security, I would say. Not sure how not having guaranteed funding impacts on the school.


Your PoI will say that placements are good, but the Q is where the cohort ended up as a whole. Ask him if he's able to provide data on all students, ask for attrition rate etc. There's a threat on visitation weekends where Qs like these are collected.


^ If fewer people apply for PhD programs, we'll have better odds now and on the market in 6 years.


Just a joke really. Good luck to everyone!


Georgetown is a pretty good program, especially for security, I would say. Not sure how not having guaranteed funding impacts on the school.


Your PoI will say that placements are good, but the Q is where the cohort ended up as a whole. Ask him if he's able to provide data on all students, ask for attrition rate etc. There's a threat on visitation weekends where Qs like these are collected.

I think attrition rate is pretty much standard. Half don't finish, but I'm not worried about that.

Posted (edited)

Just got into Georgetown for IR. Will I get a job coming out of this program?

A friend of mine just got a good job coming out of this program :)


Edit: congrats!

Edited by chaetzli

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