gr8pumpkin Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 Here's my rant. A fellow grad student friend and colleague unfriended me all of a sudden (online and in real life) without any warning, reasons, or acknowledgement. Really? Are we still in high school? I don't know what I've done to offend this person. And that makes grad school feel weird and uncomfortable because I still have to see this person in class and on campus. And we have lots of mutual friends. I can't imagine that I've said or done something that bad. On the other hand, I don't have the time or energy in grad school to repair friendships gone bad. I'm trying to let bygones be bygones and move on. Yes. They're probably hoping you wouldn't notice, too. Are you on opposite ends of the political spectrum maybe?
gr8pumpkin Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 This is totally me. Glad to know I'm not the only one! Thanks! As it happens, he did have some work for me. I always assume the negative and I shouldn't. I need to work on that.
Fun_Cookie Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 (edited) I swear to god some of the prospective students were so arrogant and smart-ass, almost made me want to leave their ass in the middle of no where.... I swear to god some of the grad students were so arrogant and smart-ass, definitely made me not want to attend the school for the next 6 years.... Edited March 10, 2014 by Fun_Cookie SciencePerson101 and QASP 2
starofdawn Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 Here's my rant. A fellow grad student friend and colleague unfriended me all of a sudden (online and in real life) without any warning, reasons, or acknowledgement. Really? Are we still in high school? I don't know what I've done to offend this person. And that makes grad school feel weird and uncomfortable because I still have to see this person in class and on campus. And we have lots of mutual friends. I can't imagine that I've said or done something that bad. On the other hand, I don't have the time or energy in grad school to repair friendships gone bad. I'm trying to let bygones be bygones and move on. So bizarre. I've had real-life friends unfriend me from Facebook, totally unannounced. I guess it's a passive-aggressive way of saying, "I don't want to put any effort into a friendship." So... I just let it go. Don't make any effort to strike up friendly conversations, don't invite him/her out to events. And don't lose any sleep over it! It's not worth it - when it comes to friends, quality over quantity.
Quantum Buckyball Posted March 10, 2014 Posted March 10, 2014 (edited) I swear to god some of the grad students were so arrogant and smart-ass, definitely made me not want to attend the school for the next 6 years....There are plenty of applicants willing to take your spot :-) Believe it or not, you're really not that special. Edited March 10, 2014 by Quantum Buckyball Quantum Buckyball, SciencePerson101, ss2player and 6 others 4 5
spectastic Posted March 11, 2014 Posted March 11, 2014 (edited) I mean who's supposed to clean the water up? turn it off the water man! Edited March 11, 2014 by spectastic
Tall Chai Latte Posted March 15, 2014 Posted March 15, 2014 (edited) Wow this thread is awesome. 1. Just yesterday I got information on my fellowship application status, and it was a negative. I spent my entire Christmas break fretting over this shit, and this is?!?! Gaaaaaaaaaahh!! I WANT MY CHRISTMAS BREAK BACK! 2. Nothing I did at my bench worked this week and last week. I just have not a damn clue what's going on. 3. Two weeks ago on a Tuesday, my boss came to me and asked me to send a huge stock of protein samples out for off-site experiment within the week. The receiving facility does not take Friday shipment deliveries, which means I had to GET READY AND SEND THE PACKAGE WITHIN ONE DAY. Where the heck do I get these samples from? I can't produce samples out of thin air. And no you did not constantly remind me during the entire month of February. In fact, this was the first time I heard about it, sorry.. I can't read minds. 4. There is a visiting student in lab that's asking a bunch of questions on things you can simply just google. Ahh leave me alone!! Edited March 15, 2014 by Tall Chai Latte
ss2player Posted March 15, 2014 Posted March 15, 2014 (edited) 3. Two weeks ago on a Tuesday, my boss came to me and asked me to send a huge stock of protein samples out for off-site experiment within the week. The receiving facility does not take Friday shipment deliveries, which means I had to GET READY AND SEND THE PACKAGE WITHIN ONE DAY. Where the heck do I get these samples from? I can't produce samples out of thin air. And no you did not constantly remind me during the entire month of February. In fact, this was the first time I heard about it, sorry.. I can't read minds. 4. There is a visiting student in lab that's asking a bunch of questions on things you can simply just google. Ahh leave me alone!! Ugh, my current PI is the worst procrastinator so stuff like this is a constant occurrence, I feel your pain. He's a great guy in many other ways, but frustrating to work for. I'm thankful for his support and guidance but also glad to be leaving in 4 months. We also have a visiting student, but he does the opposite: asks no questions, spends most of the time on the computer/his phone, and the few times he observes me doing experiments just takes pictures with his phone rather than attempting things himself. Like, why even bother seeking funding to come here? Dummy. Edited March 15, 2014 by ss2player
wildviolet Posted March 15, 2014 Posted March 15, 2014 I'm sitting in the library, and some guy is practically pounding away at his laptop! Really, can you type just a little less loudly???
wildviolet Posted March 15, 2014 Posted March 15, 2014 I swear to god some of the prospective students were so arrogant and smart-ass, almost made me want to leave their ass in the middle of no where.... Yep. We actually had a prospective student who was visiting our class and announced in the most uppity way that WE needed to impress HIM to see if HE would like to join US. He didn't join, so I guess we didn't impress him enough. Good riddance, I say! 1
likemythesis Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 (edited) It's the last day of Spring Break for me, and I spent the entire week at my house alone because my plans fell through. One of my housemates did not tell me he was coming back before the others, so at 12:30 at night I woke up to hear someone rummaging around in the house and going into rooms. My room is at the way back of the house and has outside access, so I got situated and slowly snuck outside to check the the driveway. Sure enough, his car was there so I stormed back into the house and yelled at him. His response, "I said 'greetings' when i came in!" SIGH. Edited March 16, 2014 by likemythesis
MadtownJacket Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 It's cold here. The lakes are still frozen and the snow hasn't gone away. I hate the cold.
Quantum Buckyball Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 1 tic tac = 1.9 calories, srsly? that's like 4 canes of coke zero.
TravelBug92 Posted March 16, 2014 Posted March 16, 2014 Why does law enforcement not take into consideration verbal harassment?? Just because the dude isn't beating you doesn't mean the harassment isn't real! UGHHHH I need to get out of this hellhole!
MadtownJacket Posted March 17, 2014 Posted March 17, 2014 My CEO just offered me a 30% raise if I don't go to graduate school. I'm now cursing at everything.
febreze Posted March 18, 2014 Posted March 18, 2014 I don't know why but it bugs me when people who get rejected post on the results board stuff like: "I didn't put any effort into this application" or "I didn't want to go there anyways" Why did you apply?! Or pay the application fee? Or waste your letter writer's or everyone else's time?! Quantum Buckyball and glm 2
aphdapplicant Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 Getting rejected post-interview sucks. I know it's a very competitive process, but I can't help but feel like they're saying, "Yeah, you looked great on paper, but, in, you were not at all what we were looking for! Really dodged a bullet with you!" Also, I'm so mad at myself for getting so excited for a school when I knew only 50% of the people who interview actually get in. I tried so hard not to get my heart set, but I couldn't help myself! That school was perfect in so many ways! But, there's nothing I can do now, so there's no use dwelling on it. Just have to be extra grateful for the offers I do have and have to get myself just as excited about one of those offers! YES! This is me - I'm waiting for my rejection...just glad I'm past the sitting on pins and needles post-interview stage. My interview was awkward, so I'm not surprised. If I think about it too much, I'm angry at myself for how I contributed to it...but nothing I can do now. Very disappointed - I would've been in if I wouldn't have blotched the interview.
aphdapplicant Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 Ugh, I had a coworker like once. Unfortunately, they were my supervisor. I wouldn't wish the misery of a wildly incompetent person on anyone. I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I'm sad to say I need to use this thread to rant again. One of my housemates has been driving me up a damn wall. He's a self-employed freelancer & has been out of school for a while, so he has a lot of free time & little to no memory of how stressful school can be. He takes up a ton of space/chairs in our living room in front of our fireplace to dry his ski gear every day, even though it's a nice place that everyone could use together to read, work, eat, etc. He plays his music — often, untzuntzuntz or emo— over the floor-wide speaker systems, both on the main floor and his lower floor of the house, even when my other housemate who is also a student and I are clearly doing work. (Apparently asking him to turn it down every other day or walking off to our rooms in a huff when he puts on music in an otherwise-silent room full of people reading & typing isn't enough of a hint.) He'll start boiling water, forget about it, mill around the house smoking an unnamed illicit substance (wouldn't bother me if we didn't have a "no smoking" clause in our lease), and just leave it boiling there for an hour... but if you forget to put your plate in the dishwasher 15 minutes after you finish a meal, he'll huffily wash it by hand or take it away when you're still at the table. Not worth getting into too much detail, but I think the combination of being a girl, not smoking/drinking/going out very often, & being a student has worked against me. I recently learned that my S.O., who uses the same amount of space & energy as I do in the house, doesn't even pay half as much as I do monthly in rent, which is overseen by that housemate. When I confronted my housemate about it, his excuse was that he talked to my S.O. (he did not), & then decided that, since my S.O. isn't on the lease & is only living here a few months, the arbitrary amount — 1/2 rent monthly, no utilities — was fair. Seems unfair at best, & borderline — or wholly? — illegal at worst. He'll chat his mouth off to all our male housemates, & introduce his visitors (always male) to them, but won't introduce me, even if I'm in the room; I don't think "you're working & I don't want to bother you" is a valid excuse, seeing as he interrupts my work every g-dang day. TL;DR: my housemate is extremely disrespectful towards me & plays favorites (I am clearly not a favorite), & I want to hate-barf on him the way seagulls throw up on things that make them angry. ARGH! I spent August through February potty training my 25 year old housemate. He was a fan of the one flush technique, leaving me presents three times per day. I politely confronted him. Most people would be embarrassed and check to make sure everything went down. Not him! After four months, I reached my limit - it took six weeks of notifying him via text about each offense, plus telling him he couldn't use my dishes if it continued. I didn't want to make the ultimatum, but, after four months, all I wanted was a present-free bathroom - not to gag each time I walked in there.
Lifesaver Posted March 20, 2014 Posted March 20, 2014 My patients have been so violent tonight. It's not a Monday and it's not a full moon. It's no longer February and it didn't rain today. WHAT GIVES?!
fancyfeast Posted March 21, 2014 Posted March 21, 2014 Found out the girl I always helped in class got the Goldwater Scholarship which I also applied for but was not selected... She obviously deserves it but I can't help but feel a little depressed.
pears Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 I'm giving a talk (45-60 min., plus discussion following) on Tuesday about a subject I'm familiar with. However, I'm giving this talk with a "partner," who has turned out to be the worst sort of nightmare. They have failed to (1) help me select readings for the class to hand in summaries & questions about to the professor [source of grades in lieu of quizzes], (2) send those readings & non-graded background pieces to read [i had to send the professor their readings for them for it to not be late], (3) thoroughly read all the above-mentioned readings, (4) add a single slide to the PowerPoint [i've done all of the introductory ones, & have left blank spaces for the parts they selected to discuss], &, worst of all, (5) not once have they apologized for contributing nothing & giving me attitude OR acknowledged my efforts, let alone show any gratitude. Ugh. At least the professor has clearly noticed from the get-go that I'm basically doing this alone; they know I'm a good student, too, so I'm not worried about my grade, as long as it's separate from Captain Slacker. I would rather have to talk for twice as long in greater depth by myself than put up with this hooey.
Ambystoma Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 Covered California!!!!! Why must I use this horrible website that never works and locks me out for weeks at a time just to enter a simple application?!?!
kittythrones Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 Sorry guys but I would like to vent about my job. I HATE people who steal credit card information & I legitimately hate my job with a burning passion of a million suns. I hate it when someone asks you to go over your job description every single day for 1 year, who piles so much work on you that you become stressed out and get sick out of this, and thinks s/he is being generous by giving you Christmas off....and who refuses to give you a pay raise because they can't "afford it" BUT they can afford to give themselves a 30,000 bonus and make a 100,000 each. Btw, the team consists of 5 people. And if you tell your supervisor a good idea, s/he refuses to listen but the moment s/he hears the same advice from his/her cousin, it is like GOLD. Then you get harangue for not coming up with any good ideas. Seriously, credit card hackers, STOP stealing other people's information. It isn't cool and you wouldn't like it if someone did it to you. So stop doing it.
spectastic Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 Sorry guys but I would like to vent about my job. I HATE people who steal credit card information & I legitimately hate my job with a burning passion of a million suns. I hate it when someone asks you to go over your job description every single day for 1 year, who piles so much work on you that you become stressed out and get sick out of this, and thinks s/he is being generous by giving you Christmas off....and who refuses to give you a pay raise because they can't "afford it" BUT they can afford to give themselves a 30,000 bonus and make a 100,000 each. Btw, the team consists of 5 people. And if you tell your supervisor a good idea, s/he refuses to listen but the moment s/he hears the same advice from his/her cousin, it is like GOLD. Then you get harangue for not coming up with any good ideas. Seriously, credit card hackers, STOP stealing other people's information. It isn't cool and you wouldn't like it if someone did it to you. So stop doing it. I'm trying to make a connection between the two... stealing credit card information and being overworked at your job... Did you/someone you know get their credit card stolen, or .... what? on a related note... I work in a certain area at my chemical plant. The process units each get 4 or more engineers to monitor their operations, while we get 1 engineer (me!)... And because we have so many shit to do due to years and years of negligence, I more or less detract from the whole operations scheme, and have made myself a project engineer. Even worse is that I'm planning to leave for grad school, my boss just got "promoted" to take on 2x more responsibility without the actual promotion part, the one person with 40 years of experience in our group is planning to retire, and nobody is doing anything to fill in those gaps. This feels like a sinking ship.
deci:belle Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 Ughh, I hate that I can get into basically all the grad schools I applied for, but I can't land a simple part-time job. What part of the game is that?! Kleene 1
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