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2018-2019 Application Thread


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5 hours ago, Slamm said:

Nice! I'm still waiting to hear back. Did they mention anything about further timing/acceptances & rejections that have gone out already? Would love any further info

Nothing like that - just a short letter that said they weren't able to accept me and that I was on the wait list. Good luck! Hope you get better news! I applied in the American subfield, BTW.

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1 hour ago, amyvt98 said:

Nothing like that - just a short letter that said they weren't able to accept me and that I was on the wait list. Good luck! Hope you get better news! I applied in the American subfield, BTW.

Ah alright thanks. I’m American as well. When I asked them last week they said decisions will be out mid March. Until the day I die I will never understand the trickle system of admission decisions that most schools use.

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6 hours ago, Slamm said:

Nice! I'm still waiting to hear back. Did they mention anything about further timing/acceptances & rejections that have gone out already? Would love any further info

I emailed them last week and they said I should know within the next two weeks (I.e. by March 15). I assume that applies to everyone 

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54 minutes ago, plzuniverse said:

Waitlisted. Was told that decision would be clear one way or the other after the visiting day around mid-March. 

Any idea on likelihood of getting off waitlist? I was waitlisted for CP at UVA

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6 hours ago, Ajb415 said:

Any idea on likelihood of getting off waitlist? I was waitlisted for CP at UVA

As far as I know, the theory waitlist is not ranked, meaning that whether one gets off the list or not depends not simply on whether there are refused offers but also who refused the offers.

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17 hours ago, MidnightSkywalker said:

Ugh I see some posts about University of Chicago results on the survey, but I haven't received any email from them after submitting the application! What is happening? :o End this nightmare quick if you are not going to accept me, Chicago... :( I am like swimming in the pool of false hope now, though I know it's too late for the congratulations email.

I feel your pain, I’m still waiting on rejection from Vanderbilt and any form of notification for Pittsburgh. 

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45 minutes ago, Corsette said:

I feel your pain, I’m still waiting on rejection from Vanderbilt and any form of notification for Pittsburgh. 

I emailed Pitt today, and the Grad coordinator said that all acceptances and waitlists were sent on February 18. Might be worth a follow up email for you.

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On 3/1/2019 at 10:46 AM, Corsette said:

Anyone have recommendation between accepting a MAPPS offer or taking a second tier Ph. D?

I've seen quite a few Chicago MAPSS post and as a MAPSS alum, here's some thoughts: Overall I came out with mixed feelings about it. I'd recommend it if 1. you get at least 2/3rd tuition funding (Or you are rich enough that finances aren't a constraitnt), 2. you have a good idea of what gaps in your academic training you want to fill in and 3. have some sense of what you want to pursue at Chicago in terms of MA thesis research. Otherwise, you will go in confused and come out more confused after 10 months. Contrary to what MAPSS admin may tell you, there isn't much institutional support; the program itself has no structure; so it really boils down to how proactive you are in terms of thinking about your MA thesis very early on, finding a good faculty to work with, tailoring your course selection keeping in mind PhD apps etc (For some of us, 9 months is just not enough to figure this out well). Also, quite a few of us treated MAPSS as some sort of an extension to our undergrad (like I did to an extent), which meant that MAPSS didn't end up really adding much value to our resumes.

That said, my life post-MAPSS turned out just fine (a good research job at a reputed intl think tank) and a now T10 offer, but at least in my case, I doubt if MAPSS really added much. And don't go by the PhD admit statistics they cite in their website (90% admit blah blah doesn't account for selection and we don't know the counterfactual ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).




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Does anyone know if Chicago has a waitlist or not? Everyone I personally know who applied to the same program got their decision emails, both acceptance and rejection, and I haven't had any news yet. If they do, is there any chance I could be on the waitlist in this case? I heard Chicago doesn't waitlist candidates before, but I am just holding onto this little hope still.

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3 hours ago, MidnightSkywalker said:

Does anyone know if Chicago has a waitlist or not? Everyone I personally know who applied to the same program got their decision emails, both acceptance and rejection, and I haven't had any news yet. If they do, is there any chance I could be on the waitlist in this case? I heard Chicago doesn't waitlist candidates before, but I am just holding onto this little hope still.

Not sure, but I called today and you'll find out either way by the end of this week.

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9 minutes ago, Theory007 said:

Did anyone receive a rejection from UC Davis? My application is still pending it seems...

Here! Didn't hear from NYU, Chicago, and Davis. I guess it's probably a rejection at this point though. I'll never be able to understand why schools drag this on for so long :( A teeny-tiny part of me still thinks "hey... you might still have a chance.."

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For anyone still waiting for a decision from Chapel Hill, I sent an email to the graduate director as I had not received an acceptance or rejection but saw online that people had received both. He told me I am on the unofficial waitlist and the department will be sending out official waitlist notifications today or tomorrow.

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10 hours ago, MidnightSkywalker said:

Here! Didn't hear from NYU, Chicago, and Davis. I guess it's probably a rejection at this point though. I'll never be able to understand why schools drag this on for so long :( A teeny-tiny part of me still thinks "hey... you might still have a chance.."

Davis is having their visit this weekend, so I would assume it’s rejection. I don’t know what they have done in terms of waitlisted people though. 

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1 hour ago, rtrpolitico said:

Anyone know what's going on at Georgetown? The decision is not going to impact anything at this point I would just like to be done lol.

Decisions will be released mid-March

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5 hours ago, pcc123 said:

Davis is having their visit this weekend, so I would assume it’s rejection. I don’t know what they have done in terms of waitlisted people though. 

Yeah it's the waitlist I'm wondering about. Or maybe they're not having a waitlist at all, but will simply admit new students after currently admitted students have visited and turned down the offers they have received. Maybe

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9 minutes ago, smug-face said:

Anyone have news from Oxford DPIR? Decisions should begin rolling out today...

They almost certainly won't start today. Last year's came out about a week from now, and I heard right after 9am UK time. The 8-10 week thing doesn't seem to hold up most years. They also tend to slowly roll things out. I was one of the first people to hear, but the IR notifications didn't get out for several more days, and there were people who didn't hear for a couple weeks.

I applied to two programs at two different departments and heard this week from the non-DPIR department on Clarendon nominations. They said they would know the outcome by late March, suggesting nominations were probably due at the end of this week. That could mean most decisions are made or that they have their top admits decided but could still be making decisions about the border cases.

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16 hours ago, Dwar said:

So are there any other schools still waiting to release decisions?

Or at this point is it just us folks on the official or unofficial waitlists?

NYU. The Graduate Enrollment Services told me the program is still going out with decisions and that we can expect to hear in the next week or so...

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