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I got one this morning while I was at the gym! It gave me the boost of energy I needed to keep going :P


So a lot of people have posted about hearing good news while sick. Well, I got sick this past weekend and FINALLY heard back from 2 schools... but they were both rejections. Maybe I wasn't sick enough?


I think there is something to the "sick" thing.  


I received my first offer, my dream offer, while I was waiting to see a doctor.  One of the best things to ever happen to me was coupled with what could turn out to be one of the worst.  




My best friend had just texted to ask me how my interview last week had gone. I just happened to refresh my email at that moment, and THERE IT WAS.


She is amazing, and obviously my good luck charm.


I think there is something to the "sick" thing.  


I received my first offer, my dream offer, while I was waiting to see a doctor.  One of the best things to ever happen to me was coupled with what could turn out to be one of the worst.  



Ahh I missed the doctor's visit to complete the charm! I actually have an appointment tomorrow, so I'll see if I get an acceptance then.


So jealous that you're done.  


I don't even care about the likely rejections I'll be receiving from my last two schools...I just want to hurry up and get the rejections so I can close the door on all this application madness and get on with my life.  

I really do feel fortunate that:


1. All of the schools got back to me quite quickly

2. I received an acceptance and a recruitment visit invite BEFORE receiving my rejection

3. I only had two acceptances to choose from (turning down one of them was really hard for me)

4. I received two acceptances in the first place


I hope the other schools get back to you soon!! 


Alright, now that I'm (pretty much) done I can finally post here!


I got my first acceptance way back in January, and I was actually at my first interview weekend. They had given us a little bit of time to relax at the hotel between the end of the interviews and the start of dinner. Some of the interviews really hadn't gone very well for me, and I was feeling a little down. I was checking my emails and trying to get things ready for my next interview when I decided to check my spam on a whim. And there it was! I was so excited that I told my roommate right away, but I had to calm down quickly to get ready for dinner. I didn't even have time to tell my family and SO until after I came back from dinner. It was such a relief not to have to worry about how the rest of the evening went, and it was really nice to have an acceptance so early on. It gave me a lot of confidence going into my other interviews.


I got my second offer on my birthday. I don't remember exactly what I was doing, but I think I was just checking my emails in bed. I had just come back from interviewing at my dream program, so I wasn't as excited as I otherwise would have been. However, I didn't have time to do anything special on my birthday, so it was definitely a nice little present.


I got my final (though still unofficial) acceptance the next week right after waking up. It was a nice start to my day, but the feeling I got definitely didn't compare to the feeling that came with my first acceptance.


I was playing Civ V when I received my first acceptance. The time difference between CA and the UK meant that I received the message just after midnight. I didn't get much sleep after that!


Today, I received my official letter of acceptance from the department through email. The mail was there the second time I woke up during the night to check my Inbox. I woke up 2:15 AM, and then at 3:45 AM without any alarm clock assistance. The first sentence of the attached LOA is very sweet: 


"On behalf of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), I am pleased to inform you that we have recommended to Enrollment Services-Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) that you be accepted to the MEng Thesis Program beginning September 2014" 


My next phase of waiting will be for the final funding details. Bring it on.  :D


Yesterday was my birthday and when I went to check the mail, I saw I had a thin envelop from Indiana University. I was a little nervous to open it because if I was rejected, I didn't want to get my first rejection on my birthday. But curiosity got the better of me and I opened it up. As I quickly glanced at it, all I saw was "offer admission." I ran back up to my apartment to tell my parents I had gotten an unexpected birthday gift!


First: Watching TV with my family at around 6pm and received the phone call. Thought it was a telemarketer at first because of the time and because it had only been 12 days since I applied.

Second: Lying in bed about to go to sleep when I got the e-mail at 2:30am (?!).

Third: Woke up at 11am (the day after I got the second acceptance) and checked my phone, they had e-mailed at 9am.


I was sleeping, but an earthquake woke me up. Instead of heading to a door frame, I checked my email inbox, and then University of Cambridge's website (I sure do have my priorities straight! ;) ). Wondering now if the two combined (earthquake and offer) are signs of the coming zombie apocalypse!


I was at work, and was feeling down because I heard two weeks before that I was rejected from my top choice. Decided to send a spontaneous last-second application to another program of interest. I loved their staff and curriculum much more than my top choice, but assumed I wouldn't be accepted because the deadline was so close and they already accepted a few applicants (that posted their results here). But I got an email with a .pdf attached saying they accepted me!


I ran around hugging all my coworkers and managers, called and emailed my professors and parents, and then hugged everyone again because I wasn't sure what to do with all my energy! 


SAIS was the biggest shock. I was digesting my after dinner dip when the mail popped up on my phone. Read the fellowship one first, then frantically went to the portal to find the letter waiting there for me. Rest of the weekend has been a complete haze and didn't think about the practical aspects yet, decided to just enjoy this moment before I start worrying about debts and what not.


I had just rolled out of bed and was on my way to the bathroom to get ready when I saw the phone call from Pennsylvania. I freaked out and went searching for my CI (cochlear implant) because I can't hear without it, and returned the call. I couldn't believe my "ears" and asked them to email me. I got the email five minutes later. Still reeling, I really thought I wasn't getting in anywhere! 


I was sleeping! It was 8 in the morning when I got an email from a professor asking me if I have time to talk at 9. I thought - ahh, yet another interview :unsure: . I got up and had some coffee and got ready for the interview. She called exactly at 9 and after hellos/good mornings she said I have a good news for you :)


Even though it happened just 3 weeks ago, it feels surreal to me :)

Posted (edited)

Preface: I'm from the middle of no where east Texas, and the first male in my family to ever go to graduate school, much less be accepted into a prestigious PhD program.


It was an east coast school, so when I heard my phone vibrate it was 6:15 AM I was still sleeping. The iPhone notification gave me a brief preview and kind of ruined it, followed by an e-mail from a group of faculty who congratulated me and hoped I accepted. I jumped out of bed and scared the hell out of my cat. Then I called my mom, she burst into tears at work. Then I called my partner, who goes to the school I was accepted in (we have been separated for over a year), and she burst into tears whilst at work, as well! It was a great, emotional, and memorable early morning. 


Remember to tell your mom how much her support made a difference. Telling my mom that she was the reason I made it was probably one of the best, most rewarding, and amazing experiences I've ever had. 

Edited by DigDeep

For the first one, I was counting the drawer while closing up at work. I thought I felt my phone buzz in my sweatshirt pocket, realized it wasn't there, grabbed it off the counter and checked my email - and there it was, my first, fully-funded offer. I practically started crying, I was so relieved. I was finally, definitely going to grad school. I had to explain to my boss while basically in tears what was going on, and had to count the damn drawer like three times cause I couldn't concentrate. 


For the second, my top choice, I was working on cleaning the kitchen. I had a free day for the rest of the day, so I was trying to think of a way to spend it that would distract me so I wouldn't be constantly checking my phone (I had it on good authority that I would hear the final decision the following day). As I was thinking this, I checked my phone anyway out of habit. And I had an unofficial email letting me know that I was accepted with full funding. 


This whole process has been so humbling and amazing. And I wouldn't for the life of me ever want to go through it again.


I was playing League of Legends LOL


I was watching T.V. contemplating what I should do for the next year having received five rejections. One application remained, but considering it was my top choice and they were only admitting around three people this year due to funding cutbacks, I knew I didn't stand a chance. Then it happened, an email popped up from the DGS congratulating me on acceptance to their Ph.D. program. I was completely shocked, and ridiculously happy! 

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