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1 hour ago, kolyagogolova said:

I was comforted somewhat by a professor who told me the other day that he's "made a career by getting rejected from Brown every step of the way."

your professor is the role model we all need in these trying times ?? 

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@all my medieval comrades, I took two semesters of Old English and was talking about it to one of my mentees (I'm a peer mentor for the undergraduate honors program here) and was saying that it was pretty hard but that it was "at least similar enough to Latin that I would be fine" and he unironically replied, "yeah Shakespeare gets easier once you get the hang of it" and I just died a little on the inside.

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1 hour ago, Rrandle101 said:

@all my medieval comrades, I took two semesters of Old English and was talking about it to one of my mentees (I'm a peer mentor for the undergraduate honors program here) and was saying that it was pretty hard but that it was "at least similar enough to Latin that I would be fine" and he unironically replied, "yeah Shakespeare gets easier once you get the hang of it" and I just died a little on the inside.

I had the first bits of the Canterbury Tales drilled into me way back in high school and I like to hold on to them for the sole purpose of reciting to people who try to tell me that Shakespeare is ‘medieval English’; even still, oh lord, Old English... I could never ?

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Still out of reactions, but I'm loving the medieval love! 

In other news... I'm curious to know why it's still February. Why can't this month just move on? It's over, February. No one likes you anymore. You can't sit with us. March is the new February, so take a seat already. I need to hear from my last two schools so I cant start making tough choices, because obvi I'm not under enough stress as it is!! March holds the answers to all. 

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Sigh, another day, another day... has anyone emailed Harvard yet? Not seeing any rejections on the board, and I'm getting antsy to know whether they still have acceptances or waitlist decisions to send out. Last year they took about 30 1/2 years to send rejections, which I've been trying to use as a reason not to get antsy waiting, but alas, the anxious body does not listen to the rational mind. 

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I’m eager to commit and looking for English DGS contact info for University of Maryland (also emailing NYU and Columbia)...not tolerating those lingering April rejections!

Edit: emailed Gershun Avilez at Maryland and a general contact at NYU. Think I’m chickening out on Columbia for now. 

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On the subject of schools waiting forever to send out rejections, I'd like to take a moment to express my exasperation with NYU. I'm 9000% sure I'm rejected (and I have better offers, so I don't care!) but historically it appears they usually wait about six weeks after sending out acceptances before sending rejections, which makes no sense to me!

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I've had a long weekend of confronting the harsh realities of shutout... I'm on a few waitlists and have 1 program yet to release decisions, but not getting my hopes up. Taking it better than I thought I would, though.

Also, I have been ghosted by NYU, UVA, and Rutgers. I assume NYU and UVA take so long to reject because they also have an MA to sort out and I may be under consideration for that. Not sure why Rutgers still has "no decision" up for me when it seems many were able to see their rejections in portal yesterday. I've pretty much accepted that this process is going to be dragged out forever for me because of waitlists, but is it worth it to reach out in any of these cases or should I just sit on my hands and wait?

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Last night I received a phone call from Rutgers to confirm my waitlist status! I thought I would just have my acceptances to contend with, but adding two waitlists to the mix has definitely complicated things. It looks as if April could be a tumultuous month.

Meanwhile, I am itching to get my rejections from Harvard and Columbia and to discover what on earth is happening at UPenn.

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8 minutes ago, grace2137 said:

I've had a long weekend of confronting the harsh realities of shutout... I'm on a few waitlists and have 1 program yet to release decisions, but not getting my hopes up. Taking it better than I thought I would, though.

Also, I have been ghosted by NYU, UVA, and Rutgers. I assume NYU and UVA take so long to reject because they also have an MA to sort out and I may be under consideration for that. Not sure why Rutgers still has "no decision" up for me when it seems many were able to see their rejections in portal yesterday. I've pretty much accepted that this process is going to be dragged out forever for me because of waitlists, but is it worth it to reach out in any of these cases or should I just sit on my hands and wait?

I'd check your spam folder (just in case!) and reach out to UVA--the mass waitlist email that went out yesterday (which I thought was particularly polite and lovely--s/o to YOU, UVA, for making me feel like I was being treated as a person!) indicated that everyone who is on the waitlist and had indicated desire to be considered for the MA can consider this to be an admission to the MA. Possible that MA decisions are still in progress, but due to it being what appeared to be just a bcc of the whole list, it's possible that your email address was missed or mistyped or what have you. 

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I finally heard back from the 14th program where I applied today (rejection). As it stands, I'm on FOUR waitlists, and I'm going to a campus visit/interview in two weeks for another program before they announce decisions. 

Here's my question: should I pay the money to visit any of the programs where I'm waitlisted? I think it would be impossible to commit to go somewhere (they'd all be long distance moves) without having visited; I haven't been to any of the cities before, and flights are expensive. But, I know there's a chance that if I do receive an offer, it will be in April, since these programs are waiting for others to turn down offers. 

Any advice? I was thinking of checking in with each DGS sometime in March to get an idea of what others have done, but I know every situation/person is different, and there isn't really a way for them to tell me how likely it is that I'll receive an offer until it happens (or doesn't). 

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Hi Does anyone know when the Comp Lit department at UC Santa Barbara normally releases their admission decision? I received an e-mail asking more information on my external funding resource about 2 weeks ago and haven't heard anything back ever since. Should I e-mail the department? 

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3 minutes ago, maorphd said:

Hi Does anyone know when the Comp Lit department at UC Santa Barbara normally releases their admission decision? I received an e-mail asking more information on my external funding resource about 2 weeks ago and haven't heard anything back ever since. Should I e-mail the department? 

Another poster said they'd start sending out decisions at the beginning of March!

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3 minutes ago, tinymica said:

Hellooooo Tuesday! BU, Penn, I’m ready for my rejections now.

Penn is KILLING ME. This unusually competitive cycle has fully flubbed the projected acceptance dates. I too am ready for my rejection.Or acceptance. Or waitlist. I don't care anymore but also I fully, deeply, truly, care. Having the time of my life. Heaven is a place on earth.

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33 minutes ago, MichelleObama said:

I don't care anymore but also I fully, deeply, truly, care. Having the time of my life. Heaven is a place on earth.

I feel this soooooo hard! I am simultaneously checked out yet still lying awake at night stressing over everything. When will it end!!!

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24 minutes ago, sidneys said:

has anyone heard from columbia who didn't hear back in the initial wave on friday? I'm trying to decide whether to call/email or just wait it out a couple more days...

I also haven’t heard! I’m just functioning under the assumption that I’m rejected and my rejection won’t come for a while... kind of like what happened with Brown for some people 

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On 2/12/2020 at 4:44 PM, AtlasFox said:

Popping back into the conversation to say that I haven't gotten any acceptances from PhD programs yet. I'm  really nervous about the fact that Oregon sent out at least a few acceptances... 3 have been reported so far, but it looks like last year Oregon sent out all of the acceptances on one day, and rejections followed almost a month later. So I'm wondering if Oregon has sent out all of their acceptances or if there are more coming. If anyone knows anything, please share! The three rejections I've had so far haven't hurt too bad, but this one just might haha. 

I'm quoting myself just to say that I was waitlisted at Oregon this morning! The email was very, very kind, and they emphasized that the waitlist is very short. Honestly I was not expecting this at all. 

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I emailed Columbia and Penn. No response from Columbia yet (I sent the email only a few minutes ago), but the staff member at Penn said that decisions will arrive by the end of this week. So close, but still so far away....

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7 minutes ago, Wimsey said:

I emailed Columbia and Penn. No response from Columbia yet (I sent the email only a few minutes ago), but the staff member at Penn said that decisions will arrive by the end of this week. So close, but still so far away....

I didn't even apply to Upenn but all the anticipatory talk on here over the past 3 weeks concerning when their decisions will be made has made me anxious by proxy, lol. The MA/PhD application process is so toxic for its participants its absurd (I'd do it all over again if I had to, though).

Best of luck to everyone!!


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