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Fall 2021 Clinical & Counseling PhD/PsyD

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Hi all, I too am on the boat of applying to 15 programs and hearing radio silence from all of them. I know anxiety levels are skyrocketing these past few days, so join me in saying these words of affirmation for yourself out loud! We are all qualified and deserving of reaching our goals! ?

1. If I do my best throughout this process, I will end up at exactly the school and program where I belong.

2. Setbacks and mistakes are a natural part of this process. I’m taking a big risk by being honest with myself about my dreams and goals—and being willing to go after them!

3. At all moments—right this moment—I am being drawn toward the people, places, and opportunities for my highest good and my highest service to the world.

4. There is enough time, money, energy, and opportunities in life for me to make a difference. There is room at the top for me!

5. I am dedicated to enjoying this journey. Not every part will be fun or easy, but I will not let my life whiz by me in a race to “the next best thing.” I live and enjoy my life today.

6. I’m either winning or learning. Even if things don’t turn out exactly as I’d hoped, I will gain valuable lessons that will be invaluable to me and to others in the future.

7. I give myself permission to go after the opportunities that excite me, to reach out to the people I want to meet, and to apply to the schools that I’d love to attend.

8. I am willing, ready, and going to take one step today toward reaching my goals of getting into my dream school. I know that even just one small action is better than doing nothing.

9. I give myself permission to rest, relax, and take a break from thinking about “grad school stuff” all the time. I know that I don’t have to push myself to exhaustion in order to reach my goals, because my goals want to reach me as much I want to reach them.

10. I surround myself with uplifting people and abundant thoughts that affirm my journey toward the graduate program of my choosing.


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15 minutes ago, EileanDonan said:

Anyone starting to wonder if they'd be lucky just to get to pay Alliant/Argosy/etc to teach you?

No I won't do that but still...

Well Alliant has shut down, so I don't think that's even an option. But yeah, if you a have a pulse and the ability to take out hundreds of thousands in student loans, a sub-par education can be yours for the low low price of $200,000 in grad school debt!

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Is there a reason that it seems that barely anyone is mentioning having applied to Fairleigh Dickinson University / FDU? Almost every other school on my list I've seen multiple others apply to but for FDU I haven't really seen anything at all on this forum about it. Is there something I don't know about why people choose not to apply there for Clinical PhD?

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19 hours ago, chickenlover12 said:

So I didn't realize U Houston had 2 JBs and 3 AVs all accepting students for 2021 (both my POI initials ahah) and now I don't know whether to be hopeful again? I was pretty certain I was an assumed rejection due to others posting invites from those POIs, but now I am conflicted. Anyone else in the same boat? ?

Yes! I’m applying to JB(doing couple’s research) and I’m not sure if I should write U Houston off yet. I have so many schools that I’m assuming rejection from but I can’t say that for sure until like mid-Feb probably.

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3 minutes ago, forensicpsychstu said:

Is there a reason that it seems that barely anyone is mentioning having applied to Fairleigh Dickinson University / FDU? Almost every other school on my list I've seen multiple others apply to but for FDU I haven't really seen anything at all on this forum about it. Is there something I don't know about why people choose not to apply there for Clinical PhD?

I decided against it because of the funding - a very small fellowship for $40,000 a year tuition wasn't feasible for me

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4 minutes ago, forensicpsychstu said:

Is there a reason that it seems that barely anyone is mentioning having applied to Fairleigh Dickinson University / FDU? Almost every other school on my list I've seen multiple others apply to but for FDU I haven't really seen anything at all on this forum about it. Is there something I don't know about why people choose not to apply there for Clinical PhD?

I applied there as well, haven't heard anything particularly negative about it myself. But idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

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4 minutes ago, forensicpsychstu said:

Is there a reason that it seems that barely anyone is mentioning having applied to Fairleigh Dickinson University / FDU? Almost every other school on my list I've seen multiple others apply to but for FDU I haven't really seen anything at all on this forum about it. Is there something I don't know about why people choose not to apply there for Clinical PhD?

No major red flags, per se, but what @chickenlover12said and a few other reasons were why I was accepted there (as my only acceptance) in my first application year and ended up declining it and applying again. Message me if you want more information!

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2 minutes ago, rainydaychai said:

No major red flags, per se, but what @chickenlover12said and a few other reasons were why I was accepted there (as my only acceptance) in my first application year and ended up declining it and applying again. Message me if you want more information!


2 minutes ago, teenygreeny said:

I applied there as well, haven't heard anything particularly negative about it myself. But idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


3 minutes ago, chickenlover12 said:

I decided against it because of the funding - a very small fellowship for $40,000 a year tuition wasn't feasible for me

Thanks all, I was mostly wondering to make sure there isn't some kind of secret problem with the faculty or the school itself! I saw one very disgruntled post from 2018 claiming the faculty was unprofessional for keeping them waiting, but I was unsure if that was just a person who was upset over being rejected. 

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1 minute ago, forensicpsychstu said:



Thanks all, I was mostly wondering to make sure there isn't some kind of secret problem with the faculty or the school itself! I saw one very disgruntled post from 2018 claiming the faculty was unprofessional for keeping them waiting, but I was unsure if that was just a person who was upset over being rejected. 

I didn't apply there, but I know a few people who go/have gone/have interviewed there. While the people I know are sweet as pie, I've heard from several people that the program fosters a pretty competitive environment, like every man for himself vs working together and helping each other out. Some people like that type of environment, and others don't. As I said, this is just what I have heard from several people, including licensed graduates who have served as supervisors to me in practicum. 

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9 minutes ago, EileanDonan said:

On the note of not fully-funded programs and impossible admissions stats: at what point -if any - is anyone here willing to accept an at least partially funded program if that's your only option?

So this is going to be different for different people. When I applied, the only offer I got was from a partially funded program at an inexpensive state school with a good research match (and coincidentally driving distance from my apartment). I opted to take it. My funding is tied to adjuncting because I have an MA-I get 6 credits free plus the adjunct rate for teaching, which is equal to about the cost of the other 6 credits (we take 12 credits every semester the first few years and then 9 towards the end). I am fortunate enough to have a spouse who works and makes enough to cover our living expenses, so I pay the tuition with my adjunct salary. I'm halfway through my 3rd year and haven't taken a penny of loans or used any money aside from what I get adjuncting 1 section. This works for us. But again, I paid $0 for relocation costs and my spouse has a decent income. Without those 2 things, I may have taken my chances applying a 2nd time. I wavered as well, but I ultimately felt like the sure bet was better than the gamble. 

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3 hours ago, justacigar said:

Just looking at previous years, they send out invites pretty late. Last year notifications were from 2/2. I'm not expecting to hear anything until Feb at this point.

Hey there! I actually got an official interview from Washington State and so did another member of my lab who applied to a different POI. The department has already met but it's possible that other faculty members are on different timelines. 

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7 minutes ago, ImAFreudNot said:

Hey there! I actually got an official interview from Washington State and so did another member of my lab who applied to a different POI. The department has already met but it's possible that other faculty members are on different timelines. 

Good to know! only prelims are listed on the results page right now

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3 minutes ago, justacigar said:

Good to know! only prelims are listed on the results page right now

Oops, my bad! :) The interview date isn't until 2/25 though, so it's totally possible (and also very plausible) that faculty will send out interview invites later.

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I'm wondering if anyone has heard from SUNY Albany?  It looks like their interview is scheduled for 2/27, but I haven't seen any posts on the results page about interviews (unless I missed it). Thanks!

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4 hours ago, missmusical said:

I don’t think anyone has. Haven’t seen anything about it on the results page. They’re probably bogged down by the mega influx in apps. 

Thank you! I hadn't see anything but wanted to make sure I hadn't missed a post somewhere! I am trying to take no news as good news.

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3 minutes ago, MNCPSY said:

Has anyone heard from the Clinical PhD, child track at DePaul? It seemed like most of the invites on the results page were for the community track 

I haven't heard but on the CUDCP timeline it says their interview invite deadline is tomorrow. 

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1 hour ago, PsyDuck90 said:

So this is going to be different for different people. When I applied, the only offer I got was from a partially funded program at an inexpensive state school with a good research match (and coincidentally driving distance from my apartment). I opted to take it. My funding is tied to adjuncting because I have an MA-I get 6 credits free plus the adjunct rate for teaching, which is equal to about the cost of the other 6 credits (we take 12 credits every semester the first few years and then 9 towards the end). I am fortunate enough to have a spouse who works and makes enough to cover our living expenses, so I pay the tuition with my adjunct salary. I'm halfway through my 3rd year and haven't taken a penny of loans or used any money aside from what I get adjuncting 1 section. This works for us. But again, I paid $0 for relocation costs and my spouse has a decent income. Without those 2 things, I may have taken my chances applying a 2nd time. I wavered as well, but I ultimately felt like the sure bet was better than the gamble. 

Thanks for the thoughtful response. Honestly, you sound a bit like possible future me. I'm definitely dead set on not accruing additional debt, but if I'm able to avoid that then it's probably still worth considering in the grand scheme of things. If I might ask, do you feel that your choice ended up being worth it? Do you feel at peace with the thought you might have been able to go to a higher-ranked/fully-funded program if you'd waited?

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