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How Are You Coping With The Torture Of Waiting???


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Developing a new habit out of grad cafe, exercising, playing out both fantasies and dystopias about my future in my head.


Lol I submitted my apps in november/early december... So long ago :-(

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Me too! Even though most schools I applied to have a history of February - March notification dates.


The only way I've been coping is with heavy amount of mtv and partying. Hangovers tend to distract you as computer screens make your headaches worse. Also training for a marathon. And reading entire series of comics.

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Am I the only one who has a mini-heart-attack whenever a new email comes in? Every time my phone's email alert goes off I die a little


Nope you are not the only one! Glad to know that I'm not alone lol

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Waiting: check gmail, check spam, check gradcafe...


After a week of this, I downloaded GoogleTalk so I spend less time just staring at an empty inbox and can still talk to friends without doing so.  I still continue to repeat the above.


Pretty sure I'm going to develop an ulcer from this.

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Ok, honest opinion on this...


Do you think that people who post their stats on the results page for gradcafe are above the mean in terms of numbers, at the mean, or below the mean?


Everyone's numbers look so good and I just wanted to see if I'm comparing myself to the cream of the crop, or just an average person in my program. 


Ugh. This is torture. 

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This wait is excruciating considering the fact that I intend to resign on receiving a single admit.


completed applications by mid Oct and I'm yet to hear from any of them :(


All I can do is to hope that it pours when it is the time to rain.

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Ok, honest opinion on this...


Do you think that people who post their stats on the results page for gradcafe are above the mean in terms of numbers, at the mean, or below the mean?


Everyone's numbers look so good and I just wanted to see if I'm comparing myself to the cream of the crop, or just an average person in my program. 


Ugh. This is torture. 


I ask myself that same question every day! I'm totally with you - everyone else's numbers look so good. Honestly, almost everyone else's GRE/GPA scores on the results page are better than mine. Only a few times, I'll think "Holy crap, my scores are better!"


I just hope and hope that those scores are above the mean. And that they don't apply to the same programs I am.

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I think people drawn to the gradcafe are generally the more "test focused" individuals. They ended up here because they were studying for the 'test' of admission.


The people who don't bother to study, have "ok" test scores, and may or may not end up in your next cohort are not here because they inherently don't have quite that many F's to give.

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I think people drawn to the gradcafe are generally the more "test focused" individuals. They ended up here because they were studying for the 'test' of admission.


The people who don't bother to study, have "ok" test scores, and may or may not end up in your next cohort are not here because they inherently don't have quite that many F's to give.


That is what I'm hoping! I've heard other more pessimistic theories, but I go with this for now. :)


I hypothesize (lol) that the kind of people who are overly curious about everything, including grad school chances, are the people who post on results pages and in these forums. Annnnd, those are the people most likely to get into grad school because of this inherent over achieving (even over achieving in freaking out about the future, mind you).


I'm trying to stay positive!!!!!!!  :wacko:


Not that I'm saying that the results page is the creme a la creme... but I do think (or like to think) there is some self selecting going on. 

Edited by teacherplease
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I swing violently between "IM NOT GETTING IN ANYWHERE IM GOING TO FAIL LIFE AND DIE ALONE" to "THEY WOULD BE LUCKY TO HAVE ME." Until I receive word one way or the other, I am going to be mentally unstable and volatile. Apologies to all who have to be near me.

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I realized only this morning the role of that little red diamond in the results page... And now I'm freaking out with other people's scores fml

I hate you.




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I swing violently between "IM NOT GETTING IN ANYWHERE IM GOING TO FAIL LIFE AND DIE ALONE" to "THEY WOULD BE LUCKY TO HAVE ME." Until I receive word one way or the other, I am going to be mentally unstable and volatile. Apologies to all who have to be near me.



Same thing. My family and friends can't stand me anymore, talking about applications and stuff. I gained 6 pounds since early december and I have a terrible gastritis. So, I started running every day (luckly, it's summer here now!) and I changed my eating habits. Not working yet.

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I realized only this morning the role of that little red diamond in the results page... And now I'm freaking out with other people's scores fml


Right?! How does everyone have such high GPAs?!!!! At my school 3.55 and above graduates with honors!!! How is everyone graduating with honors!?? Statistically this does not make sense to me!!! And GREs!! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :blink:

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Right?! How does everyone have such high GPAs?!!!! At my school 3.55 and above graduates with honors!!! How is everyone graduating with honors!?? Statistically this does not make sense to me!!! And GREs!! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :blink:


Seriously?  A GPA of 3.15 at my school was honors, and that was hard enough to get.

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Reading academic articles in preparation for:

  1. Being accepted and being able to jump right in or...
  2. Being rejected and publishing a few papers before reapplying.

I am also studying Chinese and trying to outline what I would do for a year if there were no acceptances.

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I swing violently between "IM NOT GETTING IN ANYWHERE IM GOING TO FAIL LIFE AND DIE ALONE" to "THEY WOULD BE LUCKY TO HAVE ME." Until I receive word one way or the other, I am going to be mentally unstable and volatile. Apologies to all who have to be near me.




I also swing between "I'm going to be rejected 11 times" and "Well, there has to be at least ONE yes in there."

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I also swing between "I'm going to be rejected 11 times" and "Well, there has to be at least ONE yes in there."

I keep telling myself I only need 1 "yes". Then I go through my list of schools and systematically break down all the reasons I won't get into that school. And then I cry and want to throw up. I think this is more emotional than anything else I've experienced, and I've gone through some sh*t in my life.

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